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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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9 wins in a row duoing with my friend (to be fair he is Plat 1 on a smurf, I'm level 23). All on Zyra support and Volibear jungle (just bought him on sale, too). Last game was intense. Supported a random Draven in a long farm lane against Ez and Soraka. Fun night.
So Fidd's Q got another ninja nerf. It always gets the target to run away now.

GJ Riot. Nerfing mid/jungle Fidd harder than support Fidd.

RNG like that is legit terrible. Fidd has a flash on his ultimate, get behind the person and fear them in the direction you want them to go now that you have actual control over which way they run. The mechanic of "randomly the best CC in the game, randomly mediocre" wasn't good for Fidd junglers, it was good for Fidd supports who are never in (and can't survive getting into) a position to use it properly and can afford to go "fear fishing" because their impact on the game is small enough that it doesn't matter that much if RNG sends the opponent the wrong way.

If you're a Fidd jungler you shouldn't be having that much trouble getting into a position where you can use it to send them backward or at least at an oblique angle. It's entirely support that was over-reliant on walk-up fear "initiation".


Cousins says he wants to 1v1 me for 'fun' knowing that I only play Yi on my Australian level 6 account since it's the only non free thing I own

I agree.

I go in and he has a full armour rune page on rammus. Insta-quit at the 1:50 mark when my minions showed him.

Scumbag family


After a few games of Showdown, I've come to the conclusion that LeBlanc is op as fuck on it. I ignore all the cs, camp the brush, then QW when anyone gets close and boom, you win.


Against Katarina, that isn't even half bad...

Yeah it didn't work out so great for her. I like to think that just at that moment when the queue popped all of the trolls ended up on one team and for once everyone else had a perfect game of friendly teammates. A Snowdown miracle.


Snowdown Showdown is interesting. It's super stressful though, since it's basically pure mechanics. I don't seem to ever have under 90-96 ping now, normally 80-90 in 5v5. I've only had one showdown game where I felt like I was badly lagging and kept randomly walking instead of using abilities.

I feel like not only are the games really quick, but also this mode could really help people get better at laning. The CS is the obvious thing, but you also really get driven home how much damage certain things can do at certain levels. I had a big minion lead one game but misjudged/got hit by one Lee Sin Q, which was all it took to end it. If I had played more safely and simply traded minions the rest of the way out, I probably would have been fine.

It leads to hopefully educational mistakes, and also amusing victories, like a Lee Sin diving me under the tower only to get barrier/crit, or having a big minion lead in a game and being able to play safely enough to simply wear the opponent down in a "you are already dead" sense.

I haven't played enough to know, but I also feel like it is not as unbalanced as one might imagine. There are so many combinations you can face, and at least you can still adjust runes, masteries, and skills to match the enemy champion.
Cousins says he wants to 1v1 me for 'fun' knowing that I only play Yi on my Australian level 6 account since it's the only non free thing I own

I agree.

I go in and he has a full armour rune page on rammus. Insta-quit at the 1:50 mark when my minions showed him.

Scumbag family

Australians, man. Never trust 'em.


that game was hilarious. I was so fed and we were winning pretty hard, but then Shaco went afk for a few minutes and they got us down to one tower. Their Vi said "easy" cos she thought they won, but then our Shaco came back and double killed the Nunu and Zed that were finishing.

We ended up beating them in the next fight, taking baron, killing them again and their Vi rage quit. We finished the game and everyone said "easy".

So funny.

Mundo op


Played some good games with Type2 last night. Wukong + Yasuo is a pretty good combo :)

I still think Yasuo is a good champ. He does so much sustained damage with shiv and IE.




that's the stuff of nightmares.


Snowdown Showdown is interesting. It's super stressful though, since it's basically pure mechanics. I don't seem to ever have under 90-96 ping now, normally 80-90 in 5v5. I've only had one showdown game where I felt like I was badly lagging and kept randomly walking instead of using abilities.

I feel like not only are the games really quick, but also this mode could really help people get better at laning. The CS is the obvious thing, but you also really get driven home how much damage certain things can do at certain levels. I had a big minion lead one game but misjudged/got hit by one Lee Sin Q, which was all it took to end it. If I had played more safely and simply traded minions the rest of the way out, I probably would have been fine.

It leads to hopefully educational mistakes, and also amusing victories, like a Lee Sin diving me under the tower only to get barrier/crit, or having a big minion lead in a game and being able to play safely enough to simply wear the opponent down in a "you are already dead" sense.

I haven't played enough to know, but I also feel like it is not as unbalanced as one might imagine. There are so many combinations you can face, and at least you can still adjust runes, masteries, and skills to match the enemy champion.
I don't enjoy how it all ends up so tailored to 1v1s tho. like with the hp relics, and people running weird runes and masteries and exhaust/barrier+ignite and just everyone starting red pot, etc.

I wish people were playing it as laning practice rather than another mode to "tryhard" or look for cheese or whatever


I really want to learn Elise, but I hate champions who can switch between forms and have a multitude of skills. Too much to manage for my tiny little brain.
Does anyone else pink the small circle bush halfway between mid and dragon/baron? I've been doing this and it almost always lasts long enough to pay for itself. I usually favor dragon early and baron late, but it depends on where my team is warding.


Does anyone else pink the small circle bush halfway between mid and dragon/baron? I've been doing this and it almost always lasts long enough to pay for itself. I usually favor dragon early and baron late, but it depends on where my team is warding.

It's crazy how many people I see run up and down both sides of river without ever looking in the bushes all game. It's like with the vision changes, people think "oh everyone has to ward but nobody does it so fuck it there's nothing there".
It's crazy how many people I see run up and down both sides of river without ever looking in the bushes all game. It's like with the vision changes, people think "oh everyone has to ward but nobody does it so fuck it there's nothing there".

Yea it's been great. I've been starting it pretty early, too. After SotAG in the jungle or sightstone as a support.


Leona is my new favorite support. Hands down. Just had the best Leona game of my life. I told my Sivir exactly what I was going to do in champ select, she listened and trusted me. Helped her get a super early lead by all-inning Annie very quickly, then keeping the pressure on constantly. That's a replay to watch.

Every dive I made under tower, she trusted me and followed, even when I didn't communicate I was doing it. We never lost a fight.


Okay what the fuck at Shyvana. She is seriously way too powerful top. I was Renekton and I had tons of tank items and she just had a hydra and cloth armor. Out damaged and out tanked me.
Okay what the fuck at Shyvana. She is seriously way too powerful top. I was Renekton and I had tons of tank items and she just had a hydra and cloth armor. Out damaged and out tanked me.

She built sustain and damage. That beats tank items in lane most of the time.

But I do think she's OP.


Okay what the fuck at Shyvana. She is seriously way too powerful top. I was Renekton and I had tons of tank items and she just had a hydra and cloth armor. Out damaged and out tanked me.
You should've bought hydra. It's too hard to not go hydra.

Renekton's W works so well with hydra, animation canceling for great power.


Played and won my first showdown match. I was Jynx vs. Malzahar. At first I just concentrated on minions, but eventually he overextended and got caught on my chompers and I finished him off.


My showdown queue times were like...10-20 seconds even late at night on the NA server, so maybe other servers have slow queues? Or maybe if you get high ratings it gets longer waits.
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