Gonna drop this truth bomb:
Leona is more frustrating than Thresh.
To play with or against?
Gonna drop this truth bomb:
Leona is more frustrating than Thresh.
To play with or against?
hey that's my avatar on your stream <3
Also how do I get it so that people can hear League?
i have played league of legends with schmattakopf for 237 hours.
I am the standard.i have played 353 games with schmatata since Jan. when I got my new lappy
your friends don't deserve you
Well, this is now a good day.
I finally beat a Ziggs. Finally.
And he was Gold IV
I still hate Ziggs, Kassadin and Brand. They're too annoying.
Ziggs can die in a fire. I was top vs him as Yasuo and it was a literal stalemate. He couldnt push, I couldn't push.
blackfrost anivia
I love you dude
btw what are you building the bird lately?
I wanna get back to playing her but I don't like roa+chalice or roa+tear routes. I guess tear+chalice is interesting but I kinda feel getting back from base with a tear is just too risky nowadays
also yea ziggs is op. that passive dear god
I like playing against cassio and brand, such annoying champions when played well but so much fun to try and (fail to) outplayChamps I hate playing against because they're really annoying: Ziggs, Kassadin, Brand, Cassiopea, Nidalee, Riven, Malzahar, and the first four levels against Heimer.
But Ziggs is really, really annoying.
imma try tear chalice anivia next timeIt depends of how I'm doing, but usually I go tear+chalice, after that it depends of the game, sometimes I go for sorcerer, sometimes I start building rabadon, sometimes I just finish athene, but in midgame I usually have sorcerer, athene, rabadon(and tear), after that it depends of the game, sometimes zhonya's, sometimes abbysal, sometimes Liandry's. Void Staff when I feel I need it.
That's one of the reason I enjoy playing Anivia because I change a lot my build from game to game, I don't usually build roa, just when I feel I really need it because of the teams compositions.
lol now I feel badAnd Riot, this is getting ridiculous. Just because is Christmas.
offline. :\
streaming. First game of the night is GP... haven't GP'ed in forever, but he's still my favorite champ.
Gat damn my GP skills are old and crusty.
You don't, is a quality service like that. Their streams took (another) turn for the worse when they recently switched the algorithm or whatever they call it to their already terrible video player, and now everyone has to deal with 20 - 30 seconds of delay, period. You can also set a manual delay under Broadcast Settings in OBS, but it should be on 0 seconds by default if I remember correctly.Alright, thanks for your advice man. One last thing... how do I change stream delay?? :/
An AP Cho getting a Rod of Ages is a telltale sign that they don't know what they're doing, for what it's worth.So AP Cho is pretty legit.
Why is that? I used to do that when I played Cho early S3 but then again I was silver for a reason back then.An AP Cho getting a Rod of Ages is a telltale sign that they don't know what they're doing, for what it's worth.
Most of it has already been explained by Panda and Wolf.Why is that? I used to do that when I played Cho early S3 but then again I was silver for a reason back then.
It's not a bad item on him per sé, but you can do much better since it's distinctively underwhelming on him.
There are combos that flatout don't work... like Seraph on Garen (lol).For some reason, people keep assuming "That item isn't good on X champion" means "They can't use it." No, it's just ... not as good as other options.
There are combos that flatout don't work... like Seraph on Garen (lol).
did you reinstall lol/windows/get a new computer? it only knows what your computer has logged, its not an exhaustive accounting of your profile.For some reason, that LoL Parse thinks I've started playing in August of this year.
Random tangent sort of: Generally speaking, this applies to most items in the game for everyone. Sure, they can use it but there's usually something better.
For some reason, people keep assuming "That item isn't good on X champion" means "They can't use it." No, it's just ... not as good as other options.
did you reinstall lol/windows/get a new computer? it only knows what your computer has logged, its not an exhaustive accounting of your profile.
well, the numbers dont lie.I know that, hence my confusion :x Nothing has changed that I'm aware of. No reinstall, no new build, etc.
This is just some alternate reality timeline where my waifu is J4.