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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Question, after getting gragas kats and poro icon I queued up with a friend for ARAM and we won. We then q'd up for showdown 2v2 and won our second match and Ive still havent recieved veigars icon and well obviously neither the teemo icon. Is it only a premade of 5 that counts towards the veigars icon? Ive read that aram and showdown should count.

My matches were from 16 hrs ago


Question, after getting gragas kats and poro icon I queued up with a friend for ARAM and we won. We then q'd up for showdown 2v2 and won our second match and Ive still havent recieved veigars icon and well obviously neither the teemo icon. Is it only a premade of 5 that counts towards the veigars icon? Ive read that aram and showdown should count.

My matches were from 16 hrs ago
As I posted on the last page... The official response is that icons can take up to 3 days to show up. It's weird it works this way since some get the icons instantly, but that is what they are saying.

I got the veiger one queuing up with just one friend and winning an aram match. So your ARAM should count, you just have to be patient.


Cloud 9 vs fnatic is about to start.

I wish Kassadin wasn't 100% banned at my elo. The reason he's fun is because his 1-5 is a fucking nightmare, but if you survive it you are a god. The challenge to him is surviving the first 5 levels, because it can be really fucking rough sometimes. It's a short period of time, but still fun to play it.



peke playing ranek mid


I wish Kassadin wasn't 100% banned at my elo. The reason he's fun is because his 1-5 is a fucking nightmare, but if you survive it you are a god. The challenge to him is surviving the first 5 levels, because it can be really fucking rough sometimes. It's a short period of time, but still fun to play it.

it's not really a challenge when you can go 0-2 with 30cs difference and still do your job. plus he has a long range silence so it's not that hard

kass is dumb


the renekton pick was a big mistake lol

whole fnatic team is pretty bad at dealing with kassadin, very dumb picks of them by not respecting kass

c9 playing their team well. try hard mode on
fnatic what are you doing :/

They're catching Draven. Repeatedly. (Into 0-for-3 teamfights.)

They might need to realize that even when the casters are calling you out on your roaming gank squad play style, people have got you figured out. Hopefully they don't spend the whole season doing one-trick pony Fnatic the same way they did back in their "we only win via backdoor" days.
Kassadin's 1-5 isn't even bad right now. It's why he's so good.

He SHOULD be complete trash before 6, but he's just not right now. He's just pretty ridiculous.
the renekton pick was a big mistake lol
"Man, I'm not able to threaten Kassadin at all in lane, he's getting kills elsewhere and he'll scale better than me late game because I'm Renekton... I know, I'll buy a Sunfire Cape to turn this around!"

Tournament League still as boring as ever I see.


huh, since when's fnatic been a one trick pony? it's one of the most entertaining teams to watch because you never know what they're gonna do

"Man, I'm not able to threaten Kassadin at all in lane, he's getting kills elsewhere and he'll scale better than me late game because I'm Renekton... I know, I'll buy a Sunfire Cape to turn this around!"

Tournament League still as boring as ever I see.
the game was over when hai did that great tribrush gank top and got fed and fnatic's answer to kass are a bunch of slows and renekton lol

they disrespected c9 in pick and ban phase, they deserved to get stomped
huh, since when's fnatic been a one trick pony? it's one of the most entertaining teams to watch because you never know what they're gonna do

What? They're going to hide in bushes and gank you in the jungle. They're going to roam as five and try to pick up skirmish kills as soon as a tower goes down. You always knew what they were going to do, just some teams (C9) didn't make the adjustments last season to deal with it, and were too focused on the meta to ban the enabling champions Fnatic used to make it happen (Kassadin, Lissandra, etc.).

Even back before they were in the LCS, they were a one-trick pony, they just had a different trick. Oh, it's Fnatic, get ready for the Kassadin/TF backdoor. They were practically the CLG of Europe.

They're still a good team, but they need to be able to employ more than one playstyle moving forward. It can't be as easy as it has been in the past to say, "Oh, it's 30 minutes and the outer turrets are down, Fnatic's grouped as five in a bush." Good teams will punish you for habits that deeply ingrained.


Kassadin's 1-5 isn't even bad right now. It's why he's so good.

He SHOULD be complete trash before 6, but he's just not right now. He's just pretty ridiculous.
problem is that kassadin should require farm to deal damage like any other champion. his 1-5 can be absolute garbage but he's still instawin at lvl 6 unless he's 3 levels behind

I don't get why some assassins are supposed to get away with not farming... who thought this was a good idea?

What? They're going to hide in bushes and gank you in the jungle. They're going to roam as five and try to pick up skirmish kills as soon as a tower goes down. You always knew what they were going to do, just some teams (C9) didn't make the adjustments last season to deal with it, and were too focused on the meta to ban the enabling champions Fnatic used to make it happen (Kassadin, Lissandra, etc.).

Even back before they were in the LCS, they were a one-trick pony, they just had a different trick. Oh, it's Fnatic, get ready for the Kassadin/TF backdoor. They were practically the CLG of Europe.

