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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Meh, LB is designed to assassinate, Lich Bane provides additional burst. Might not be the best item for her, but it definitely works.

Bingo. And let's not forget that Lich Bane's damage is amp'ed by Blackfire Torch as well. It's very possible to get two procs off with LB if you space your spells a bit.
I can't see it happening, but I hope Curse loses here.

Considering they have a cheater (Zekent) and a toxic asshole (Dominate), as well as what happened to Pobelter and Aphromoo, they're setting themselves up for a fall.


I can't see it happening, but I hope Curse loses here.

Considering they have a cheater (Zekent) and a toxic asshole (Dominate), as well as what happened to Pobelter and Aphromoo, they're setting themselves up for a fall.

They also took Quas from GGLA(Now TWZ), which forced them to find a top laner like 24 hours before roster lock ins were required.
Considering they have a cheater (Zekent) and a toxic asshole (Dominate), as well as what happened to Pobelter and Aphromoo, they're setting themselves up for a fall.

Don't cry for Pobelter, he ended up on EG. Aphro, though... well, we've seen that whole song and dance before, he'll probably be back to looking for a team again in a month.

I wonder if Cop hears them talk about how "consistent" and "reliable" he is and realizes Phreak is putting him in the Friend Zone yet again. Everyone knows casters only fall for carries who live dangerously.


I can't see it happening, but I hope Curse loses here.

Considering they have a cheater (Zekent) and a toxic asshole (Dominate), as well as what happened to Pobelter and Aphromoo, they're setting themselves up for a fall.

I also would love Curse to lose. But I see that as a less than 1% chance of happening.


Neo Member
Cannot believe how well Cloud9 played. Meteos was fantastic, especially in the first game. I really like Voyboy, but from you guys have said I dunno if I actually want the rest of Curse to win.

Also why is Lucien such a high priority pick? I cannot remember a game where he seemed to do an awful lot. Even with Rekkles getting all the cs in the world. Plus his ult only seems to tickle people.

I may not have seen the right games or maybe I am not smart enough to notice. Also probably does not help I don't think Cop is much, well...cop.


Cannot believe how well Cloud9 played. Meteos was fantastic, especially in the first game. I really like Voyboy, but from you guys have said I dunno if I actually want the rest of Curse to win.

Also why is Lucien such a high priority pick? I cannot remember a game where he seemed to do an awful lot. Even with Rekkles getting all the cs in the world. Plus his ult only seems to tickle people.

I may not have seen the right games or maybe I am not smart enough to notice. Also probably does not help I don't think Cop is much, well...cop.

He has an absurdly high amount of poke in his laning phase.


I played really bad and went even against orianna of all people but doesn't matter because global ult is free kills and the second she left lane to gank I took turret because passive + ALL THE PUSHING is just too strong. he felt pretty broken to me :p
It's not global, and all his attacks are skillshots that can miss. Just update your skillshot skills to be horrible like me, get yourself 250 ping or so and he'll be fine.


Hey I noticed someone named TrickyLoki in the neogaf chat room asked for help because they're new to the game. I was AFK but I'd be happy to help, anyways I sent a friend request to you.
Also why is Lucien such a high priority pick? I cannot remember a game where he seemed to do an awful lot. Even with Rekkles getting all the cs in the world. Plus his ult only seems to tickle people.

He's an "escape" carry, and almost unquestionably better than the other ones (Ezreal, Corki) in the patch they're playing on. There are better hyper carries (Draven, Jinx) available, but they require a different type of team composition because you really have to be able to protect them to use them effectively, or have to wait and pick them only after the enemy team has shown their hand and don't have a strong dive component to threaten them.

You can basically pick Lucian into anything and be at least "OK", so he gets picked earlier than his actual priority would suggest. They're picking him early less on account of, "Oh god, we have to get Lucian before they pick him!" and more because, "We need to pick something but we don't want to show our power picks until we see what they're using. Grab Lucian, he's safe."

