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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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If you can farm him up he gets pretty nasty.

If you pick him against lanes that are hard to gank life becomes more difficult.

But if we are being opportunistic Olaf is probably the most ridiculous bruiser jungle right now

oh I know how he works, I play him quite a bit. He's great. I just haven't tried him since the preseason came in and I imagine he'd be damn good with the new masteries.


Everything is moe to me
see look at this

he asked has zyra changed since season ended

they did nothing to her

stop QQing about 4 patches ago
1 patch ago. we're on 3.14, she was hit in 3.13 and support in general was overhauled and blue nerfed in .14

but masteries are fun now and you can get 1.5% movement speed easily. thats nice.


I gave Aatrox a try last night. Ended up going jungle, just because someone called top before me. I think me and him will be good friends once I get the ip for him.
I gave Aatrox a try last night. Ended up going jungle, just because someone called top before me. I think me and him will be good friends once I get the ip for him.

IKR. I bought him last week and played him for the first time in jungle and shit was glorious.


Zyra support is pretty strong still. She's been overshadowed by Annie in terms of an AP control support but still good imo.

I'd still prefer a Taric or Leona with the current patch but a good Zyra is always a threat, especially now with money.


HotshotGG is such a whiny moany bitch.

He is. But at the same time he's not necessarily wrong.

Outside of scrims, solo queue is the place to practice and scout new talent. If the top US players just fuck around constantly in solo queue, then it's hard to accomplish either of those two goals.

It doesn't need to be drop dead serious, but intentionally trolling just because is pretty constant at that tier and I'm certain it's one of the reasons LCS teams aren't finding fresh talent as frequently as a place like Korea.


i think HSGG has a point

you dont even have to be like KOREA

but for example, EU's midlane talent pool could be attributed to the godlike status of froggen at the time. his popularity was built purely on his play, and so everybody looked to that. the competition drove the players all to practice to beat a target.

being the best has to mean something. In NA, most of the meaning comes from trashtalking. who are the biggest players in NA? dblift? In other regions, players are revered because theyre the best first and then personality later.

i think krepo was commenting on stream about how he was surprised about the lack of seriousness displayed in soloqueue

so anyway, thats why I really wanted quantic to get in. its not that i think that theyre better than everybody, but for them - being the best was the only that could have meaning for them. as foreigners, reputation in NA meant nothing - only winning was valuable. If they became leaders, then all the teams would have to think about that attitude

but nope
back to NA dramatown


back to supports: edward has commented

"I'll introduce my own support champion tier list for the preseason patch.

Tier 1: Annie, Sona, X, X.
Tier 2: Thresh, Leona, Fiddlesticks, Alistar, Lulu, X.
Tier 3: Zyra, Nami, Janna, Soraka, Nunu, Nidalee, Lux, X, X.
Tier 4: Blitzcrank, Elise, Morgana, Zilean.
"X" are the champions I am not willing not reveal right now, but as you can see there are more valid support right now."

rest of his thoughts on the patch - https://www.facebook.com/Edwardcarrylol/posts/706255319385820:0
oh I was more talking about the last couple of games on Xpecial's stream where he was against Hotshot.

Hotshot went like 2/12 on Jayce and was moaning.

Next game Xpecial's team was losing, but starting to come back into it. Their jungler outsmited the other one, and then enemy Riven apparently got DDoS'd. Cue Hotshot moaning at Dyrus and Xpecial saying it was TSM fans and you can never win vs. TSM etc.

just a toxic, moany muppet.


So, are there any mechanical tricks to do more damage with melee champs? More specifically, chasing down people when ganking with Eve or Udyr?

I finally gave in to what's popular and switched over from tier 1 mana regen yellows to tier 1 armor, and I really do find myself running out of mana more often. Hrm.

Karma is probably an X too.


back to supports: edward has commented

"I'll introduce my own support champion tier list for the preseason patch.

Tier 1: Annie, Sona, X, X.
Tier 2: Thresh, Leona, Fiddlesticks, Alistar, Lulu, X.
Tier 3: Zyra, Nami, Janna, Soraka, Nunu, Nidalee, Lux, X, X.
Tier 4: Blitzcrank, Elise, Morgana, Zilean.
"X" are the champions I am not willing not reveal right now, but as you can see there are more valid support right now."

rest of his thoughts on the patch - https://www.facebook.com/Edwardcarrylol/posts/706255319385820:0

Given that I don't see Taric on that list, he's a Tier 1. Not sure who the other Tier 1 would be. Lissandra might be the mystery Tier 2. Maybe Karma other Tier 1. With farm now she'll be potent. Or Orianna. She'll be there somewhere. Huge ass shield, CC ult, lots of damage.

So, are there any mechanical tricks to do more damage with melee champs? More specifically, chasing down people when ganking with Eve or Udyr?

I finally gave in to what's popular and switched over from tier 1 mana regen yellows to tier 1 armor, and I really do find myself running out of mana more often. Hrm.

Karma is probably an X too.

