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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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you don't really try syndra

you invest your life and soul into her

hmm my favorite color must be maybe a dry pink or red. really like skin-like colors and playing with the hues on them, that's just the best for me.

but why can't you be my friend and gift me something nice :(

Blame Riot.

Accounts should be able to be used on multiple servers.

: /


I guess even though normal decay is turned off, promotion series decay is still on. I just got a warning last week that I need to play my promos. Whoops. Guess I can't sit on those forever. Been having lots of fun working on adc and Yasuo mid though. Maybe bring those to ranked.

Guess it would be nice to finally get out of Gold V. Just haven't had much interest in playing ranked lately.

It doesn't do anything... I've been sitting in promos since like October.


i have played league of legends with schmattakopf for 237 hours.
I've never played with you (but 17 games with schmatta and 21 with scy lol? I don't even remember) :/

Blame Riot.

Accounts should be able to be used on multiple servers.

: /

annoys me so much now being unable to post in the forums because I moved to las. so dumb

70 hours of Jayce as my most played. Vi next at about 40.

I think I've made pretty good progress in this game since I first started on August 19th.
I got 146 hours as lux lol

almost as much as I've played new vegas

well not, lol not even close

also less played champ is master yi with 1 game and 1 minute lol. I had enough of him I guess



I have 444 games with Vayne, nothing else really worth mentioning, lol.


Try and gank mid more and you'll win 200% more.

60% of the time it works all the time

How odd. She does everything so well. Either (a) you are having trouble landing her Q's or (b) deciding when and who to ult, no?

How are you skill building her? Items?

w -> e -> q

When I first started playing her I was going damage. Building things like Elder Lizard, Brutalizer, BotRK. Lately, I've been doing tank things, like Ancient Golem, Randuins, Spirit Visage.

To be honest, I feel like it's how I jungle more than who I'm playing as. One lane will end up losing so I go to help, but then that leaves our other lanes alone which can be a good or bad thing depending on how they're doing.

I really haven't been able to carry from the jungle with anyone but Fiddle.
Hmm, out of 1227 games on my NA account my most played is... Vayne, at 40 games? I'm not surprised at the low number since I tend to fill, I'm just surprised at the Vayne.

Edit: Oh right, this is counting all games, not just Ranked games. I probably just auto-locked Vayne from Lv1-30 when I was bringing the account up to speed.
First game
Wed Sep 04 2013
Total games played
Minutes spent playing
Total number of summoners played with
Favorite champion
Jinx (52 games, 1,519 minutes)
Not much info since this PC is pretty new lol

I'd want to see the info since I started playing but oh well.


First game
Thu Apr 05 2012

Total games played

Minutes spent playing

Total number of summoners played with

Favorite champion
Elise (122 games, 3,408 minutes)

Hey guys, I have a quick question about streaming. Whenever I try to stream, I lag a lot. Is there a way to fix this or am I screwed?
Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else, but I feel we've been down this road before in this thread.

If you're using OBS, see if enabling "Minimize Network Impact" (Broadcast Settings) in conjunction with "Automatic Low Latency Mode" (Advanced) makes a difference. It did for me after finding the right bitrate and stream resolution.

what should people buy on cho nowadays

like, I kinda hate roa but catalyst is one of my favorite items in the game, makes me feel so beefy :I
The (all-around mediocre) stats that Rod of Ages provides can be easily acquired through other means for Mid'Gath... in the long run. His build is entirely different for top lane.

Want mana? Work towards a Frozen Heart, since he'll need CDR too. Health? Haunting Guise or Spirit Visage (though not ideal). Damage? Zhonya's, Abyssal Scepter, Deathcap, Deathfire Grasp, et cetera depending on who you're facing.

She's not garbage but why would you deliberately throw away gold?
I don't see how putting her against favorable match-ups (plenty of top champions, all of the melee mid assassins) equals "deliberately throwing away gold" or anything of the sort. Is it not the goal of a champion to win their lane and to turn their advantage into something that's beneficial for the team, be it pressuring the map, shutting the opposing laner down or being a threat to squishies in teamfights? She's quite potent in doing so and she synergizes extremely well with the current junglers too, timed invasions included.

