I think I'm gonna trim down my mid roster then
gonna just do ori, syndra, leblanc and lizzy. I kind of want to get gragas too but I'm 0-4 on him so well, results (even if I have a pretty good kda on him). I kind of want to get more nidalee games on too since I think she's fun as all fuck.
edit: it's kind of a strong roster for me since they're all relatively safe laners I can play pretty well and I know how to build pretty well too. there's some variety with leblanc and lizzy for assassins, being able to run tp on lizzy for counterganks bot, those two and syn for picks and ori and syndra for crazy poke and teamfighting. I'd really like to know how to zed but he's too hard for me tbh. I may try him on my smurf through the week just to get more comfortable with his combos and shit
my duo buddy landed so far ahead of me that I really gotta crunch up the games to catch him. and like if I manage to get to where he is relatively soon I'm totally gonna shoot for diamond this season. I feel my mechanics and game knowledge shit are pretty up there compared to what they were a year or so ago even though I'm not having the best moment just right now.
getting to d5 would make me pretty darned happy
My current policy is if I get invited to DOTA 2 I only play if I can play a pretty lady. Basically I only play Lina.
lina's not even that pretty
like she looks so awkard like she's propelled by her own farts or something
I like doto akali and doto diana and windrunner
and doto blitz
So I tried to play Dota... it was fun but the game looks really ugly compared to league. Especially the champions.
I don't think it looks ugly, but to me it looks really muddy and like I can't tell shit. like nothing really pops from the background or anything
Is Ashe's strongest in the bottom lane?
yea, she's very rarely played anywhere else.