Draven does it all, with style. 1440g.
I can't believe they blew all their CC before Cop even got to the fight. I could maybe understand the rest, but at least save Assault and Battery for him.
you know, you might be right. fnatic has always been really good at predicting paths and setting up ambushes but using unusual routes and surprising people when they least expect it, so for me it never got boring. I actually really like that type of play, it's very unique to them, so eh.boom
the ult is impossible to miss and it has all the range so if you ask me it's almost as good as karthus ult lolIt's not global, and all his attacks are skillshots that can miss. Just update your skillshot skills to be horrible like me, get yourself 250 ping or so and he'll be fine.
As I posted on the last page... The official response is that icons can take up to 3 days to show up. It's weird it works this way since some get the icons instantly, but that is what they are saying.
I got the veiger one queuing up with just one friend and winning an aram match. So your ARAM should count, you just have to be patient.
you know, you might be right. fnatic has always been really good at predicting paths and setting up ambushes but using unusual routes and surprising people when they least expect it, so for me it never got boring. I actually really like that type of play, it's very unique to them, so eh.
but fnatic should probably make better back up plans
I guess either the stomp at Worlds or having so many EU players come into the NA scene really was a wake-up call for them.
C9 handed Fnatic two consecutive decisive defeats in a row, but no one is going to call it a stomp.
Don't perpetuate that myth. They weren't blown out at Worlds. They lost their set 2-1 and played well in the first two games. They had a clusterfuck of a start to game 3 that ruined any chance of winning. Shit happens. If an NBA series goes to 7 games, but one loss was a blow-out, did the eliminated team get stomped? No. So I'm puzzled why people keep saying this.
C9 handed Fnatic two consecutive decisive defeats in a row, but no one is going to call it a stomp. Fnatic were handed game 3 at Worlds because lemon and sneaky derped hard (and then some with the bad ban picks). C9's win at BotA was more impressive than Fnatic's win at Worlds.
People with more Leona experience;
Ancient Coin or Targon's Shield for gaining gold in the lane?
Or targon and get the upgraded coin down the line?
I should probably learn to play fighters/tanks, going to give Volibear a shot as he's free. Anyone have a good build or tips? I have no idea what I'm doing, lol.
ap kog is one of the things that boosted cog to where they where. they're not running the right comp for it though. oh well. really too bad that cog lost but their jungle/top lane are pretty weak.AP Kog. GG Curse. Grats on your LCS spot.
I should probably learn to play fighters/tanks, going to give Volibear a shot as he's free. Anyone have a good build or tips? I have no idea what I'm doing, lol.
6 Warmogs
ap kog is one of the things that boosted cog to where they where. they're not running the right comp for it though. oh well. really too bad that cog lost but their jungle/top lane are pretty weak.
I asked him directly and he told me it's so bad now that it's not worth playing.Do you know if Zamphira's mid Lulu was broken by the preseason support changes? My best guess is that it would have been, but I really don't know a single thing about how mid Lulu actually works.
I think you might like Rumble the most, though he has a bit of a learning curve. I'd like to recommend Nautilus, but his style of jungling isn't favorable right now and Skarner could be a decent pick-up if his rework pans out.Okay guys, I'm up around 16,000 IP and I figure I mine as well pick up a few champs. Looking for recommendations. Here's what I have remaining:
I mostly play top, jungle, adc, and Jayce. :3
Also, thanks to the free rotation, I found out that I don't enjoy playing Voli. So he'll be one of those that I pick up after I have countless amounts of runes and and mastery pages. Of the others, I've played Cass and felt kinda meh with her. I enjoyed Naut a bit. The rest I've never played.
Recommendations are appreciated, as always.
Please don't be one of those brainwashed sheeples that insists lane Elise is garbage because of her jungle prowess.The heck is COG picking? o-o Elise top?
I think you might like Rumble the most, though he has a bit of a learning curve. I'd like to recommend Nautilus, but his style of jungling isn't favorable right now and Skarner could be a decent pick-up if his rework pans out.
You can ignore Renekton unless you want to pick him up for champ select trades. He's all-around good (which is a quality in itself admittedly), but he's not the dominant force overall that people make him out to be and his playstyle is so bland.
Please don't be one of those brainwashed sheeples that insists lane Elise is garbage because of her jungle prowess.
How do you even manage to go 1/13? Jesus Christ some fucking people. Ugh. First time I legitimately flipped at someone.
I'm at a legitimate lack of words.
Doesn't look like anyone else on your team was doing too hot anyways.
To be honest....
You went 3/10...
I understand getting mad when your team feeds while you're doing well, but if you're feeding yourself it's pretty silly to worry about the rest of your team.
I had 3 games the other day in a row where I just played poorly. I was never the worst on my team but I had scores like 3-3 or 4-6 or so in a loss. So I just gave up and played support for a couple games. Ended up getting a good adc in one game, made a couple good plays, and then yesterday we duo'd together and went 3-2 with us winning lane every game except one. If I know what's good for me I would probably main support, but it's insufferable if my adc is bad.
Thoughts on Kayle support by the way? I tried it out and did pretty decently with it. You bring so much early trading power that it makes winning lane rather easy, and your ult is pretty great in team fights. I did get wrecked by a fed talon that could kill me before I had time to ult myself which kinda sucked though. My build was pretty troll for a "support" though, after I got the first upgrade on the coin I rushed Nashors and then Zhonyas (to save me from Talon), the idea being I could carry myself if the game went late. Kayle doesn't seem to be a very good support from a peeling or initiation standpoint, but simply a nice champ to have if your team already has the rest of their bases covered and the other team has a champ with high burst.
