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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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does anyone here play doto?

i sorta need to learn other #esports games to pursue my dream of being a #esports journalist and fuck am i going near most of the people in dotogaf.

teach me somebody.
does anyone here play doto?

i sorta need to learn other #esports games to pursue my dream of being a #esports journalist and fuck am i going near most of the people in dotogaf.

teach me somebody.
i dont know what doto is but if youre talking about dota off the top of my head boken, einbroch, and dimb are all really good
yeah sure

I know how to play QoP and I guess Jugg if that helps
I'll be on steam tonight. Add me and I can play a few games with you if want. What specifically are you unsure about?

If you know those two heroes, are unsure about the items? Or the metagame? Or what?

Plus most of dotagaf is nice :(


The udyr sat on him after he left bot lane alone.

really the two big 4v5's you guys had without jax were the game changers, before that zed and jax were pretty far ahead. it was smart of them to take jinx and udyr mid and press down hard.

I've also never laned with an actual Draven before so I don't know his strengths/weaknesses. My Sona was supes subpar that game, too.
I'll be on steam tonight. Add me and I can play a few games with you if want. What specifically are you unsure about?

If you know those two heroes, are unsure about the items? Or the metagame? Or what?

Plus most of dotagaf is nice :(

it won't be tonight or tomorrow probably. I'm in ireland so it's already half 11 and I have college and whatnot.

but basically I know how to play those 2 heroes from bot matches. I don't know the metagame or like 90% of what the heroes do. I just need to put time in, but all my friends play League and stuff so I've never been motivated to go into dota solo.


If you have no desire to win you probably shouldn't be playing a competitive game. Everyone is playing League to have fun. There is a stark difference between running what is optimal and running AP Skarner top. I personally wouldn't want to deal with that on my team. I'm not asking for everyone to be the best, but even basic math theorycrafting stops AP Skarner, who is already a poor solo laner.

Obviously it is not okay for the community to verbally lash out at a player for doing something like that, but it's also a response that does not surprise me.
Just because someone is trying out something new to have fun, doesn't mean they don't want to win and will try their hardest to do so. Just because the numbers say their choice is bad doesn't mean it won't work or they won't be successful. Numbers never factor in situational events or player's skills. Anything could really happen. If someone wants to run Skarner top for fun, they should be allowed without harassment from their team.

It is good to communicate unusual picks/builds with your team tho to let them know you are sincere. I usually find if I am upfront about what I'm doing, the team is more understanding if it goes south. :p


dota iz pretty easy to learn
I'm not up to date on any meta or whatever, but ppl were doing trilanes and dabu support when I was playing dota 1 and I heard it's the same exact game right now

like if you need an ez question answered go ahead
dota iz pretty easy to learn
I'm not up to date on any meta or whatever, but ppl were doing trilanes and dabu support when I was playing dota 1 and I heard it's the same exact game right now

like if you need an ez question answered go ahead

it's back to 2 1 2 right now thanks to the last update

which people thought would make solo offlaners have a better time
Just because someone is trying out something new to have fun, doesn't mean they don't want to win and will try their hardest to do so. Just because the numbers say their choice is bad doesn't mean it won't work or they won't be successful. Numbers never factor in situational events or player's skills. Anything could really happen. If someone wants to run Skarner top for fun, they should be allowed without harassment from their team.

It is good to communicate unusual picks/builds with your team tho to let them know you are sincere. I usually find if I am upfront about what I'm doing, the team is more understanding if it goes south. :p

+1 on this. As with all things, communication is key. "Hey guys, I'm kinda new to Skarner so I may need a few more ganks than usual. I won't feed, but I might miss some plays."

That goes a loooong way to tempering anger and helping the team understand where you're coming from. Everyone has champs they haven't played much and want to get better with. Can't be pro with everyone...and not being pro with a given champ shouldn't preclude you from picking them up and learning how to get better with them. At some point playing against bots won't cut it and you're gonna have to play in a normal match vs real people to get better. They didn't give us a pool of 100 champs so that we could feel restricted by strangers to 10 of them.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Just because someone is trying out something new to have fun, doesn't mean they don't want to win and will try their hardest to do so. Just because the numbers say their choice is bad doesn't mean it won't work or they won't be successful. Numbers never factor in situational events or player's skills. Anything could really happen. If someone wants to run Skarner top for fun, they should be allowed without harassment from their team.

