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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Played a game of dota 2 to see how it is. Nope I don't think I like it. Its all a bit busy for my tastes visually (makes it harder to tell what's going on) and just can't be bothered to start from the bottom in another moba. (Won the game but as my first it was a mess with no real structure to the flow at all).

So back to lol I go. Decide on trying my old fav janna out again. Won 1 and lost 2 but a
Had fun in all three as I like that champ so much. Got my self the frost queen skin as its on sale then picked up the frost fire Annie skin and decided to see what all the fuss was about her as support. So played normal draft and I have to say she is pretty nuts simply from her stun and damage output from early on. Set up so many kills and countered so many attacks with it. Might have to use her more often.

So I'm gonna keep playing ranked but try not to worry so much about the rank itself. Just play my best and have fun. Try and stick with janna taric and Annie support as I really enjoy all three.

That's the best way to play ranked, congratulations for getting in the right mindset!
nekofrog: You really need to stop chatting. You're being "that guy" to the nth degree. Yes, your Ashe is completely awful, but reminding her she's awful every five seconds isn't going to do you any favors. You need her to keep playing and not go into mental shutdown mode if you want to win the game.

There's really been nothing in this match that required more than pings for communication. If Ashe is really so dense that she can't tell what she's done wrong in these situations, she's not going to somehow learn on-the-fly. Assume she's going to be a liability and leave it at that, don't exacerbate the situation by antagonizing.

A lot of winning in Silver is really just learning to manage people. Try to think of yourself as the shift manager at a fast food restaurant: yeah, everyone on your team is probably a total fuck-up, but just concentrate on getting the fries cooked and going home with your paycheck, let someone else worry about their lack of future career prospects. You don't need them to be Gold, you just need them to be less Bronze than the other team until the end of this specific game.
That's the best way to play ranked, congratulations for getting in the right mindset!

I just find while its annoying to get trolls or bad players in your ranked game because you want to up your rank its still more common to get bad player / trolls in normals because. Its normals. That's where you try stuff out. So if I'm bronze I'm bronze. At least I have a better chance of getting people who actually want to win (albeit on a slightly better chance lol) in ranked.

My last game last night I just had to laugh. Jungle, top, ADC and mid all bitching at each other. I'm just playing and pinging and trying to suggest stuff etc etc. About 30 mins in jungle days "you all suck except janna". I just laugh and tell him to stop arguing and play and try to win if we can. 2 mins of quiet. Bitching starts again. Just Gonna try let it wash over me and concentrate on improving my game. If my team sucks it sucks. Can't change that but I can still try and improve my self.


nekofrog: You really need to stop chatting. You're being "that guy" to the nth degree. Yes, your Ashe is completely awful, but reminding her she's awful every five seconds isn't going to do you any favors. You need her to keep playing and not go into mental shutdown mode if you want to win the game.

There's really been nothing in this match that required more than pings for communication. If Ashe is really so dense that she can't tell what she's done wrong in these situations, she's not going to somehow learn on-the-fly. Assume she's going to be a liability and leave it at that, don't exacerbate the situation by antagonizing.

A lot of winning in Silver is really just learning to manage people. Try to think of yourself as the shift manager at a fast food restaurant: yeah, everyone on your team is probably a total fuck-up, but just concentrate on getting the fries cooked and going home with your paycheck, let someone else worry about their lack of future career prospects. You don't need them to be Gold, you just need them to be less Bronze than the other team until the end of this specific game.

People aren't going to learn what they're doing wrong unless you tell them. I told her a level 2 engage would have been stronger, and that she stopped to auto when she should have run. I wasn't being a dick or flaming.
People aren't going to learn what they're doing wrong unless you tell them. I told her a level 2 engage would have been stronger, and that she stopped to auto when she should have run. I wasn't being a dick or flaming.

You told her a Lv2 engage would have been stronger after she already died in a Lv1 engage. That's not useful or pertinent information. It's nice of you to want to help her grow better in future games, but she's unlikely to actually appreciate it - much the opposite - and it doesn't help you since the odds are actually better that if you ever see her again, it will be on the opposite team.

Basically, don't try to "help" people in Bronze/Silver/Gold unless it's information that can still help them in the game currently being played. Example: "Let's not tower dive again, we aren't tanky enough to handle it" could be useful information later in the game. "Good job fucking up that Lv1 jungle fight" is not, because it's not like there's going to be another Lv1 jungle fight in that game.

The "nice" way to do this is to always be constructive, but I understand with a player as bad as that Ashe was, that's a big ask. The sane way is actually just not to use chat for much of anything at all. It's basically a waste of time at low Elo even typing at people.
I feel blind watching your stream because your face blocks the minimap.

