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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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leona's alright

just flay that bitch back to that brush and then whip her sorry ass for messing with your kid

gotta show the other adc that your adc's dad can beat up theirs'


delicious real time gaf posting

btw I'm bored and have no games to play so I started coding a silly league manager sim I'm calling regisim for the moment. nobody steal my idea pls

hope it turns out fun, tell y'all in a month

I just. Riot. Just. Sigh.


your friends don't deserve you

And now, he felt bad, and tried to compensate it.

I don't even...

... and he is still bullying me for the poppy's skins I got a while back.


edit: The good news is, at this pace, I'll own all the bad skins so I will only get goods skins! :D


edit2: It's my luck, when I could buy my own mystery skins, I got Aether Wing Kayle and Arcade Sona, and some other great skins. :/


I feel like doing a few mystery gifts tomorrow if anyone is down to swap. Not sure if you can still gift yourself. This week has been such a drag. Anyone recommend any highlight games from this weekends bota?


both gambit games were fun stomps with very random picks and the alternate vs clg games were down to the wire (at least the first one was pretty exciting)


Well, this is now a good day.

I finally beat a Ziggs. Finally.

And he was Gold IV

I still hate Ziggs, Kassadin and Brand. They're too annoying.

blackfrost anivia

I love you dude

btw what are you building the bird lately?

I wanna get back to playing her but I don't like roa+chalice or roa+tear routes. I guess tear+chalice is interesting but I kinda feel getting back from base with a tear is just too risky nowadays

also yea ziggs is op. that passive dear god
Ziggs can die in a fire. I was top vs him as Yasuo and it was a literal stalemate. He couldnt push, I couldn't push.

Champs I hate playing against because they're really annoying: Ziggs, Kassadin, Brand, Cassiopea, Nidalee, Riven, Malzahar, and the first four levels against Heimer.

But Ziggs is really, really annoying.

blackfrost anivia

I love you dude

btw what are you building the bird lately?

I wanna get back to playing her but I don't like roa+chalice or roa+tear routes. I guess tear+chalice is interesting but I kinda feel getting back from base with a tear is just too risky nowadays

also yea ziggs is op. that passive dear god

It depends of how I'm doing, but usually I go tear+chalice, after that it depends of the game, sometimes I go for sorcerer, sometimes I start building rabadon, sometimes I just finish athene, but in midgame I usually have sorcerer, athene, rabadon(and tear), after that it depends of the game, sometimes zhonya's, sometimes abbysal, sometimes Liandry's. Void Staff when I feel I need it.

That's one of the reason I enjoy playing Anivia because I change a lot my build from game to game, I don't usually build roa, just when I feel I really need it because of the teams compositions.

And Riot, this is getting ridiculous. Just because is Christmas.


Champs I hate playing against because they're really annoying: Ziggs, Kassadin, Brand, Cassiopea, Nidalee, Riven, Malzahar, and the first four levels against Heimer.

But Ziggs is really, really annoying.
I like playing against cassio and brand, such annoying champions when played well but so much fun to try and (fail to) outplay

but fuck everything about ziggs

It depends of how I'm doing, but usually I go tear+chalice, after that it depends of the game, sometimes I go for sorcerer, sometimes I start building rabadon, sometimes I just finish athene, but in midgame I usually have sorcerer, athene, rabadon(and tear), after that it depends of the game, sometimes zhonya's, sometimes abbysal, sometimes Liandry's. Void Staff when I feel I need it.

That's one of the reason I enjoy playing Anivia because I change a lot my build from game to game, I don't usually build roa, just when I feel I really need it because of the teams compositions.
imma try tear chalice anivia next time

I love athene's, I love seraph, sounds like win-win

And Riot, this is getting ridiculous. Just because is Christmas.
lol now I feel bad


It is near impossible to level an account on the oceania server. I've waited 40minutes on my level 6 account and still no queue pop for blind pick normals.

Since I refuse to play bots, I play with my brother and playing level 30s with no runes or masteries is a real test of skill.


Spat of bad games that I don't want to stream. Nobody will focus the Sivir in teamfights, they'd rather focus an (already ulted) Malph and Shen.
Alright, thanks for your advice man. One last thing... how do I change stream delay?? :/
You don't, Shitch.tv is a quality service like that. Their streams took (another) turn for the worse when they recently switched the algorithm or whatever they call it to their already terrible video player, and now everyone has to deal with 20 - 30 seconds of delay, period. You can also set a manual delay under Broadcast Settings in OBS, but it should be on 0 seconds by default if I remember correctly.

So AP Cho is pretty legit.
An AP Cho getting a Rod of Ages is a telltale sign that they don't know what they're doing, for what it's worth.
Cho has good lane sustain because of his passive, so Catalyst isn't necessary. His ult gives him a ton of health. He doesn't need mana pool either. RoA became even worse for him ever since BoRK and Liandry.

