Does the lady doing the interviewing know she's wearing waaay too much fucking makeup?
Cheeks are approaching Poppy-levels.
Cheeks are approaching Poppy-levels.
this is what's popular in europe.Does the lady doing the interviewing know she's wearing waaay too much fucking makeup?
Cheeks are approaching Poppy-levels.
right, because he's european. connect the dots.iunno kevin has just as much makeup on
It was a siege/poke comp... which they barely sieged with. The like two times they actually sieged they wrecked and almost won, but the game got to a point where even if they sieged they couldn't do shit.
Doesn't help that Dexter was so fucking behind from getting counterjungled for 40 minutes that by 60 minutes he had barely finished 3 items.
Jenga said:Renek's escape the nerf bat so much I don't think he'll get nerfed. Rengar and Mundo tho are probably almost priority one on the new perma ban list after this patch ships tho
you mean j4, lee sin, vi, elise aka all the junglers played at the moment?Nah, with chalice/athene's Ori mana costs are no problem, unless you are dumb and spam her skills willy-nilly, which you shouldn't need because your autos will hurt enough. Mid lane is the shortest lane as well, and unless you're literally up to the enemy turret, just shielding yourself and turning W on will allow you to escape almost all ganks, barring the godlike gankers like J4 and such.
yup, I'm no stranger to the blow up the support fast so she can't ult but kerp kept doing that and syndra ult isn't fast enough to stop the hugeifynah, synda had nothing to do with lulu. best fights for clg were when syndra blew all her spells on lulu, but that was only because syndra was out of position. aphro/double still got crushed that game.
he also doesn't have a real passive.
do we have to have the "resourceless doesn't automatically mean you're better" conversation again?
I agree with closer. We all need to switch to Trynfuel.if we could stave our addiction of non-renewable resources I think the world would be better off
Meh, it's fair on most champs. It's kinda ridiculous on Annie, Leona, Taric though.I think I've played enough support matches to form an opinion: revert the support champ scaling changes ASAP.
you mean j4, lee sin, vi, elise aka all the junglers played at the moment?
your autos hurting enough is just not true, you have like 35 more damage by level 7, what are you talking about?
and if you steal blue buff and push ori to her turret she's terrible, you can poke her easily since she loses the defensive stats of e passive when qw'ing the caster minions and using too much w just drains her mana too fast (and she can't keep up with your push if only clearing with q). yea with blue and chalice she can do alright but so does every single ap mid in the game so that's really not ori's issue.
and all her kit is outplayable, you can dodge all her spells and her ult has a big ass startup time for you to flash out or whatever. she's the slowest champion in the game along with anivia and co. and has a low auto range, has counters in like gragas and ziggs and all teh assassins and has been nerfed a million times
no denying she's really strong but imo she represents how most champions should be, very strong at what they do with clear weaknesses to exploit and windows for outplaying.
it'd be pretty depressed if (when) she gets nerfed
yup, I'm no stranger to the blow up the support fast so she can't ult but kerp kept doing that and syndra ult isn't fast enough to stop the hugeify
I never said he needed it.
And to be honest, he's been a dominant force all season and does tons of damage while being tanky and resourceless.
Edit: and mobile and has pretty good sustain.
Okay then. What wouldn't you mind seeing nerfed and why?
I've never played Renekton but I don't see him as a dominant force in the a sense I feel he needs negative changes in any way.
I like the way wombat says bubbadub's name, so im going to root for DTG.
I remember a tournament two years ago where he shouted "AND IT HITS!" after an Ashe arrow whiffed.every other play by play rivington does is just something that hasn't/isn't happening.
krepo i want to sex you
EG EG EG EG EG EG, sorry for my incoherent babble, I'm a rabid EG fan. =[
I'm just a rabid Krepo fan. And anyone who plays Ziggs, too.