At this point I almost feel like the easiest way to jungle is just pick a champ with a certain role late game, and then actually focus on executing that role. Just won a 50+ minute game where we were behind for awhile, had 3 inhibs down at one point, but good communication saw us threw. Nobody on our team ever flamed, we discussed how to deal with their team (they had a fed Rengar who build ad and was crushing our carry, and we had a double bruiser comp - me on Shy jungle and a top Renekton - so I said lets not worry about diving their carries, since their Ezreal was very behind our caitlyn, just group tightly so Rengar doesnt have a target, and when he shows blow everything on him. Suddenly we went from losing these really poor fights with horrible positioning and everyone split up, to being very co-ordinated and winning teamfights with ease) and suddenly we won every teamfight and won the match. Eventually. We were so scared of throwing that when we got a baron and pushed, we went through their base (this at 50+ mins), destroyed each inhib and its towers individually, then decided to back off and buy, then very tentatively tower dove them.


Junior Member
[3:29] Hey youre from gaf right?
[3:36] : I'm looking for someone to trade mystery gift or fizz skin so I can get the gragas icon. Looking for peeps from gaf on my friendslist to avoid getting scammed
[3:46] : found someone! :)
Yeah your getting removed.


Draven is a really strong adc right now.

But I was talking about Mundo in my other post :p.

I know u were talking about mundo. It was just easier to quote instead of typing "hey newt" or whatever.

Dravens free right now I think. I'll give him a shot over the weekend. I've only tried him once or twice before.

Protip: Asking someone about the quality of a champion that they use as an avatar is like asking an over-involved parent how great their child is.

Id rather ask someone who has experience with a champ over someone who doesn't play them often. I'll take suggestions from anyone though.

going to stream some ranked games:

What timezone are you? I always get emails from twitch at like 4 am that you are streaming.


Yeah your getting removed.

Haha so you dont want to be messaged on a message client, I would suggest you turn it off then. And yes that was me. I also talked to Newt and he was really nice but he told me he didnt have RP to exchange. Later found another friend to exchange and thought I would give Newt a skin gift for been nice when I asked him about it. Perhaps if you weren't a grinch you would have gotten one too... humbug!


Is there a way to lower twitchs quality? My internet is really shitty in the morning and trying to watch neko but it just lags too much


let me lower it a bit. dropped it to 30fps maybe that'll help

It seems a bit better, thx! And sorry for bothering you with that.

The streamer needs twitch partnership :(

Sucks because I really enjoy watching GAF people play but my connection likes 480p better

Oh wow that sucks. Yeah my internet likes 480p most of the time too, late at night I can get away with higher bandwidth but 480p most of the time for smooth viewing for me :(


Is there a way to lower twitchs quality? My internet is really shitty in the morning and trying to watch neko but it just lags too much

The streamer needs twitch partnership :(

Sucks because I really enjoy watching GAF people play but my connection likes 480p better


Xerath has one of the most underrated dances in the game.

Agreed. It's pretty swag, same with zacs.

MF visual update next. You heard it here folks.

in the video riot released about showdown, hee voice is different when she ults and it looks a lot better.
Xerath has one of the most underrated dances in the game.
If you spam his dance, it's like he's rubbing his head for good luck or waving at you depending on the angle.

MF visual update next. You heard it here folks.

in the video riot released about showdown, hee voice is different when she ults and it looks a lot better.
Her ult looked the same to me, and the extra voice-over might be another Lee Sin situation where they just add a sound clip for variety. Sivir has some new lines I hadn't heard before either in her Snowdown skin spotlight. Bit suspect why they'd do one for MF this late though, so you could be right anyways.
LoLGAF needs more poros.

Tempted to change avatar now.
ziggs and nidalee

with the sustain kings nerfed poke comps might turn impossible to deal with and we'll be crying for assassin buffs lol
Now imagine people getting around to using this little guy if poke champions are going to be the norm once more:


Shame I won't be able to abuse an early Spirit Visage anymore with it losing 10% of its cooldown soon.

Ziggs is the only mid champ I've been able to destroy Heimer with.
Zyra, Brand, Karma, Cassiopea and Malzahar are a few more that are capable at keeping Heimerdinger honest or shutting down his game plan. Could even just go AD Trist mid
(fuck gimmicky-ass AP Trist)
for a strong pusher that's safe from ganks.

LoLGAF needs more poros.
Careful what you ask for! Have some sad Poro's:



jarvan is another 100% ban in showdown, he's such a broken champion in these scenarios

just got matched against a diamond couple of jarvan kha6, both starting red pot. good on them for instantly blowing up my unranked brother but eh, this is why I think the only point of this mode is custom games. or the whole game, even, it'd be much happier if I had more friends and just played custom games of sr all day.

Agreed. It's pretty swag, same with zacs.

MF visual update next. You heard it here folks.

in the video riot released about showdown, hee voice is different when she ults and it looks a lot better.

looked the same to me :/


they bought in, iz totally feasible though I dunno how I feel about it

clg.eu/eg has been on of the most storied teams in a really uninteresting sentimental way that riot seems to like, I'd be interested to see what occurs in an NA LCS with them
also gud to see dat yung pobelter get a shot
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