Rylai is a better option than RoA, specially since it works on E.


Everything is moe to me
id guess that AP+resistence items would be better than ap+health because he gets free health already.

add to that the resistance items being generally better in terms of AP and Rod's big weakness being delayed power. [if you're ahead its better to buy strength for the now so you can continue being ahead rather than buy future strength that could be matched in the now by your otherwise behind opponents cheaper items]

plus if you perceive mana issues with cho, you can get an athenes which is another resistence item that will also give you some very valuable cdr.
Why is that? I used to do that when I played Cho early S3 but then again I was silver for a reason back then.
Most of it has already been explained by Panda and Wolf.

He only has mana issues early on and a Glacial Shroud for an eventual Frozen Heart is enough to fix those for the rest of the match. Health can be gotten through his ult, Rylai's and Haunting Guise. Spirit Visage too if Abyssal Scepter is not necessary and if you'd rather have more CDR alongside the MR, but that's rather situational if you're Mid'Gath and it loses 10% next patch. Catalyst is delayed power on a champion who doesn't have a late game spike comparable to Kassadin's, Karthus' or Anivia's and several AP items exist that offer more worthwhile perks than Rod of Ages for Cho in particular. It's not a bad item on him per sé, but you can do much better since it's distinctively underwhelming on him. Not a fan of Unholy Grail either, but at least it wouldn't be as big of a money and time sink.

Another "he doesn't know what he's doing" moment when facing any Cho: them speccing Rupture (his Q) at level 1, and it's even worse if they're also maxing it first. Both traps are far too common.


For some reason, that LoL Parse thinks I've started playing in August of this year.

In that reality, J4 is my waifu apparently and not Riven or Katarina.

It's not a bad item on him per sé, but you can do much better since it's distinctively underwhelming on him.

Random tangent sort of: Generally speaking, this applies to most items in the game for everyone. Sure, they can use it but there's usually something better.

For some reason, people keep assuming "That item isn't good on X champion" means "They can't use it." No, it's just ... not as good as other options.
For some reason, people keep assuming "That item isn't good on X champion" means "They can't use it." No, it's just ... not as good as other options.
There are combos that flatout don't work... like Seraph on Garen (lol).


Everything is moe to me
For some reason, that LoL Parse thinks I've started playing in August of this year.
did you reinstall lol/windows/get a new computer? it only knows what your computer has logged, its not an exhaustive accounting of your profile.



Streaming a game before I go. I figured out why you guys couldn't hear the game, too.

Edit: fuck Windows. I queue up in a game with their awful teamcomp, ready to rake in the ELO.

"Your PC is restarting in 15 minutes".

FUCK. So now I'm just playing starbound, lol.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Its hilarious how beginner bots are better than some of the people you get stuck with...


Random tangent sort of: Generally speaking, this applies to most items in the game for everyone. Sure, they can use it but there's usually something better.

For some reason, people keep assuming "That item isn't good on X champion" means "They can't use it." No, it's just ... not as good as other options.

And further, this is only true under certain circumstances. Most of the time the "best" items for any specific champion are more like the generically best assuming typical opponents and typical roles. What's best against a team with Zed mid/Caitlyn bot/Riven top isn't necessarily best against a team with Katarina mid/Caitlyn bot/Elise top.


did you reinstall lol/windows/get a new computer? it only knows what your computer has logged, its not an exhaustive accounting of your profile.

I know that, hence my confusion :x Nothing has changed that I'm aware of. No reinstall, no new build, etc.

This is just some alternate reality timeline where my waifu is J4.
May Christmas isn't a good time to play. 4 bad games in a row.
- 1 game with people DCing on each side. Ultimately, my team is the one left with a DC (of course).
- 1 game with 2 trolls on my team
- 1 game with someone sleepy/drunk and just running towards the tower.
- One last game where every lane was 0/5 by the 10 min mark (wtf). I'm walking towards a lane to gank, then they somehow die before I get there. This kept happening. Oh yeah support LeBlanc without wards. It baffled me that at one point our Draven was 4 levels behind me.

Now onto my 5th bad game...

edit: Screw this. Back to ARAM. Support Nidalee who doesn't buy a single ward until I told her so (after she got Seraph, Sorc and Chalice with the game all lost). 1v1s a Jinx, dies, is surprised ("oh she's already that strong") even though Jinx was goddamn by 15 mins. Wow Sherlock, you just noticed? I really don't know which lane to babysit. Kassadin was getting abused by J4 in lane (understandable) so I tried to help him early on (got him 2 kills). Terribad support in bot lane, OK ADC, top Elise getting outplayed by Teemo. Wat do?


Everything is moe to me
I know that, hence my confusion :x Nothing has changed that I'm aware of. No reinstall, no new build, etc.

This is just some alternate reality timeline where my waifu is J4.
well, the numbers dont lie.

i expect you to be doing shyvana cosplay by march.
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