Steve ain't boken. You'll never be boken.
Steve ain't boken. You'll never be boken.
I normally have nothing against gratuitous cleavage and ridiculous outfits, but Nami's is different. It is basically her skin peeled open. Not that mutilation in regards to beauty/fashion is uncommon, but damn.
Do players normally lock screen to center on the character or simply leave it unlock and manage it?
Unlocked screen, but I hold the space bar to lock it like 70% of the time. I let go during fights.
Do players normally lock screen to center on the character or simply leave it unlock and manage it?
How long until the Riven and Diana skins come out? Chinese New Year?
How long until the Riven and Diana skins come out? Chinese New Year?
why is there a guy with boken's avatar out there?
much hostileFuck stevewinwood
Pussy, porn... no wonder the link was taken downit's my friendly name for it you pussy
it's all sfw shit
much hostile
so toxic
what did i ever do to you
Leaning a bit toward Yasuo, Jayce and Quinn.
I thought the LoL community was nicer than that other game. Guess I was wrong.![]()
I really like Xin Zhao, he has such a strong early game its quite surprising. Lately I think he's an under valued top laner.
Money for top laner. Who?
Except for:
Talon (too risky)
Fiora (too risky, bad)
Rumble (can never play well)
Leaning a bit toward Yasuo, Jayce and Quinn.
Sejuani.Money for top laner. Who?
I needed this game after a bad, bad start to the year (never getting armor pen runes again lol)
Money for top laner. Who?
Except for:
Talon (too risky)
Fiora (too risky, bad)
Rumble (can never play well)
Leaning a bit toward Yasuo, Jayce and Quinn.
This was on RiotPenguin's twitter feed.
Money for top laner. Who?
Except for:
Talon (too risky)
Fiora (too risky, bad)
Rumble (can never play well)
Leaning a bit toward Yasuo, Jayce and Quinn.
Selective memory and inaccurate anecdotal 'evidence' (like the Korean tidbit).I've fucked enough people because of this bullshit. Fuck Riot and fuck their shitty EUW servers. You're the worst. I regret giving any money to them. I hopeHeroes of the StormDota 2 or Smite surpass this game soon because of the 0 cares they've given about Europe since they released it. Literally 3 and a half years of problems, and all they give us is IP boost, while they give skins and RP to Korea if their shiny servers stop working properly for 10 seconds.
I like this game but this shit is too much.
Except Quinn is better at dueling top laners and pressuring towers than Vayne, never mind that nobody likes Vayne players.There's not actually much reason to play Quinn Top. If you can play Quinn Top you can play Vayne Top. (And yes, you sometimes can play Vayne Top, though a bit less often after the "quality of life" change/nerf to her Condemn follow-up.)
It's one thing to be understandably frustrated with how their service has been performing far from optimally lately, but knee-jerk hyperbole like "0 cares given about Europe" shows that you're only seeing what you want to believe.
seems like carryover crap from the early riot daysWhy are runes so fucking expensive?
Except Quinn is better at dueling top laners and pressuring towers than Vayne, never mind that nobody likes Vayne players.
I played about 5 games as Vayne top last night and was doing really well and was having fun too. It was my first time trying it out so I didn't really know what to expect. Is Quinn really a better option for that style?
seems like carryover crap from the early riot days
they plan to overhaul the whole runes thing in s4 so I wouldn't go too crazy about them for the time being.
btw when does s4 actually start? feels like forever since a patch. I need a patch :3
Well imo, with the tank meta now, Vayne would be a lot more useful because of % hp true damage. Both Vayne and Quinn should crap all over the melee top laners anyway.
Vayne can still whittle down melee's in lane, but she's more vulnerable and in this context she's primarily a late game threat. Meanwhile, a Quinn that maxes E > W against champions such as Renekton or Shyvanna (since the blind from Q is next to useless against those) is a massive pain-in-the-ass from the get-go and requires less effort in order to effectively deny the average top melee. If you time your Vault right (with decreased cooldown + increased slow per rank) versus the examples I listed, they almost cannot touch you without risking losing the trade by a lot. Quinn also has an easier time reacting to your jungler if he's invading the enemy thanks to her ult and she takes down towers faster with her attack speed buff.I played about 5 games as Vayne top last night and was doing really well and was having fun too. It was my first time trying it out so I didn't really know what to expect. Is Quinn really a better option for that style?