Yeah, I used to be somewhat like that too, being the only person I was really a big fan of was Froggen, but then I started seeing the team's inside more often and they seem just like the best of friends and I can't help loving all of em. Also, right there with ya man, I'm a Ziggs main =] loving the love he's getting now that league of assassins is over for now. He might get nerfed tho =[
Which skin do I buy, Vandal Gragas or Oktoberfest Gragas?
Already have Gragas Esq.
Decide for me GAF
mundo, shyv, olaf, elise, etc. are permabans in solo q and except elise they're played more top anyways. my last 5 ranked games had all jarvans and lees and vis and evelynns. and if they camp your ass you're dead just like syndra and lux and anivia and any other mid laner without escapes.Really? I'm seeing Mundo, Shyvana, Olaf, Elise etc. Vi is being played, but Vi level 6 ganks are a terror for anyone, not just Orianna. As for Lee and Elise, their ganks are very dependent on a minion blockable linear skillshot, if they don't get that their ganks are pretty avoidable, unless of course, you're pushed all the way up to their turret.
If you're spamming QW in lane and losing your mana, I assume you're doing it to harass your enemy, that is not needed with Ori, her autos hurt enough to harass along with the QW being used scarcely.
If you're pushed under turret, your extra auto damage allows you to farm under the tower a little better than other mids who have less auto damage, as you don't have to finish the minion with a skill. Autoing the melee minions and using a few qs and autos to finish the casters is very doable, you might take harass but that's expected if you're farming under tower, this is also supposed to be the time you tell your jungler to gank their mid's ass.
I'm pretty sure almost everyone considers Orianna as an extremely safe pick, and that is for a reason... even if you get set behind, you're still useful just because your ultimate exists, and because her laning is one of the best in mid lane.
okto gragas is bestWhich skin do I buy, Vandal Gragas or Oktoberfest Gragas?
Already have Gragas Esq.
Decide for me GAF
mundo, shyv, olaf, elise, etc. are permabans in solo q and except elise they're played more top anyways. my last 5 ranked games had all jarvans and lees and vis and evelynns.
orianna's picked because she's a lane bully and can survive a lot of assassins with her e, then transition to great mid and late game because of her ult. nothing of that is op
I dunno where you get the idea that an underfarmed ori is still useful, her ult is nice displacement and all but without damage people just shrug it off :/
okto gragas is best
dat leona ban respect
wot with da 2 bans tho
ah ok, I understand what you mean but that's more about utility not scaling than ori in particular. the same could be said about lux, lissandra, anivia, syndra... all the control mages.I say the last thing because compared to other mids who offer less utility, Orianna offers more even when she doesn't have damage built. Ziggs for example, offers very little if he doesn't have his damage, almost all mid assassins offer nothing if they don't have their damage, Ori in comparison still has the ability to completely win a teamfight for her team even if she has no damage just because her ult is so good, she also has the shield and speed/slow boost. Not saying Ori is super amazing when behind, but she's definitely more useful than a lot of other champions when behind.
ah ok, I understand what you mean but that's more about utility not scaling than ori in particular. the same could be said about lux, lissandra, anivia, syndra... all the control mages.
it's why I love these champions, they're not just damage (even tho they fortunately have a lot of that) but they provide a lot of other cool shit like shields and cc and vision and steal potential and all that crap :3
the problem with this is that it's just too randomAlso, about deserving, I won't talk about the politics of buying a spot or w/e, I don't really have a solid opinion on that yet, but my opinion is that if a team gets into the LCS, they should be able to beat the other people who desire to get in the LCS. If EG comes in and wrecks DTG, who've been together for so long, they'll increase the overall skill level that people will need to get in the LCS, and hopefully we won't see another Velocity where they get stomped by everyone and their matches are a joke.
the problem with this is that it's just too random
like eg could make up a one time cheese thing and win 2-0 with that and suddenly all that training and effort from dtg goes to shit. I mean it's probably more of an issue with this playoff garbage thing and could be easily remedied by making top 3 teams in challenger league move up and bottom 3 teams in lcs go down and be done with it
Ziggs is so good in 2v2 Showdown
Dat poke
I guess, but it's Best of 5 for that sole reason I believe.