Stone Ocean
I'm watching one of his Diana games to understand why she's that high.
this is the least terrible jungle tier list i have seen so far. except for kha'zix. and like sejuani being above amumu, but whatever.
His "game-changing pulls" have a much higher frequency to backfire and he generally provides very polarizing results as a support. He has little in the way of lane presence if he doesn't land his hooks (which aren't hard to deal with in the first place) or abilities with utility that actively help his ADC / team defensively. Oh, he knocks someone up with his punch as his ADC is fleeing? Great, turn on him then because he isn't very tanky either. Also doesn't help he attracts the kind of player with "man to hell with playing support, I want to have FUN!" mindsets if they're last-pick with no one else calling the role. Taric, Leona and hard-hitting ranged supports rising in popularity ever since the pre-season 4 patch did him more harm than good too. Furthermore:
Fuck Blitzcrank.
I'm not saying I approve of support Nidalee. I'm just saying I deem Blitzcrank to be even lower than that (personally speaking) if I had any choice in the matter should I be the ADC.
Riot finally released their own API.
Riot finally released their own API.
that's actually pretty cool, too bad I gotta create a new accountRiot finally released their own API.
gotta read up on the documentation but it could be kind of a gamechanger if open enough. a very nice move from riot at leastWhoa. This is kinda cool.
it's still kind of a slap in the face to mid annie but tbh abusing stun for harass at early levels is too much of a mana hogMaking the passive scale with level would be a decent change for Annie.
Do some of you play with other gaffers?
Why is there no such thing as some LoLGAF games? from time to time it would be fun to play with each other wouldn't it?
How did I choose poorly? Talon was free, Zed was not. I'll try Zed though when possible.
so he's an even worse pudge
also this is really cool
What's this going to allow people to do?
basically they're making it publicly available to make server calls to get all the info you can get from lolking, barely anything new.
but it's pretty cool since I can now set my own server and log my stats and do math and crap without depending on lolking
And on the flip side of things, I had a Gold III Swain in a normal today (I'm Bronze V) open the match bitching about me going Rengar support, then going ballistic when the other person stuck bot decided to go Udyr. We pretty much won our lane and were zoning out Ashe and Blitz, he went 0/6 against a Karma, started crapping on our jungler because the Eve didn't sit there and fellate him the whole time, then started going off against the entire team when Eve ganked bot and our Nasus TP'd in from top and we took bot tower with 4 people. And that's when I said fuck it and just tore into him the rest of the match.Saw my friend play Swain yesterday so I bought him.. so fucking good.
My first match I went 11/0/6, and I just finished a game where I went 4/1/12.
And on the flip side of things, I had a Gold III Swain in a normal today (I'm Bronze V) open the match bitching about me going Rengar support, then going ballistic when the other person stuck bot decided to go Udyr. We pretty much won our lane and were zoning out Ashe and Blitz, he went 0/6 against a Karma, started crapping on our jungler because the Eve didn't sit there and fellate him the whole time, then started going off against the entire team when Eve ganked bot and our Nasus TP'd in from top and we took bot tower with 4 people. And that's when I said fuck it and just tore into him the rest of the match.
He spent the rest of the match solo pushing bot and dying every 3 minutes to jungle Yi, the four of us got stronk as hell, took a baron, and won the game.
But of course we actually won because of Swain and because we were all Bronze nubs who don't know how to play and he was Gold V who stealth carried us despite his 12 deaths.
I swear to God, showing up LoLKinging try-hards is the best feeling in this game. I love eating up tears of "fuck off Bronzie". If anyone's thought of saying something like that... No, rank is not a defense for being shit.
I've always liked Foxdrop's tier lists. Sure there's some oddball picks in there (Kha'zix) but he explains the reasons pretty well. Usually includes a video as well.
He's the reason I started playing (and succeeded with) Kha'zix jungle. I'll still rarely do it in ranked but he's one of my favorite junglers and I usually win with it.
was he duoing with someone? That's a serious fall in MMR if he's getting matched with some bronze V players.
either that or he bought the account at the end of the season.
Either way sounds like a total twat.
Blitzcrank isn't voiced by the Sniper from Team Fortress 2, so he's an even worse pudge
Blitzcrank isn't voiced by the Sniper from Team Fortress 2, so yes.
Any other supports even remotely like taric? I love him and nami but i might save for Leona.
3 wins in a row since Bronze 1... I have a total of 16 LP. How many wins is it going to take to raise my MMR and even out the LP gains? D:
My biggest fear is that I'll lose one game and it'll wipe all my LP.
Cliffyb talking to some dude about league of Legends
News at 10
You guys should watch the Cognitive game from today. Good team comp and a really good display of AP Kog'Maw.
solo mid vs. gragas. team comp was rengar top, sivir, lulu, olaf, kog'maw. stupid amounts of movespeed and anyone who got out of range would get kog sniped.Solo lane or duo with a support (who)?
yes. end game he sold his sorc shoes for zephyr. it was funny.Huh, off to find a VOD then. Did he use Lich Bane?
it gets really hard to root for a team when rosters get shaken up so much. eg without krepo and snopeh and yolopete or without froggen and wickd just don't work :/