There are melee tricks. If you are faster, you'll want to time your attacks to be able to run a little past the target while still getting every auto attack in. I.e. you'll try to run along the side of them and right click or attackmove to attack them every time your auto is ready. If you are just straight chasing, you'll fall behind every time you auto and be out of range for the next attack.

For supports I run a few mana regen per level glyphs instead of MR. It helps. For midlaners you can get blue buffs and items like chalice to help with mana regen.


So, are there any mechanical tricks to do more damage with melee champs? More specifically, chasing down people when ganking with Eve or Udyr?

I finally gave in to what's popular and switched over from tier 1 mana regen yellows to tier 1 armor, and I really do find myself running out of mana more often. Hrm.

Karma is probably an X too.

cancel the back swing of your auto animation to run ahead of them for the time it takes for your attack to cool down, then attack them

early game the attacks are about every ~1.2s (depending on runes) - so hit em, cancel, run ahead of em for 1s (staying in range for ur general aoe i gueszz), then hit em


Botlane is awful at the moment. Dominated by supports who have point and click CC, and the ADCs that are have pretty low skillcaps (Sivir/Lucian). Traditional supports just got destroyed by the patch.

Riot needs to implement the risk reward system properly. If I'm playing Nami and I perfectly time and land a Q, the Annie shouldn't be able to do the same thing just by pointing and clicking. I'm playing MF, my Q should do more damage than Lucian's since he has E and can run away and I have 0 escape.


Everything is moe to me
So, are there any mechanical tricks to do more damage with melee champs? More specifically, chasing down people when ganking with Eve or Udyr?
dont just click on them to auto, auto and then click in front of them.

that way you will be able cancel your AA winddown animation and move while your AA timer refreshes instead of stopping to complete the attack animation and then moving again.


pls, leave sivir alone

and i find it amusing everybody ignores how highly pro players is rating sona and karma so much target stun

oh yeah annie, qq
taric dat single target such stun wow much team fight

counter annie with leona already

its not just about the 'point and click' its


Botlane is awful at the moment. Dominated by supports who have point and click CC, and the ADCs that are have pretty low skillcaps (Sivir/Lucian). Traditional supports just got destroyed by the patch.

Sona, Taric and Leona are still pretty godlike. Annie was picking up steam long before 3.14.

Sivir and Lucian are strong right now no doubt. But frankly there's ALWAYS 1 or 2 good marksmen a step above the rest. I'm happy to see less Vaynes and Corkis now.


Sona, Taric and Leona are still pretty godlike. Annie was picking up steam long before 3.14.

Sivir and Lucian are strong right now no doubt. But frankly there's ALWAYS 1 or 2 good marksmen a step above the rest. I'm happy to see less Vaynes and Corkis now.

It's very easy to outpressure champs like Corki and Vayne in lane though. Not so easy with Lucian and Sivir.

They've gutted Taric and they will do it again. They'll nerf Lucian and Sivir for sure. Fiddle and Annie are both probably gonna get some nerfs too. Leona...maybe. There's no doubt in my mind that they're going to fix the situation.


Where has the sudden Lucien love-in come from? Now people know how to play him?
Well them making his Q a point and click lockon was definitely a factor.

Doublelift sums it up well.

"He is a lane bully that never falls off at any point in the game, has good wave clear, Dragon control, team fighting, mobility, burst damage, sustained damage, and base stats. Lastly, and most importantly, it is impossible to fuck up on Lucian. All of his abilities are almost impossible to miss, Culling is such a forgiving and weak ability that all you really need to do is mash Q and W, double shot someone to 50% hp, and try to use your ult to clean up or zone. You cannot outlane a Lucian if you’re weaker than him because there is no room to outplay. Like Corki pre-nerf, he doesn’t require ANY skill to play in lane. You walk up, Q, right click, and someone is almost dead."
HotshotGG is such a whiny moany bitch.
No worse than a bunch of other pro players, with teams like TSM being in a bitch league of their own.

Given that I don't see Taric on that list, he's a Tier 1. Not sure who the other Tier 1 would be. Lissandra might be the mystery Tier 2. Maybe Karma other Tier 1. With farm now she'll be potent. Or Orianna. She'll be there somewhere. Huge ass shield, CC ult, lots of damage.
Karma's been potent ever since her rework (and a patch or two afterwards). Except now players can get away with foolishly maxing Q first as a support, most likely.

Blitz lower in a support tier list than Nidalee

What have we come to
Reality. Blitzcrank was never a good support.


I wish supports had less gold, I don't even know what to do with it. I bought a needlessly large rod and morellos with nami last game just to see if I could make ebb and flow do more damage as it bounced. it wasn't enough :/

guess it's back to tanky stuff...

also boko you forgot to uplaod the best part:


But frankly there's ALWAYS 1 or 2 good marksmen a step above the rest
This is different. It's not that some marksmen are above the rest - that too - but more that the others are mediocre in general. So you have Lucian with his overloaded kit while the others aren't doing so hot with the support changes creating yet another unbalance spike for adcs to have to deal with. It wouldn't be a problem if the S4 changes that are meant to actually help adcs deal with that kind of shit - like the new Cleanse - were live, but there's no ETA on those or if they'll even make it to live servers. Meanwhile only the adcs with good early games can actually survive laning.