They're still a good team, but they need to be able to employ more than one playstyle moving forward. It can't be as easy as it has been in the past to say, "Oh, it's 30 minutes and the outer turrets are down, Fnatic's grouped as five in a bush." Good teams will punish you for habits that deeply ingrained.
peke's also played assassins like kha6 and zed and teamfighters like orianna, it's a team that likes splitpushing but they've also done poke comps with jayce, double ap comps with liss or karma top, they're playing renekton mid right now, seriously the fact that they're doing gank squads (like every other team right now) is just work as usual.

and like I'd be the first to whine about that, the reason I hate c9 is that because they play every single game the same. your mediocre laners push push push and avoid fights until dragon fight, then snowball off someone reaching 6 faster than the other team. fortunately they seem to be adapting to new meta because they played like 27 games exactly like that

and fnatic's playstyle didn't have anything to do with this game. bad picks and a fed kassadin is what sealed the deal


I think kassadin needs a full rework. He will continue to be a problem as long as he has his ult.

Even he does get one, he still is going to have that ult one way or another. Riot has shown an aversion to removing a champion's defining trait, or "what makes them fun", and Kassadin's defining trait is obviously his Riftwalk.
peke's also played assassins like kha6 and zed and teamfighters like orianna,

Yes, he played assassins... sitting in bushes as soon as a tower went down, waiting to catch people on rotations. He plays Orianna... and sits in a bush as soon as a tower goes down, waiting to catch people on rotations. Regardless of what champion xPeke is playing Fnatic as a team had huge tells that were easily punished.

it's a team that likes splitpushing but they've also done poke comps with jayce, double ap comps with liss or karma top, they're playing renekton mid right now, seriously the fact that they're doing gank squads (like every other team right now) is just work as usual.

Everyone tried poke comps during Jayce fever, and it's worth noting that Fnatic never really got very good at it. "Double AP" isn't really a playstyle, especially when you're just doing it to enable the playstyle that's already been stated.

And no, not everyone did Fnatic style gank squads. The Korean teams take advantage of towers being down and lack of map vision to make rotations and take objectives, which is the antithesis of playing peek-a-boo with bush ganks. That's why they won: Fnatic would go hide in a bush and wait for someone to walk by so they could kill them, the Korean team would just go take a tower since there weren't any enemies on the map.

They were way too slow to adapt to using vision superiority in ways other than setting up ganks and it costs them the tournament. They need to stop doing "signature Fnatic plays" because as soon as you have a play people can call a "signature" it's become a liability against good teams.

and like I'd be the first to whine about that, the reason I hate c9 is that because they play every single game the same. your mediocre laners push push push and avoid fights until dragon fight, then snowball off someone reaching 6 faster than the other team. fortunately they seem to be adapting to new meta because they played like 27 games exactly like that

Oh, don't get me wrong, C9 has the exact same problem. The fact you can always count on Meteos to show up to claim farm in an empty lane is a huge liability you can exploit against them, for example. You basically have free vision of their jungler any time there's a wave in a lane where the laner is missing, which gives you free aggression and invasion elsewhere on the map. He's greedy as shit and thinks of himself too much as a carry, and good teams will punish him for it.

(Though, watching these games, it does seem like he's - ironically - become a somewhat more "giving" jungler despite the changes this season being more in favor of his hard-farming jungle style.)

and fnatic's playstyle didn't have anything to do with this game. bad picks and a fed kassadin is what sealed the deal

It made it impossible for them to come back once they got behind. Knowing that their reaction to falling behind is to look for surprise picks, C9 was constantly moving toward "target" champions (ie, the Draven) so that they could turn around the inevitable attempts to gank them. Every time Fnatic tried to pile onto someone Meteos and Hai were literally right behind them to counter it. That's not coincidence, that's one team having a far too predictable response to a situation.
Not quite a throw, but it was the worst tower dive ever.

Edit: The reason it's not a throw is there's no real objectives on the map for Fnatic, though they did still dumpster their Baron buff with that spazz-out.
C9 looked really good, Fnatic really bad. WP. Hai very much the MVP.

NA wins despite only winning 2 out of 5, one of which was TSM vs Lemondogs :/

Flawed tournament system is flawed.



was the Blackfire troll?
I was really impressed with Meteos's play there, even though he was making some pretty questionable errors (like not pulling the dragon out of the pit vs. Elise jungle). He really wasn't playing like, well, Meteos. I feel like he was surprising Fnatic a lot when they were expecting him to do the same things he did last season (ie, show up to a lane whenever there were unclaimed minions in it), and because of that he was popping up (literally, as Fidd) in places where they just didn't expect to see him.

Their coordination was good, too. People are going to give all the credit to Hai, but under normal circumstances he would have actually been playing Kha "wrong" (and I dread to see what people emulating him in solo queue will do): he rarely if ever jumped on someone who was low enough for him to finish them off directly. He was actually mostly jumping on full-health targets... and trusting his team to burst them down with him. There was always a Rumble ultimate or Draven axe en-route to his target when he landed. The entire team was focused on getting him his resets, and that's a level of teamwork they didn't really have in teamfights last season.
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