She bullies melee's better than Renekton, has more overall flexibility and she doesn't drop off as hard as him, yet I don't see anyone raggin' on the 'gator. Very different champions fundamentally, but their purpose boils down to the same thing when you overly simplify it.

She's not bad because she's a top tier jungler

She's bad because Visage exists
As good as Spirit Visage is, it alone doesn't instantly turn around lanes that are heavily into Elise's favor by default. Unless you're Susan due to how building straight tank doesn't have much of an impact on his damage output, but you'd be silly to not ban him anyways with how he is right now. And when it comes to other sustain heavy or beefy champs that are currently in high demand or can be taken into consideration: Mundo is nothing to worry about during the laning phase, Trundle's only option is hoping he can endure until his item threshold, Renekton isn't very threatening and what's Shyvanna going to do in a 1 vs 1? Elise's only concern against Rengar is his early all-in cheese potential, Yorick (an actual bad match-up) doesn't do much when rushing SV, and Olaf can cope by chucking axes non-stop and patiently playing the farm game (which is perfectly fine for Elise too). Irelia can be outright problematic, but for some odd reason everyone is still taking Wickd's word that she's awful (when she really, really isn't) and Nunu as well as Zac got nerfed into oblivion for them to still function in top lane.

Who else is left?


First game
Tue Dec 11 2012 (I leveled to 9 on another computer before I stopped playing. I think it was in 2011 or maybe 2010.)

Total games played

Minutes spent playing

Total number of summoners played with

Favorite champion
Tryndamere (87 games, 3,055 minutes)
So my first Mundo game ended up by a defeat and a 5/7/something.

Not that bad considering that I could only log in the game after 10min and that we were 3v5 the last 5 minutes of the game...
Still lost all my LP for my 2 win streak though :'(


I don't see how putting her against favorable match-ups (plenty of top champions, all of the melee mid assassins) equals "deliberately throwing away gold" or anything of the sort. Is it not the goal of a champion to win their lane and to turn their advantage into something that's beneficial for the team, be it pressuring the map, shutting the opposing laner down or being a threat to squishies in teamfights? She's quite potent in doing so and she synergizes extremely well with the current junglers too, timed invasions included.

She bullies melee's better than Renekton, has more overall flexibility and she doesn't drop off as hard as him, yet I don't see anyone raggin' on the 'gator. Very different champions fundamentally, but their purpose boils down to the same thing when you overly simplify it.

She scales horribly when you buy AP. There are better and more natural tanks that also have a CC spell.

Realistically you buy tank items and maybe an MPen item or two with her.

If you snowball with Renekton - you can buy AD items, Armor Pen and 1-2 tank items and they all scale very well with him and he carries even harder.

You snowball Elise and she's still doing 4-8% of health per spell (depending on rank) and it can only go down depending on the MR/MPen ratios when you select a target.

That's the reason she is so suited for jungle. Some innate sustain, good base damage, a strong snare, a jump, a finisher move.

The gold in top lane just scales so much better on a different champion. Realistically get the golem on Elise and some armor and maybe a bit of MR - she's still a relevant damage dealer and she still does her job as a frontline tank. With that extra gold? There's barely any difference. She hits some item breakpoints faster - so I guess she's a bit beefier earlier but yeah - if your goal is to carry the game, it's not effective to build tanky.
What's with everyone starting December of last year?

May just be the last time people upgraded to a new PC or did a major format, since this is working off log files stored locally rather than data from the network. As an example, for me it doesn't have any of the information from when I was in Japan or Korea since I was on my laptop for that entire period. Just the stuff from my NA account that I started after building this desktop.


Holy shit. Played with literally the most toxic player I have ever played with. He was telling me I was bad for playing passive while he went balls deep in their jungle with no vision. I applied pressure to top lane and I he said the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in this game.

"Objectives don't matter."
What's with everyone starting December of last year?


Holy shit. Played with literally the most toxic player I have ever played with. He was telling me I was bad for playing passive while he went balls deep in their jungle with no vision. I applied pressure to top lane and I he said the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in this game.

