Usually Thresh support or Ziggs mid. I'm guessing you're a Yasuo top? lol
I'm a pretty decent Yasuo. Although I've been playing a lot more Zac.
Usually Thresh support or Ziggs mid. I'm guessing you're a Yasuo top? lol
I'm a pretty decent Yasuo. Although I've been playing a lot more Zac.
that's what I'm excited forYeah, where is my Anivia's buffs.
Did you lost connection for a few moments?
My client was messed up, after I lost connections for a few seconds the other day.
we got loss prevented too!
As soon as League's back we shall duo... Hope it's not DDoS'd again.
I know, you were on my team!
i thought we were gonna play at some point
I want to play at some point too, but I don't think we ever set a time really. When can you play? I'll be around all day over the next few days.
4AM your time. Let's do it.literally any time in the next like 48 hours
im just constantly being yelled at here
As soon as this tweet hits 1,000 retweets, a 30k LoL user dump will be posted right away! All info:***** Love you guys! <3
Fun times.
Played my first game of Swain. Went just 9-6 but we still won. I donged in the early game but we had a Pantheon top that kept feeding Kha'Zix which made my lane a lot harder.
Still, Swain is a monster. I straight up melted a Lee Sin and Zed at level 6.
Yep, Swain's ratios coupled with his damage amp is insanity. Focus him or die.
im in4AM your time. Let's do it.
2 much yelling 4 meChange it BACK, BACK, YOU DIRTY APE
Elise most played. Yeah. Seems about right.
Irelia second though. Wow, I haven't played Irelia in AGES. Irelia most minutes played. She was one of the first I bought. Played her a lot leveling.
Like I said: the matter of maxing Q vs maxing E first is dependant on the enemy champion, but out of the match-ups you listed you would've been able to punish Garen, Susan and Singed very regularly with more points in E. You're right in that they can still try and chase you after you used your E aggressively albeit only from max distance (or anywhere close to it), but given that Quinn has the range advantage by default you can casually walk up to them a little closer as they attempt to last-hit (which'll increase the frequency of your Harrier passive landing correctly) and if champions like the above try to counter-attack (Renekton and Shyvanna too for that matter), you'll create enough distance for them to realize it'll usually be an exercise in futility while getting two Harrier procs off with good timing. Prioritizing W over Q only further amplifies this, with the increased movement and attack speed it provides per Harrier proc. So even with the notion of Q being a safe tool for ranged poke, in the end it's still less consistent against melee's due to the Blind debuff not always being a valuable stat against a top laner (all of the ones mentioned in here), it being a skillshot, a top usually having enough self-sustain to shrug off Q harrassing after positioning properly and it potentially pushing the lane hard as well if the opposing laner sticks close to his minion waves whether you directly hit him or not.Welp, I tried max E Quinn a couple of times and was just not really impressed, guys.
First ranked of the day.
Neither my nor the enemy ADC has lifesteal runes. Both supports have GP10. WAT
First ranked of the day.
Neither my nor the enemy ADC has lifesteal runes. Both supports have GP10. WAT
Right there with you, first game of the night and I get a heim that calls solo bot...
If it wasn't one of the biggest troll games I'm been. I'm sure it could work, with the turrets he could hold bot. I could see that.
You send your your adc/supp top and they push down the turret really fast, while they can't really kill heimer's tower, then rotate back and gg
I guess the question is why did he want bot so badly instead of just going ... top.
I play Quinn ADC, not top, and I max E exclusively. You definitely lose damage, but her E has good range and is very reliable.
do you count as isolated against khazix if you're right next to your turret but no minions around?
First time playing Elise in ranked. Second time playing her ever. She definitely has a pretty high skillcap, and I can see why she's 100% pick/banned at major tournaments. That E is so strong. Also that Maokai kinda stole Nid's lane lmao.
ah okI don't think so. I was playing him and the isolation mark didn't appear when their garen was right next to the turret.
Is it a different radius for champions and minions?
I'm maxing Q->W->E when i'm playing her as a Gank Police jungle. Q is the skill to engage and to chase enemies. If you can land it on a champion it does a lot of dmg while knocking them a bit, and if the fight's long enough cd will end and you'll have it again to catch a fleeing opponent. Sometimes it just melts low hp characters, and that's fun.Just picked up Vi on sale and played a bot much to test her out. I really like her.
Should I max W or Q first? I saw some guides saying Q from names I know, but they looked outdated.
Unless you're planning on not playing until they get updated, just get the runes.Would it be worth it to get runes now? Or should I wait for the upcoming patch? Don't want to spend the IP for nothing.