Well it took me forever in season 3 to do this, so I hope you will all forgive me an image-filled post. 399 games later:
Congrats! oh and btw I have definitely played with you recently, I remember seeing your name. I just reached gold as well.
Well it took me forever in season 3 to do this, so I hope you will all forgive me an image-filled post. 399 games later:
Congrats! oh and btw I have definitely played with you recently, I remember seeing your name. I just reached gold as well.
now kithh
havent seen you in the channel before.
Loving the Taric, and the demotions with Program!
Wall of Shame:
why is it a waste if it's a good skin?
Because it is a good skin.
And if it's because you don't play the champion it's a waste already.
Recieving "nice skin" compliments on chat feels good.I play Thresh a lot. The skin is okay. I just enjoy that elitist feeling I get when I play with a skin that the opponent doesn't have.
Feels good.
Iknowthatfeelbro.jpgI play Thresh a lot. The skin is okay. I just enjoy that elitist feeling I get when I play with a skin that the opponent doesn't have.
Feels good.
Is there a rankedGAF team?EUW
I think I'm 2-10 in ranked with riven... WorstRivenNAI got the championship Riven skin.
I later realized how much I sucked at playing Riven.
There's this friendlist bug going on 3.12 I believe.Does NA have this glitch too? Ignore doesn't work after you logout. They're still in the list but if you somehow got queued with them again, you still see their messages.
It's really irritating when you report someone after the game only to found out he was supposed to be in your ignore list already.
Does NA have this glitch too? Ignore doesn't work after you logout. They're still in the list but if you somehow got queued with them again, you still see their messages.
It's really irritating when you report someone after the game only to found out he was supposed to be in your ignore list already.
Riot pls.
Championship jarvan ults and BAM, u r at da staples center with a riff from the S3 worlds theme song.
Roit pls.
I just want a dragon themed jarvan called Jarmander and as he hits ult ranks Jarmeleon, Jarizard
I just want a dragon themed jarvan called Jarmander and as he hits ult ranks Jarmeleon, Jarizard
I really hope Puszu gets benched and Rekkles gets to play.I really hope Rekkles is still a godlike adc in S4.
I really hope Puszu gets benched and Rekkles gets to play.
Looks like Puszu left the house.
From all accounts he's visiting family in Estonia for a bit. Rekkles has been living in the gaming house for some time already and is joining the rest of the team in S4 lcs with Puszu subbing I think?
Every team I go for loses. What do GAF ):?
Just had the wildest comeback. Were down like 8K gold and only had our base towers left. I was able to help my team push the enemy back for like 8 minutes through Sona's sustain. Then they tried to force a Baron fight, but their carries got cocky and jumped over the wall into the front line.
I land a three-man Crescendo to lock up their two fed carries. On top of that, Morde is able to get Ezreal's ghost, which allows us to clean the rest of them up.
We're so far behind we only manage to get a tower for our pleasure, so they resume pressuring us at our base. Our Morde gets caught out of position, so they dive him. We kite back and then I come up with one of these guys...
This leads to the death of everyone but Syndra, and we manage to finish out the game, despite (at one point) an 8K gold differential and several surrender attempts.
Top lane Lee Sin is a crime against humanity.
Congrats, what is your ingame name?Congrats! oh and btw I have definitely played with you recently, I remember seeing your name. I just reached gold as well.
Congrats, what is your ingame name?
There is a "neogaf' chat channel you can join, yes.
Congrats Dobe
Now beat bip.
Taking credit for this as I haven't played with him in a week.
Just played Singed for the first time.
So wow.
Such fun.
Okay that's the second post like this in the thread.
Gonna try him now.