You'll almost always see a high-priority top pick (Mundo, Shyvanna) or a mid pick (Ziggs, Kassadin) take priority over picking him, he's just an all-around solid second or third pick you can sit on while you wait for the enemy team to tip their hand.


Cannot believe how well Cloud9 played. Meteos was fantastic, especially in the first game. I really like Voyboy, but from you guys have said I dunno if I actually want the rest of Curse to win.

Also why is Lucien such a high priority pick? I cannot remember a game where he seemed to do an awful lot. Even with Rekkles getting all the cs in the world. Plus his ult only seems to tickle people.

I may not have seen the right games or maybe I am not smart enough to notice. Also probably does not help I don't think Cop is much, well...cop.

He is a gigantic lane bully. No one can outtrade him early game, and you pretty much have to stay back or get chunked every time he Q+double shots you. Even worse when he gets TF and now the TF proc is added to that chunk.

EDIT; Oh shit, is COG gonna prove me wrong as well? That dragon fight was perfect, and they just got a baron off that...
It's possible COG will still throw (they're very good at that), but with Renekton and Lucian vs. Riven and Jinx, Curse really needed to be pretty far ahead by this point. They've still got a good siege-protect comp to drag things out and try to bait COG into doing something stupid, but the point where they could win a "fair" fight is already gone.


Cannot believe how well Cloud9 played. Meteos was fantastic, especially in the first game. I really like Voyboy, but from you guys have said I dunno if I actually want the rest of Curse to win.

Also why is Lucien such a high priority pick? I cannot remember a game where he seemed to do an awful lot. Even with Rekkles getting all the cs in the world. Plus his ult only seems to tickle people.

I may not have seen the right games or maybe I am not smart enough to notice. Also probably does not help I don't think Cop is much, well...cop.
Lucian is literally the safest, and probably the easiest ADC to use at the moment. It's so hard to mess up on him.

Also, no suprise Fnatic got 2-0. Draven doesn't do subtle.


It's possible COG will still throw (they're very good at that), but with Renekton and Lucian vs. Riven and Jinx, Curse really needed to be pretty far ahead by this point. They've still got a good siege-protect comp to drag things out and try to bait COG into doing something stupid, but the point where they could win a "fair" fight is already gone.

Yeah, Jinx and Ziggs melt turrets like crazy too.



Nice game so far for COG.

Cop sucks. Voyboy is very unimpressive on Nidalee. Zekent getting caught 24/7. Quas isn't impressive either for all this "best top lane" hype.


Neo Member
Oh wow, thanks for all the informative and helpful comments guys. Still working my way up to 30 slowly (just do not have the time to play aside from maybe a day a week) so all this stuff is very much appreciated.

I cannot remember having had a Lucian either on or against my team at any point. What will happen now is it will happen eventually and I will go "Oooooh".



Nice game so far for COG.

Cop sucks. Voyboy is very unimpressive on Nidalee. Zekent getting caught 24/7. Quas isn't impressive either for all this "best top lane" hype.

Yeah Idk wth is happening, Curse should be playing a lot better. They might have underestimated COG and just didn't practice as much as they should, but this is LCS qualifiers so I hope they didn't do something so stupid.

Curse seemed like a different team from what I saw before.
Okay guys, I'm up around 16,000 IP and I figure I mine as well pick up a few champs. Looking for recommendations. Here's what I have remaining:


I mostly play top, jungle, adc, and Jayce. :3

Also, thanks to the free rotation, I found out that I don't enjoy playing Voli. So he'll be one of those that I pick up after I have countless amounts of runes and and mastery pages. Of the others, I've played Cass and felt kinda meh with her. I enjoyed Naut a bit. The rest I've never played.

Recommendations are appreciated, as always.


Yeah Idk wth is happening, Curse should be playing a lot better. They might have underestimated COG and just didn't practice as much as they should, but this is LCS qualifiers so I hope they didn't do something so stupid.

Curse seemed like a different team from what I saw before.

