Hey guys, I have a quick question about streaming. Whenever I try to stream, I lag a lot. Is there a way to fix this or am I screwed?
Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else, but I feel we've been down this road before in this thread.
If you're using OBS, see if enabling "Minimize Network Impact" (Broadcast Settings) in conjunction with "Automatic Low Latency Mode" (Advanced) makes a difference. It did for me after finding the right bitrate and stream resolution.
what should people buy on cho nowadays
like, I kinda hate roa but catalyst is one of my favorite items in the game, makes me feel so beefy :I
The (all-around mediocre) stats that Rod of Ages provides can be easily acquired through other means for Mid'Gath... in the long run. His build is entirely different for top lane.
Want mana? Work towards a Frozen Heart, since he'll need CDR too. Health? Haunting Guise or Spirit Visage (though not ideal). Damage? Zhonya's, Abyssal Scepter, Deathcap, Deathfire Grasp, et cetera depending on who you're facing.
She's not garbage but why would you deliberately throw away gold?
I don't see how putting her against favorable match-ups (plenty of top champions, all of the melee mid assassins) equals "deliberately throwing away gold" or anything of the sort. Is it not the goal of a champion to win their lane and to turn their advantage into something that's beneficial for the team, be it pressuring the map, shutting the opposing laner down or being a threat to squishies in teamfights? She's quite potent in doing so and she synergizes extremely well with the current junglers too, timed invasions included.
She bullies melee's better than Renekton, has more overall flexibility and she doesn't drop off as hard as him, yet I don't see anyone raggin' on the 'gator. Very different champions fundamentally, but their purpose boils down to the same thing when you overly simplify it.
She's not bad because she's a top tier jungler
She's bad because Visage exists
As good as Spirit Visage is, it alone doesn't instantly turn around lanes that are heavily into Elise's favor by default. Unless you're Susan due to how building straight tank doesn't have much of an impact on his damage output, but you'd be silly to not ban him anyways with how he is right now. And when it comes to other sustain heavy or beefy champs that are currently in high demand or can be taken into consideration: Mundo is nothing to worry about during the laning phase, Trundle's only option is
hoping he can endure until his item threshold, Renekton isn't very threatening and what's Shyvanna going to do in a 1 vs 1? Elise's only concern against Rengar is his early all-in cheese potential, Yorick (an actual bad match-up) doesn't do much when rushing SV, and Olaf can cope by chucking axes non-stop and patiently playing the farm game (which is perfectly fine for Elise too). Irelia can be outright problematic, but for some odd reason everyone is
still taking Wickd's word that she's awful (when she really, really isn't) and Nunu as well as Zac got nerfed into oblivion for them to still function in top lane.
Who else is left?