Bot lane simply isn't healthy right now. It's like the problems that plagued top just shifted over to the lower part of the map.


I wish supports had less gold, I don't even know what to do with it. I bought a needlessly large rod and morellos with nami last game just to see if I could make ebb and flow do more damage as it bounced. it wasn't enough :/

guess it's back to tanky stuff...
I wish Nami/Janna/Lulu had better AP scaling...


It doesn't matter if he was or wasn't a good support.

It's supposed to be worse than support Nidalee

Support Nidalee

blitz didn't really benefit from getting more gold because he could do his job just as well with boots 5 and sighstone. sure now you don't run out of mana post lane and can be a little tankier but he's barely any better

nidalee can throw spears all day and actually deal some damage now. she's still pretty shit in lane, but adcs and supports are really bad at dodging spears so any monkey can play her
It doesn't matter if he was or wasn't a good support.

It's supposed to be worse than support Nidalee

Support Nidalee

While I wouldn't recommend her in a ranked match she does have heal/steroid , bush vision from traps , speed for warding and a seriously annoying poke.

No peel what so ever of course but if you have a tank with some she can be pretty fun. Just way better options than her available.

Blitz it's just really damn annoying early game then seems to be an irrelevance layer on. Really hate him early on though.


because he only has one useful spell? I mean his stun and silence are cool but they're all dependent on him landing that one spell and it has just one single use that it can backfire if he pulls the wrong target

I know what you're saying, but there have been plenty of games that I have either been Blitz or played with a Blitz on my team that pulled the right champs and got the adc some nice early kills.

You can use the knockup and silence to peel someone engaging onto your adc too. They dont have to only be combo'ed with his pull.


It doesn't matter if he was or wasn't a good support.

It's supposed to be worse than support Nidalee

Support Nidalee

Bu.. bu.. bu.. she has a HEAL!

Seriously I rarely see a good support Nidalee. She ranks up there with Lux imo. Players pick them because they wanted to mid and couldn't. They rarely play the role well.

I can't even believe Edward ranked her with Zyra and Nami.
My guess is he ranked her like that because of Lucian, in case you want to do one of the korean comps, or just strictly speaking of 2v1 lane swaps where Nidalee could pretty much destroy the enemy top laner on her own specially with the extra gold.. Can't think of any other reasons.
Why's that?
His "game-changing pulls" have a much higher frequency to backfire and he generally provides very polarizing results as a support. He has little in the way of lane presence if he doesn't land his hooks (which aren't hard to deal with in the first place) or abilities with utility that actively help his ADC / team defensively. Oh, he knocks someone up with his punch as his ADC is fleeing? Great, turn on him then because he isn't very tanky either. Also doesn't help he attracts the kind of player with "man to hell with playing support, I want to have FUN!" mindsets if they're last-pick with no one else calling the role. Taric, Leona and hard-hitting ranged supports rising in popularity ever since the pre-season 4 patch did him more harm than good too. Furthermore:


Fuck Blitzcrank.

It doesn't matter if he was or wasn't a good support.

It's supposed to be worse than support Nidalee

Support Nidalee
I'm not saying I approve of support Nidalee. I'm just saying I deem Blitzcrank to be even lower than that (personally speaking) if I had any choice in the matter should I be the ADC.


I think this would be a pretty good Annie nerf: Passive changed to slow on Q, E. Stun on R. Doesn't ruin her playstyle but keeps it less ridiculous.

As for fidds, idk.
Fiddle's fear is getting destroyed next patch. That should be enough.

As for Annie, you don't really have to touch her CC. Gut her base damages, increase the ratios so mid Annie can still hang and give E a real, meaningful cost so she can't just mash it and charge her stun for free.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
and i find it amusing everybody ignores how highly pro players is rating sona and karma so much target stun

oh yeah annie, qq
taric dat single target such stun wow much team fight

counter annie with leona already

its not just about the 'point and click' its
leona is not a counter to annie, and she falls into point and click stun too anyways. sona is strong because there are higher mana/hp regen that are available early. just spam heal in lane all game and play safe. at the very least she can survive just about anything.


the problem with nerfing annie is that I can't think of a good way to nerf her support without destroying her mid

for now I'm thinking of making her stun last different amounts based on the spell and have it scale with levels, make it last the most on q, then ult then w. so in 1v1s it isn't so bad and scaling wiht levels means it hurts support annie more than mid annie, but I still think she'd be pretty exploitable on support.

also I wouldn't mind turning her q into a skillshot, since I love skillshots, and that may make her less dumb to use and maybe less appealing as a support?

oh and how about getting rid of the stupid 600 range autoattack, giving her autos the morg treatement and a 550 range too.

Fiddle's fear is getting destroyed next patch. That should be enough.

As for Annie, you don't really have to touch her CC. Gut her base damages, increase the ratios so mid Annie can still hang and give E a real, meaningful cost so she can't just mash it and charge her stun for free.
annie's scaling is already pretty strong, at .7 being the lowest on her q and ult, I dunno if having better scaling can really be done heh
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