"Objectives don't matter."

/ignore is your friend. You can't reason with him.
She scales horribly when you buy AP. There are better and more natural tanks that also have a CC spell.

Realistically you buy tank items and maybe an MPen item or two with her.

If you snowball with Renekton - you can buy AD items, Armor Pen and 1-2 tank items and they all scale very well with him and he carries even harder.

You snowball Elise and she's still doing 4-8% of health per spell (depending on rank) and it can only go down depending on the MR/MPen ratios when you select a target.

That's the reason she is so suited for jungle. Some innate sustain, good base damage, a strong snare, a jump, a finisher move.

The gold in top lane just scales so much better on a different champion. Realistically get the golem on Elise and some armor and maybe a bit of MR - she's still a relevant damage dealer and she still does her job as a frontline tank. With that extra gold? There's barely any difference. She hits some item breakpoints faster - so I guess she's a bit beefier earlier but yeah - if your goal is to carry the game, it's not effective to build tanky.
Top lane as it's been for the past few months has been all about picking tanky DPS meatshields that are consistently able to draw the attention of the enemy carries, with occasional exceptions like Riven. Whilst also able to clear waves fast and to put a dent on towers in a timely fashion. It hasn't been hard carry-centric for a long time. Elise fits there. When laning mid against melee assassins, she's all about pummeling them and making sure they don't get to do what they ought to be doing while near-impervious to ganks herself.

I never said anything about buying raw AP on her in the first place (too easily punished), at least we agree on the general notion of her itemization without going into the specifics. I also didn't question her efficiency as a jungler. However, saying one of the best anti-melee's in the game has no place being top or mid because she's good elsewhere too is incredibly narrow-minded. "No let her be the jungler" is the most irrelevant answer one could give when the question that matters is "can she beat x?" as a laner. Can she give most melee champions a thorough thrashing? Yes, absolutely. Can she capitilize on the gold disparity created with a lead to the point the enemy laner becomes redundant, and thus snowball out of control? If pitted against a good match-up (of which again, there are many), very much so. She's a versatile champion; use that flexibility if you're able to instead of predictably pidgeon-holing her in a single role because... reasons. Even at higher levels of play the element of suprise (or unfamiliarity) can be effective when they don't know what to think about positions during champ select, and potentially even select inappropriate runes / masteries in the process.

And Renekton doesn't carry the longer the game drags on, no matter which items he buys. He's not that kind of champion. Neither is Elise, but you can be damn sure a good one will make her presence felt depending on her lane position, far better than those she wants to face.

Let's see if these new settings work better, yeah?

Game's starting now, btw.

Edit: can't stream, 900 ping :/ what can I do? I followed all the steps Mickey gave me but it didn't work.
You have to be more specific with your current broadcast settings, PC specs and your Internet connection speed if you want in-depth help. Also, don't leave your own stream on; it only needlessly makes your computer's performance and UP/DL speeds worse.

There's also an OBS thread on GAF that might contain more valid advice.


You have to be more specific with your current broadcast settings, PC specs and your Internet connection speed if you want in-depth help. Also, don't leave your own stream on; it only needlessly makes your computer's performance and UP/DL speeds worse.

There's also an OBS thread on GAF that might contain more valid advice.

Alright, thanks for your advice man. One last thing... how do I change stream delay?? :/

Alright, hopefully this works...lol
Apparently I shouldn't be calling myself a shyvanna main since I've played marginally more Jarvan and Jax.

Pretty interesting stats to look at. 500 hours in a couple months, probably a bit much.
Games are often much better when you just mute people as soon as they show signs of douchebaggery.

I'm playing doge top. The other guy in the lane disappears. As soon as he moves out of view I ping twice. After maybe 15 seconds, I ping again. He gets a double kill.

"omg thx for the ping"

"well yea, I pinged 3 times."

"you pinged right as he was on top of us."

"no...that was the 3rd ping."

"omg don't be a ****** about it."


ain't nobody got no time fa dat. Of course I carried him hard with doge. 10/3/9 with 400 siphoned damage in under 30 minutes. Then he adds me to his friends list. pfft.
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