Wolf Akela
wow sorry
pls dont bash me on me ead
sware on ye mum
pls dont bash me on me ead
sware on ye mum
I know that, hence my confusion :x Nothing has changed that I'm aware of. No reinstall, no new build, etc.
This is just some alternate reality timeline where my waifu is J4.
I imagine his damage with w powered up body slam into trinity force proc might be pretty damned stupidJungle Gragas!
I've been trying him recently and the nerf to his E actually made his clear times amazing. Toying with the idea of trying a tanky AD Gragas since he feels like has the stats to be decent at it.
wow sorry
pls dont bash me on me ead
sware on ye mum
well he's irish
okay, time to turn in my ribbon.
cuz i just raged hard.
duo's man.
fucking duo's.
i didnt mind the plat/silv 5 duo.I know that fucking feel.
How did you not mind thisi didnt mind the 1/4 hecarim rushing lizard/sheen
How did you not mind this
I'd mind so hard
I'm just gonna main Kha, Shyvana, and Jinx until the world is safe again.
Shyv is so fun. If she ain't banned, it's an auto pick for me at jungle or top.I'm just gonna main Kha, Shyvana, and Jinx until the world is safe again.
Shyv is so fun. If she ain't banned, it's an auto pick for me at jungle or top.
Edit: I meant she's strong, and fun somewhat![]()
I hated him way before it was cool to thoSorry all, my most played character is Ziggs.
I liked him way before it was cool to though. /hipster
I hated him way before it was cool to tho
Yeah, you can build straight up tank and deal a lot of bullshit damage.Shyvana is the only champ I think I'm consistently good with any type of game or situation. Now that I'm playing normals again and not just ARAM, its really becoming apparent. I can take a game with Kayle if I get fed just right or play a clean Anivia mid if I have guys warding... but its hard to win games by yourself.
Shyv'sbullshitarmor lets you build however the hell you want for the most part and Kha's ability to steamroll lane or jungle is really underrated (as long as they're no Jayce around). Jinx's E makes everyone in bronze feel stupid too. But geez.
I was hoping I'd be able to figure stuff out in normals over time but people are dicks :|
Mothman91I need to start adding some of you guys. I need people who don't go 1/16 to give me advice for a change.
Quick question though - I never see Atma's Impaler in any guides. Am I wrong for occasionally building it?
I've been playing some jungle graggy. He is pretty decent and having his ult as a jungler is very useful.Jungle Gragas!
I've been trying him recently and the nerf to his E actually made his clear times amazing. Toying with the idea of trying a tanky AD Gragas since he feels like has the stats to be decent at it.
Oh, and I changed my gaf username, at first I named after my gamertag, since I was going to change it to Deadly Paw, but I didn't and I don't even play xbox these days. And Sr Kitsune has grown in me a lot.
You know it's time to stop when you lose 2 5v4 in a row...
Is it linked to:
uh, I don't get it at all.
I guess that is some kind of udon, maybe... kitsune udon? (I'm just guessing)
Anyways it's just that I like foxes. As I said in [URL="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=47066262&postcount=14563"]my first post[/URL] in League-GAF.
And for Sr. Some of my friends thinks it comes from "Sir" and some other from "Señor(Mr. in spanish)"
The simple true is that I wanted to have as summoner name "Kitsune" but as always it wasn't available, so I was playing Halo 4, and just added "Sr" (in that game it means, Spartan Ranking), so "Sr Kitsune" was born.
uh, I don't get it at all.
I guess that is some kind of udon, maybe... kitsune udon? (I'm just guessing)
uh, I don't get it at all.
I guess that is some kind of udon, maybe... kitsune udon? (I'm just guessing)
Anyways it's just that I like foxes. As I said in my first post in League-GAF.
And for Sr. Some of my friends thinks it comes from "Sir" and some other from "Señor(Mr. in spanish)"
The simple true is that I wanted to have as summoner name "Kitsune" but as always it wasn't available, so I was playing Halo 4, and just added "Sr" (in that game it means, Spartan Ranking), so "Sr Kitsune" was born.
Dude.. Halo 4... don't bring back bad memories
What's a kitsune?
It's udon with fried tofu, yeah. They call it fox udon because supposedly foxes really like fried tofu. I don't think that's actually the case, but maybe it's some Japanese joke that I'm not really privy to.
Oh, now I'm hungry.Yes it's called Kitsune udon.
I just realized.
Sasquatch Nunu was on sale the day before I got it in a mystery gift.
Then I could have send a ticket to support for giving me a skin of 260 RP, when it's supposed to be of at least 520. Sigh, 10 hours late.
Oh, and I changed my gaf username, at first I named after my gamertag, since I was going to change it to Deadly Paw, but I didn't and I don't even play xbox these days. And Sr Kitsune has grown in me a lot.
Is it linked to:
Played against one for the first time in mid lane while I was using Tristana. It was not a pretty sight. It didn't help that the person playing was a smurf and I didn't have a clue on holding my own against her. Shee ran circles around me and then I get harassed by my team for feeding her when she goes into other lanes and destroys them.Once again Riven proves to be a disgusting abomination of champion design and wins the game by building nothing but damage and being tankier than every champ in my team!