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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I might actually stream some league games today just to test how my set up handles it. I'll be streaming a game jam next month so I'd like to make sure everything is working.

If anyone wants some jungle champions played let me know.
Jungle Gragas!

I've been trying him recently and the nerf to his E actually made his clear times amazing. Toying with the idea of trying a tanky AD Gragas since he feels like has the stats to be decent at it.


I know that, hence my confusion :x Nothing has changed that I'm aware of. No reinstall, no new build, etc.

This is just some alternate reality timeline where my waifu is J4.

On the flipside because of a recent reinstall my lolparse has 50+ karma games and no more than 1 with any other champion. One true waifu indeed.


Jungle Gragas!

I've been trying him recently and the nerf to his E actually made his clear times amazing. Toying with the idea of trying a tanky AD Gragas since he feels like has the stats to be decent at it.
I imagine his damage with w powered up body slam into trinity force proc might be pretty damned stupid

the fucking throws. So Yauso decides to feed Kha and Wu early and often early and mid game. I lane switched for him twice, but it was just bad decision after bad decision. Tunnel vision chasing across the map, farming in the enemy jungle with no one to help him, staying too long in fights. That sort of thing. He was maybe 1/6 at 15 minutes. And he was one of those all-chat "fuk u LET ME FARM" talkers. Of course, that early gold lead meant they their itemization came online faster than ours and I couldn't really blow anyone up like I really wanted to.

Oh but when it mattered.

2 fights lost them the game. They took Vilemaw and Kha saw what appeared to be a lonely Yauso...again. Except Yauso had homies waiting in the bushes. I basically exploded him and we were able to take their top T1, T2 and inhib in one push. Second fight Kha tunnel visioned Yauso I think. Or otherwise didn't see me in the bushes and I 3-shot him which became a team wipe since he was doing all the team's damage. That was the GG.

I wouldn't say the loss was his fault because without him rolling early and mid, their team doesn't have the kind of lead they got. But...yea it was kinda his fault. He should have bought some MR. Everyone else on the team seemed to figure that out. And as a melee champ trying to carry, it behooves him to get some MR more than anyone. Because LeBlanc will blow you right the fuck up, behind in items or not.
I figure "yeah it's not a good idea to play ranked on holidays"

Do it anyways, immediatly regret it once I see champ select.

Merry fucking christmas from the League community.


Everything is moe to me
I know that fucking feel.
i didnt mind the plat/silv 5 duo.
i didnt mind the plat losing lane to silver 2 mundo.
i didnt mind the 1/4 hecarim rushing lizard/sheen
i didnt mind never getting a blue

because i had my mid zyra and my carry pants were on.

i didnt even mind when the duo hecarim/shyvana ulted down mid leaving me behind with an amumu and a mundo.

i didnt even mind when losing that fight lost us the game.

but when that duo used the time between the fight and our loss to biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch at me and leona for being 'cowards' for not following up two huge gapcloser ults on champions with some of the strongest movespeed steroids in the game.

i minded.

well i got +2 honourable opponent so i guess only as much as 3 of the other team could have reported me for that endgame lobby.


Everything is moe to me
well, with stone ocean's duo help i just had a thoroughly refreshing game.

I sona'd and ruined some poor fool playing nid support and now everything just feels right. ^.^


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Shyv is so fun. If she ain't banned, it's an auto pick for me at jungle or top.
Edit: I meant she's strong, and fun somewhat :)

Shyvana is the only champ I think I'm consistently good with any type of game or situation. Now that I'm playing normals again and not just ARAM, its really becoming apparent. I can take a game with Kayle if I get fed just right or play a clean Anivia mid if I have guys warding... but its hard to win games by yourself.

Shyv's bullshit armor lets you build however the hell you want for the most part and Kha's ability to steamroll lane or jungle is really underrated (as long as they're no Jayce around). Jinx's E makes everyone in bronze feel stupid too. But geez.

I was hoping I'd be able to figure stuff out in normals over time but people are dicks :|


playing with lux nowadays is so depressing, she feels from an age long past, it's terrible

like I can get a ton of kills and crush lane since I know her so well but it's so easy to misposition and get blown up since her self peel sucks and she's just so fucking slow

I guess this is what malzahar players must've felt a season ago

also new lesson learned: "be content with zoning, specially if you have no flash"

Sorry all, my most played character is Ziggs.

I liked him way before it was cool to though. /hipster
I hated him way before it was cool to tho


I hated him way before it was cool to tho

Having the easiest laning phase in the game (even back then) while being a bomb toting cackling hamster-squirrel thing meant I couldn't say no.

Right behind him as my most played is Fizz (5 game difference). Pick your poison.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I need to start adding some of you guys. I need people who don't go 1/16 to give me advice for a change.


Shyvana is the only champ I think I'm consistently good with any type of game or situation. Now that I'm playing normals again and not just ARAM, its really becoming apparent. I can take a game with Kayle if I get fed just right or play a clean Anivia mid if I have guys warding... but its hard to win games by yourself.

