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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I feel they shouldn't let players say "rapes me hard" or shit like that.

but I'm sensitive so I dunno
No, rape is a horrible thing, and most people throwing it around for videogames probably haven't had it happen to them. It is one of the more disturbing terms people use.
Alex is Russian. He doesn't really take stage direction well. Basically every famous quote from him is something Riot doesn't really want him to say. (Even "See Hero, kill hero" is actually "off-message" because they don't like the players to call characters "heroes" in official media.)

They do coach the players to dial back their language - not just in terms of not using words like "rape" or "fuck", but also trying to get them to not call things "OP" or "broken" - but short of NFL-style pay penalties for saying the wrong thing on-camera, there's not a whole lot you can do to keep professional players from being who they are.
I only caught the tail-end of that last match, but I have to wonder what the hell even happened for top Warwick to even work that match with a build as awful as that one. And it was 2 vs 1 for him as well? Fuckin' A.

Just... terrible itemization.


I only caught the tail-end of that last match, but I have to wonder what the hell even happened for top Warwick to even work that match with a build as awful as that one. And it was 2 vs 1 for him as well? Fuckin' A.

It went back to 1v1 after they got the top tower. There wasn't too much pressure on him. He was able to stay in lane until he had accumulated enough gold to outright buy Wits End.


Everything is moe to me
People really shouldn't murder words. It's terrible, awful really. The worst thing anyone could possibly do, ever.
Hey, murder is a horrible thing, and most people throwing it around for videogames probably haven't had a family member taken away from them. It is one of the more disturbing terms people use.


People keep giving me +Friendly and I don't know if I like it..

edit: What the hell.. You would think that there would have to be a few pauses an entire split, and not every game..


Alex is Russian. He doesn't really take stage direction well. Basically every famous quote from him is something Riot doesn't really want him to say. (Even "See Hero, kill hero" is actually "off-message" because they don't like the players to call characters "heroes" in official media.)

They do coach the players to dial back their language - not just in terms of not using words like "rape" or "fuck", but also trying to get them to not call things "OP" or "broken" - but short of NFL-style pay penalties for saying the wrong thing on-camera, there's not a whole lot you can do to keep professional players from being who they are.
yeah to be fair most of the uses of the "forbbiden words" I've seen has been from non-native english speakers

might be hard for them to roll back to being politically correct after a tense game and talking in another language

edit: and yea I was always imagined riot tearing their hair out when pros say this or that is op/broken

People really shouldn't murder words. It's terrible, awful really. The worst thing anyone could possibly do, ever.
using rape to qualify how good you're doing at a game is just ugly, insensitive and makes esports look bad. murder is an already existent concept in the game so it's just not the same.

now if you want to discuss if casually talking about murder in games is a problem or if you disagree about using the word rape being 'bad' I'm totally open for that but I don't know what about your shitty condescending post gives me the impression you're just blowing noise and you really don't give a shit

Well this was quite the experience. We were pushed into our base defending for the last 15 minutes of the game trying to keep the lanes pushed out until our inhibs could respawn. They got our nexus down to half health after a team wipe and the team thought it was over. I was like, "nope the lone survivor can't finish before I respawn." Sure enough, I was able to chase Kat off and defend against the Winions until the rest of the team respawned. Eventually we push out and take their T3, but get pushed back into our base for awhile.

We won every team fight from 27 minutes on, mostly because Voli and Singed were so tunnel vision locked onto chasing down Vayne, they didn't bother to get me off of Kat who I'd silence and spin on in every fight multiple times. Eventually, we got the final Ace in our base in front of our nexus and Vayne and I skipped the minion waves (leaving Kat to defend) and ran for their exposed inhib and final tower. Set, match. I needed every bit of that 4300HP to tank Kat, Voli and Singed. First legitimately good match in some time.

I discussed the matter with them after the match and their reasoning for ignoring me was that, "I did no damage". Certainly I wasn't doing the damage that Vayne and Kat were doing, but neither of them bothering to toss me away from Kat before I could silence her meant she was useless in every one of the final few fights. Once I silence and start spinning, she was effectively a non-factor as she ran away from the fights entirely. Once I silenced her as she jumped into my teammates and she couldn't do anything but melt. Always peel for your AP damage dealer. Babbling a bit now, but yea.


using rape to qualify how good you're doing at a game is just ugly, insensitive and makes esports look bad. murder is an already existent concept in the game so it's just not the same.

No, it's exactly the same. The only difference is you have a visceral reaction to the word rape that many others do not.

The word rape is used often to describe something that is not statutory rape. I don't see the big deal. It sounds like a combination of your view on the word rape and you not taking espots seriously, which is fine. But it doesn't 'make esports look bad'.


Hey, murder is a horrible thing, and most people throwing it around for videogames probably haven't had a family member taken away from them. It is one of the more disturbing terms people use.
Killing champions is a gameplay mechanic. Yes killing is bad in real life, but this is part of the game.

Forcefully sexually violating champions is not a gameplay mechanic. If people overlay that imagery, interpretation, and thought process onto the gameplay mechanic, do you not think it's a little more disturbing?