It is good to communicate unusual picks/builds with your team tho to let them know you are sincere. I usually find if I am upfront about what I'm doing, the team is more understanding if it goes south. :p
At some point the desire to have fun with something silly infringes upon the group having fun. Part of the game is committing to the fact that you are playing on a team, which means setting aside selfish notions of what you want to play to adjust for what you team needs. If your team needed an AD carry it wouldn't be okay to pick Fiddlesticks. In the same way there are certain requirements for top lane. I am not someone who preaches complete meta adherence but it should be acknowledged that playing off picks can put your team at a severe disadvantage.
At some point the desire to have fun with something silly infringes upon the group having fun. Part of the game is committing to the fact that you are playing on a team, which means setting aside selfish notions of what you want to play to adjust for what you team needs. If your team needed an AD carry it wouldn't be okay to pick Fiddlesticks. In the same way there are certain requirements for top lane. I am not someone who preaches complete meta adherence but it should be acknowledged that playing off picks can put your team at a severe disadvantage.

just play fiora
Oh god this game can drive me crazy sometimes.

Been playing again recently. A nice mix of ARAM and normals. Mainly support but will play any lane needed if people really want to support. Mostly been having a good time. Stick some tunes on and just have fun. Was winning most games recently so that's a plus.

Then I thought why not give ranked another shot as it's nice to have that as an extra goal to work towards.

I'm in bronze 2
First game
I ask if support is ok but first pick goes support. Oh well that's fine. So I say I guess il jungle then? Some guy who is left with ADC says they don't want to ADC so I say il do it. I'm third pick and 2nd went top.

Then 4th and 5th pick. 4th picks Varus. Team is like ????? 2 secs before start Varus is "wtf omega you said support". Basically he incapable if reading chat or looking and what your team has already picked. Game starts, he goes mid and feeds while moaning at me. My support is meh at best and game goes to shit.

Ok no prob it happens. Il do one more.

Second game.
I'm 3rd pick going same time as 4th pick. 4th asks if he can do supp or jungle. 1st picks jungle so I let him go support and I'm left ADC again.

Game starts and my support (who went lux) dies twice in 3 mins, Hardly wards, steals farm, wanders of randomly leaving me 1v2, and never peals. Jungle is terrible at ganks and starts when we are in low health and no mana. Both mid and jungle randomly turn up and steal my farm. All lanes loose massively. I managed to eventually get enough farm to do some damage and do ok considering how bad we are doing. But obviously we lose.

I really want to enjoy ranked but I just constantly get teamed with people who act like they have hardly played the game. It's just so infuriating. I never get games like this so frequently in normals.

Sorry for rant. Needed to vent. Just loaded up some BF4 after to let off some steam blowing up tanks.

I should just not play ranked but I really want to lol.


you can still do it

its still great

Oh god this game can drive me crazy sometimes.

Been playing again recently. A nice mix of ARAM and normals. Mainly support but will play any lane needed if people really want to support. Mostly been having a good time. Stick some tunes on and just have fun. Was winning most games recently so that's a plus.

Then I thought why not give ranked another shot as it's nice to have that as an extra goal to work towards.

I'm in bronze 2
First game
I ask if support is ok but first pick goes support. Oh well that's fine. So I say I guess il jungle then? Some guy who is left with ADC says they don't want to ADC so I say il do it. I'm third pick and 2nd went top.

Then 4th and 5th pick. 4th picks Varus. Team is like ????? 2 secs before start Varus is "wtf omega you said support". Basically he incapable if reading chat or looking and what your team has already picked. Game starts, he goes mid and feeds while moaning at me. My support is meh at best and game goes to shit.

Ok no prob it happens. Il do one more.

Second game.
I'm 3rd pick going same time as 4th pick. 4th asks if he can do supp or jungle. 1st picks jungle so I let him go support and I'm left ADC again.

Game starts and my support (who went lux) dies twice in 3 mins, Hardly wards, steals farm, wanders of randomly leaving me 1v2, and never peals. Jungle is terrible at ganks and starts when we are in low health and no mana. Both mid and jungle randomly turn up and steal my farm. All lanes loose massively. I managed to eventually get enough farm to do some damage and do ok considering how bad we are doing. But obviously we lose.

I really want to enjoy ranked but I just constantly get teamed with people who act like they have hardly played the game. It's just so infuriating. I never get games like this so frequently in normals.

Sorry for rant. Needed to vent. Just loaded up some BF4 after to let off some steam blowing up tanks.

I should just not play ranked but I really want to lol.
team builder queue pls come sooner
Who is the Fiora of Dota?
nobody is that bad
okay maybe morphling





i do want a proper double daggers fighting style

but fkin katarina (jk i love dat gurl) is kinda occupying that design space so we will never get one

i recognise u cud say that about yi vs yasuo but yi has sword boots making him unique plus hes chinese guys


talon has a single large arm blade

i want double daggers,
the core skill is stabbing both of them into the enemy (like mutilate i guess)


i do want a proper double daggers fighting style

but fkin katarina (jk i love dat gurl) is kinda occupying that design space so we will never get one

i recognise u cud say that about yi vs yasuo but yi has sword boots making him unique plus hes chinese guys
I dunno she's a warrior girl and I like warrior girl characters
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