Why do people call Rengar Rango? Like, not even close. Doeant look like the movie either.
Why do people call Rengar Rango? Like, not even close. Doeant look like the movie either.
Almost a full mirror lane.
Apparently I got the bad team, we lost like 18-50
Do you have a video of that match? I would love to see how Morgana is being played.
I have no idea how to take videos lol but our Morgana was an example of how NOT to play Morg.
early arm guard is pretty weak from what i understand.why don't ap mids in ranked build defensive against assassin mids
i mean, armguard is right there
you could even take some armor runes
no you aren't gonna tank it, but if you can survive 3 secs you'll prob survive
early arm guard is pretty weak from what i understand.
What did PL do last night? All that I can find online is everyone bitching about him and that the cops were called in him.
Why do people call Rengar Rango? Like, not even close. Doeant look like the movie either.
Armor runes yes, but armguard isn't really going to help you stop something like Kha Zix from killing you. Take Barrier instead and just go your usual build so you can actually kill him before he kills you.why don't ap mids in ranked build defensive against assassin mids
i mean, armguard is right there
you could even take some armor runes
no you aren't gonna tank it, but if you can survive 3 secs you'll prob survive
Armor runes yes, but armguard isn't really going to help you stop something like Kha Zix from killing you. Take Barrier instead and just go your usual build so you can actually kill him before he kills you.
It's a lot easier vs AP assassins since you can get chalice or a Negatron cloak.
Lmao.Positioning is such a big deal.
Now that I know how to hop/flash/cloak boogie with kha....![]()
I been eatin brehs
chalice, negatron, seekers or barrier don't work against khazix or fizz
I still can't understand what was the reason behind the creation of such repulsive character. When they seemed to be away from the "lolburst", "instaburst", "League of Burst" or whatever you called it fest of unskill kits that this game was, they go and release the worst offender. I wish that trash character burned and all players who "play" him would start actually using their brain.
we could also just play something elsechalice, negatron, seekers or barrier don't work against khazix or fizz
it's a waste of money
edit: the real only way to play against this people is to super push and farm wraiths and never really be in lane with them.
Yup, you need to be a big playmaker if you aren't going a spirit item or else you will be a bit behind in gold.The spirit items really stonewall junglers in. If guys go anything but machete and DON'T super snowball out of jungle then they have a really hard time keeping up with a farming jungler that rushes a spirit. The difference in potential income is huge.
we could also just play something else
or duo jungle
or have wild and raunchy love making
it's not hard to come to first back and be ready to buy a spirit stone or madred's off a doran's. if anything machete start is more of a gold sink if you can avoid it on sustain junglers.The spirit items really stonewall junglers in. If guys go anything but machete and DON'T super snowball out of jungle then they have a really hard time keeping up with a farming jungler that rushes a spirit. The difference in potential income is huge.
I still can't understand what was the reason behind the creation of such repulsive character. When they seemed to be away from the "lolburst", "instaburst", "League of Burst" or whatever you called it fest of unskill kits that this game was, they go and release the worst offender. I wish that trash character burned and all players who "play" him would start actually using their brain.
it's not hard to come to first back and be ready to buy a spirit stone or madred's off a doran's. if anything machete start is more of a gold sink if you can avoid it on sustain junglers.
other than Lee, what common junglers can sustain themselves off just the Dorans? I haven't tried it yet.
udyr. trundle. sometimes nocturne. probably xin.other than Lee, what common junglers can sustain themselves off just the Dorans? I haven't tried it yet.
other than Lee, what common junglers can sustain themselves off just the Dorans? I haven't tried it yet.
Yup, you need to be a big playmaker if you aren't going a spirit item or else you will be a bit behind in gold.
Also, what are some other runes I can buy? I have the general AP/AD reds/quints. Also have AS reds. Yellow/blues are armor and MR runes. I'm missing movement speed quints which I don't know which jungler or laner can use. Any other runes/quints I can buy?
udyr. trundle. sometimes nocturne. probably xin.
no. i run doran's blade start on udyr even when i go phoenix sometimes. it doesn't matter. tiger is just not good right now tbh unless you're laning or something.with Udyr, would this be a Q-focused skill build instead of a R-focused one?
no. i run doran's blade start on udyr even when i go phoenix sometimes. it doesn't matter. tiger is just not good right now tbh unless you're laning or something.
tf nami is terrible, never again.