Finally, are the Janna buffs in the 3.15 patch or are they still coming? I've had some really good games with her as support including a 1-2-25 with her yesterday. Can make some really big plays with her ridiculous peel ability, which works well in silver I guess where players have some talent but are so overly aggressive and get caught out so much it's ridiculous. Any excuse to bring out my forecast Janna skin is also nice.
EDIT: I'm also never playing Jarvan support again. Ever.
How do you even manage to go 1/13? Jesus Christ some fucking people. Ugh. First time I legitimately flipped at someone.
I'm at a legitimate lack of words.[/QUOTE]
well, its not like anyone on your team deserved to win that game.
To be honest....
You went 3/10...
The majority of her supposed flaws that you listed are false or flatout inaccurate.It isn't really garbage, there are definitely much better picks right now, however. Elise doesn't fulfil the tank needs of a team very well, she doesn't do well in a 2 v 1, she cannot harass any of the popular tops out of lane, and her presence in teamfights is pretty bad as well. Jungle Elise is simply the better place to put her right now, she offers very little when put in a lane.
It isn't really garbage, there are definitely much better picks right now, however. Elise doesn't fulfil the tank needs of a team very well, she doesn't do well in a 2 v 1, she cannot harass any of the popular tops out of lane, and her presence in teamfights is pretty bad as well. Jungle Elise is simply the better place to put her right now, she offers very little when put in a lane.
You should probably get angrier and use more words generally associated with elitist pricks. I positively dread the thought of anything else.The majority of her supposed flaws that you listed are false or flatout inaccurate.
- The typical tanky DPS needs that most top laners fullfill? If the goal is to keep an enemy squishy out of the fight / catch them or to help set up a play for a true initiator, then she can do that. She also does a better job at peeling than most top bruisers, and splitpushes hard too.
- She... is ranged. Automatic plus in a 1 vs 2 lane when compared to a melee. Not her preferred style of play, but she fairs well in them relatively speaking if forced in that situation.
- She cannot harrass any of the popular tops out of lane? I don't know what to say if you feel this is true. The few champions that are bad match-ups for her aren't popular or phased out due to nerfs; every other match-up is either very advantageous for her or even at worst.
- Her presence in teamfights is fine up until late late game when carries start melting anything that moves. She does tend to drop off sooner without a lead, but this shortcoming is magnified when jungling her.
- Oh, and those high-burst AD assassins that are (or were) oh so scary in mid lane, like Zed, Kha'zix and to a lesser extent Riven? She eats those for breakfast.
So yes, you are one of those uninformed sheep. I also dread the possibility of you thinking that Sunfire Cape is good on her like the solo queue masses tend to believe. Lastly, to clarify: I'm not saying she's a bad jungler, but claiming that's the only role where she still works is bullshit.
I feel like she's not terrible but not having any hard cc really sets you back with how the game is these days. like how are you gonna save your adc from that lvl 2 annie+lucian burst?Thoughts on Kayle support by the way? I tried it out and did pretty decently with it. You bring so much early trading power that it makes winning lane rather easy, and your ult is pretty great in team fights. I did get wrecked by a fed talon that could kill me before I had time to ult myself which kinda sucked though. My build was pretty troll for a "support" though, after I got the first upgrade on the coin I rushed Nashors and then Zhonyas (to save me from Talon), the idea being I could carry myself if the game went late. Kayle doesn't seem to be a very good support from a peeling or initiation standpoint, but simply a nice champ to have if your team already has the rest of their bases covered and the other team has a champ with high burst.
next patchFinally, are the Janna buffs in the 3.15 patch or are they still coming? I've had some really good games with her as support including a 1-2-25 with her yesterday. Can make some really big plays with her ridiculous peel ability, which works well in silver I guess where players have some talent but are so overly aggressive and get caught out so much it's ridiculous. Any excuse to bring out my forecast Janna skin is also nice.
no need to get mad and be rude man, the guy was just saying his opinionThe majority of her supposed flaws that you listed are false or flatout inaccurate.
So yes, you are one of those uninformed sheep. I also dread the possibility of you thinking that Sunfire Cape is good on her like the solo queue masses tend to believe. Lastly, to clarify: I'm not saying she's a bad jungler, but claiming that's the only role where she still works is bullshit.
Your test was bias because of the Yasuo. You need a placebo champion like Renekton.while you guys were all wordifying, i did some science to confirm the viability of lane elise.
confirmed: still viable.
PS: pls ignore udyr and cho'gaths scores, they were only successful because of my great moral support
you mean a champion that goes to lane as if they were playing but actually does nothing?Your test was bias because of the Yasuo. You need a placebo champion
Fair point, good sir. I will see to have your results published.you mean a champion that goes to lane as if they were playing but actually does nothing?
i thought that was Yasuo!
2v1 lanes are so god damn unfun to play against and to watch. It's so damn boring.
Also Taric just went 0/12. This game is a rollercoaster.
Nothing but health and resistances. Become immortal and go where it pleases you.So I just bought Mundo.
How do I build him to get free wins knowing that I'm a low elo player.