Shyv's bullshit armor lets you build however the hell you want for the most part and Kha's ability to steamroll lane or jungle is really underrated (as long as they're no Jayce around). Jinx's E makes everyone in bronze feel stupid too. But geez.

I was hoping I'd be able to figure stuff out in normals over time but people are dicks :|
Yeah, you can build straight up tank and deal a lot of bullshit damage.
I need to start adding some of you guys. I need people who don't go 1/16 to give me advice for a change.

Also I think there's a spreadsheet around.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Awesome. I'll add when I get back on in a bit.

Quick question though - I never see Atma's Impaler in any guides. Am I wrong for occasionally building it?


Jungle Gragas!

I've been trying him recently and the nerf to his E actually made his clear times amazing. Toying with the idea of trying a tanky AD Gragas since he feels like has the stats to be decent at it.
I've been playing some jungle graggy. He is pretty decent and having his ult as a jungler is very useful.
I'll play him ,wukong and poppy in ranked today.

I also have some experimental jungle taric set ups as well as the top tier junglers planned.
I just realized.

Sasquatch Nunu was on sale the day before I got it in a mystery gift.

Then I could have send a ticket to support for giving me a skin of 260 RP, when it's supposed to be of at least 520. Sigh, 10 hours late.

Oh, and I changed my gaf username, at first I named after my gamertag, since I was going to change it to Deadly Paw, but I didn't and I don't even play xbox these days. And Sr Kitsune has grown in me a lot.
You know it's time to stop when you lose 2 5v4 in a row...

Oh, and I changed my gaf username, at first I named after my gamertag, since I was going to change it to Deadly Paw, but I didn't and I don't even play xbox these days. And Sr Kitsune has grown in me a lot.

Is it linked to:
You know it's time to stop when you lose 2 5v4 in a row...

Is it linked to:

uh, I don't get it at all.

I guess that is some kind of udon, maybe... kitsune udon? (I'm just guessing)

Anyways it's just that I like foxes. As I said in [URL="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=47066262&postcount=14563"]my first post[/URL] in League-GAF.

And for Sr. Some of my friends thinks it comes from "Sir" and some other from "Señor(Mr. in spanish)"

The simple true is that I wanted to have as summoner name "Kitsune" but as always it wasn't available, so I was playing Halo 4, and just added "Sr" (in that game it means, Spartan Ranking), so "Sr Kitsune" was born.
uh, I don't get it at all.

I guess that is some kind of udon, maybe... kitsune udon? (I'm just guessing)

It's udon with fried tofu, yeah. They call it fox udon because supposedly foxes really like fried tofu. I don't think that's actually the case, but maybe it's some Japanese joke that I'm not really privy to.
uh, I don't get it at all.

I guess that is some kind of udon, maybe... kitsune udon? (I'm just guessing)

Anyways it's just that I like foxes. As I said in my first post in League-GAF.

And for Sr. Some of my friends thinks it comes from "Sir" and some other from "Señor(Mr. in spanish)"

The simple true is that I wanted to have as summoner name "Kitsune" but as always it wasn't available, so I was playing Halo 4, and just added "Sr" (in that game it means, Spartan Ranking), so "Sr Kitsune" was born.

Yes it's called Kitsune udon.
Dude.. Halo 4... don't bring back bad memories :(

What's a kitsune?

Uh, fox, in japanese.

And just remember all the juniors going suicide, the barn, starwolf, etc. I used to lurk and post at halogaf some time ago. But it got too salty for me, hehe. Is Ozzy still as optimistic as before, saying halo 4 is still alive?, the old times.

It's udon with fried tofu, yeah. They call it fox udon because supposedly foxes really like fried tofu. I don't think that's actually the case, but maybe it's some Japanese joke that I'm not really privy to.

Um, okay. I hope he explains it.

Yes it's called Kitsune udon.
Oh, now I'm hungry.

Hmm, I want to, at some point in the future, visit New Zealand, hopefully I can make a stop in Japan, and eat some of that.

Got atlatean fizz, emumu, phoenix quinn, death blossom elise, boom boom blitzcrank, and desert trooper garen, from mystery gift, not so bad.


I just realized.

Sasquatch Nunu was on sale the day before I got it in a mystery gift.

Then I could have send a ticket to support for giving me a skin of 260 RP, when it's supposed to be of at least 520. Sigh, 10 hours late.

Oh, and I changed my gaf username, at first I named after my gamertag, since I was going to change it to Deadly Paw, but I didn't and I don't even play xbox these days. And Sr Kitsune has grown in me a lot.

If I remember right, riot said that all of those skins that were brought back for this winter sale can't be refunded or anything like that if you don't get it on the day of the sale.


Once again Riven proves to be a disgusting abomination of champion design and wins the game by building nothing but damage and being tankier than every champ in my team!


Once again Riven proves to be a disgusting abomination of champion design and wins the game by building nothing but damage and being tankier than every champ in my team!
Played against one for the first time in mid lane while I was using Tristana. It was not a pretty sight. It didn't help that the person playing was a smurf and I didn't have a clue on holding my own against her. Shee ran circles around me and then I get harassed by my team for feeding her when she goes into other lanes and destroys them.

Made me hate the game for a couple days.
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