To take another subject, what if every champion kill was instead a champion rape, and you watched it onscreen instead of them falling over dead or vanishing? How do you think that would be received by people exposed to the game?


No, it's exactly the same. The only difference is you have a visceral reaction to the word rape that many others do not.
murder and killing is a thing that exists in the game. rape is not

that's the big difference

alex ich is choosing to adjectivize riven beating him with a concept that is not in any way in the game
You're gonna be doing a bit of changing then, Jinx is a pretty popular pick.

Nah, a lot of teams outright refuse to play her because she's an old-school "artillery piece" hyper-carry and doesn't have an escape skill. Lucian vs. Jinx in terms of player types is basically just a rehash of Ezreal vs. Kog'Maw from long ago, or Corki vs. Draven from last season. There will be some ADC players (ie, bad ones) who just can't handle playing champions that don't have a free escape.

Though, hopefully a lot less of them, since most have been losing their jobs.
I used to train and lead soldiers. You would not believe the number of young men I had to teach how to tie a double-windsor knot or properly mop a floor. I can think of at least five times I had to teach a supposedly grown man how to operate a lawn mower.

Usually it's kids from single-child households. Their parents always had the time to take care of things since they didn't have multiple kids to look after, so they just didn't really learn to do those things for themselves. Honestly the hardest part is just getting them to admit they don't know how to do some simple thing and need help.

Edit: These casters need to stop saying Jinx "resets" on kills. She doesn't reset anything, she just gets a movespeed buff.
I dunno how to operate a lawn mower :/

Nothing wrong with it. I didn't know how to wax a hardwood floor or change the oil in a car. You just have to make sure when the time comes to do it, you aren't too ashamed to ask someone to teach you. (They might still tease you, though.)


no like I live in the city and people don't really mawn lawns in argieland lol

but I'm really bad at non-microwave cooking, and I prolly shouldn't


Soo, I come back, and apparently Game 2 of Coast vs TWZ hasn't even happened yet... pretty sure the last game ended like 2 hours ago, what's the holdup?
They went on pause to try and sort out whatever unspecified technical issues were causing the prolonged in-game pauses during the first match.

Edit: Is the Krusty Burger employee from The Simpsons shoutcasting this game?
One hell of a losing streak tonight. 4 ranked and 2 ARAM. then played one more ranked and finally got a win ( and it was a win with the. Surrendering at 20 as we dominated then so hard).

Hopefully get a win streak soon to make up for it.

I don't mind losing if the game us close though. Just amazing how many games in a row you can get with people that just blame each other for there own mistakes. One game we got a Yasuo mid and while I'm sure he can be played well it almost always means your gonna lose at my rank lol. We all played pretty bad in that one to be honest but by 25 mins e was 1/4/1 and blaming or jungle or some thing for the rest of our game (or jungle was really the only remotely competent person as far as I was concerned.

I basically don't say any thing any more unless it's positive. Best just to ignore the hate lol.


So I really like yasuo. Probably gonna main him for a while.

Bork is necessary on him. Attack speed, sustain and sticking power. A great item for him.


Everything is moe to me
Killing champions is a gameplay mechanic. Yes killing is bad in real life, but this is part of the game.
murder and killing is a thing that exists in the game. rape is not

that's the big difference
uh, when arguing for sensitivity, it'd probably be best that you didn't equate killing in combat with murder.

But seriously, consider the phrase 'they raped the land' as an analogy for strip mining or clear cutting. is that insensitive?


uh, when arguing for sensitivity, it'd probably be best that you didn't equate killing in combat with murder.
ok, I don't come from a country that goes to war often enough that "killing in combat" is really something we discuss, so the only killing I know is murder. also I'm not one to think that all killing is bad, but I'm not one to think all "killing in combat" is justified either. not wanna get too political because it's pointless but let's leave it at that I don't think too highly of soldiers.

in any case this is a videogame in which killing is done gratuitously for fun, so really none of it is specially justified, it just look cooler than knocking people unconscious.

edit: this is a very unnecessarily overcomplicated way to say that I was just talking about killing in both cases, just used them as synonyms. language barriers and all. sorry

But seriously, consider the phrase 'they raped the land' as an analogy for strip mining or clear cutting. is that insensitive?
I dunno, you're not saying raped the land for chuckles, you're protesting against something so at least I can respect that. maybe it's insensitive in that case too, but clearly it's used in a more serious context and paying a lot more attention to what the word means than just throwing it in because videogames?

I find it easier to swallow (heh) than the many times I've seen lol dudes say "we got raped", for starters


uh, when arguing for sensitivity, it'd probably be best that you didn't equate killing in combat with murder.

But seriously, consider the phrase 'they raped the land' as an analogy for strip mining or clear cutting. is that insensitive?
Did I ever use that word? You did:

Hey, murder is a horrible thing, and most people throwing it around for videogames probably haven't had a family member taken away from them. It is one of the more disturbing terms people use.

Regarding Alex Ich, he actually randomly added me to a smurf's friends list on the NA server thinking I was someone else. We played some 3v3 a few times. He seemed like a decent person, though he's probably deleted me again now that he got the smurf to level 30, and I haven't seen him online recently.
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