Played a game of dota 2 to see how it is. Nope I don't think I like it. Its all a bit busy for my tastes visually (makes it harder to tell what's going on) and just can't be bothered to start from the bottom in another moba. (Won the game but as my first it was a mess with no real structure to the flow at all).
So back to lol I go. Decide on trying my old fav janna out again. Won 1 and lost 2 but a
Had fun in all three as I like that champ so much. Got my self the frost queen skin as its on sale then picked up the frost fire Annie skin and decided to see what all the fuss was about her as support. So played normal draft and I have to say she is pretty nuts simply from her stun and damage output from early on. Set up so many kills and countered so many attacks with it. Might have to use her more often.
So I'm gonna keep playing ranked but try not to worry so much about the rank itself. Just play my best and have fun. Try and stick with janna taric and Annie support as I really enjoy all three.
That's the best way to play ranked, congratulations for getting in the right mindset!