Voyboy should not play Nidalee. They should ban Ziggs. Voy should have been playing someone like his Gragas there.

Okay guys, I'm up around 16,000 IP and I figure I mine as well pick up a few champs. Looking for recommendations. Here's what I have remaining:

I mostly play top, jungle, adc, and Jayce. :3

Also, thanks to the free rotation, I found out that I don't enjoy playing Voli. So he'll be one of those that I pick up after I have countless amounts of runes and and mastery pages.

Recommendations are appreciated, as always.

If you like top ... Renekton is a no brainer. Malphite is pretty decent in some matchups top. Kennen is hard to win lane against as far as traditional top matchups go. Haven't seen much Cho'gath this patch ... but he used to be pretty decent top/mid due to his sustain.


Okay guys, I'm up around 16,000 IP and I figure I mine as well pick up a few champs. Looking for recommendations. Here's what I have remaining:

I mostly play top, jungle, adc, and Jayce. :3

Also, thanks to the free rotation, I found out that I don't enjoy playing Voli. So he'll be one of those that I pick up after I have countless amounts of runes and and mastery pages. Of the others, I've played Cass and felt kinda meh with her. I enjoyed Naut a bit. The rest I've never played.

Recommendations are appreciated, as always.

Renekton is definitely a champion basically everyone who top lanes should have, he's pretty much been omnipresent in the game as a viable pick for like 2 years now.
Zilean, Veigar, Urgot

Zilean and Veigar because ARAM, and Urgot because it's Urgot.

But Urgot is so ugly. And Zilean needs a VU so badly. lol

Renekton is definitely a champion basically everyone who top lanes should have, he's pretty much been omnipresent in the game as a viable pick for like 2 years now.

Yea I figured he'd be one. I never liked his style, but I figured I need to break down and get him. Can't ignore someone that's so omnipresent.


Okay guys, I'm up around 16,000 IP and I figure I mine as well pick up a few champs. Looking for recommendations. Here's what I have remaining:

I mostly play top, jungle, adc, and Jayce. :3

Also, thanks to the free rotation, I found out that I don't enjoy playing Voli. So he'll be one of those that I pick up after I have countless amounts of runes and and mastery pages. Of the others, I've played Cass and felt kinda meh with her. I enjoyed Naut a bit. The rest I've never played.

Recommendations are appreciated, as always.
Urgot and Farmzahar.
Curse picked not to lose instead of picking to win. They saw that Shyvanna was banned while Renekton and Mundo were still available and said, "We can get all the top OPs!" while completely forgetting that their star player plays "carry" top lane, not tank. It's the same problem Quas always seems to have: he gets to the big show and his team says, "Hey, we know you're famous for playing crazy top lane picks and carrying hard, but this is serious business now so play Renekton please."

I'd almost say they were baited at champion select. Like someone on COG said, "Hey, they'll always take Mundo/Shyv/Renekton if they're up, and Voy will always take Kassadin or Nidalee if they're available. Do you think they'd actually be dumb enough to try and build a team out of that pile of jank if we let them have all of them?"

Sometimes you've got to let the "OP" champion go and pick the one that actually makes your team composition work properly.


People with more Leona experience;

Ancient Coin or Targon's Shield for gaining gold in the lane?

Or targon and get the upgraded coin down the line?


Definitely looking bad for COG, the problem with picks like Vlad, Nasus, etc is that it puts an absurd amount of pressure to absolutely shut those guys down and win early because if you don't you will automatically lose...
Jesus that's a lot of Adoration stacks. I'm going to laugh my ass off if he gets Vi ulted into a Leona combo before he can get a kill to pop them.


Neo Member
Since this game started I have seen Martin Sheen being an older version of a guy dehydrated in a boat, and read many wiki articles around Moby Dick.

Still more interesting than this game.

Edit - and as soon as I post that we have a team fight.


I love how I haven't watched the majority of these games, but always tune in to catch the first interesting thing to happen. They should make a teamfight proximity detector for streams.
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