Lee Sin's not real carry jungle, mang. He falls off like the Marianna's Trench.
The only two professional level carry junglers who ever were before Season 4 were Diamond and Insec, and even Diamond said Insec was the better of the two. Meteos wasn't even a true jungle carry, he was just greedier than most.
Edit: Suppose I should underline "professional". I mean, people have been carrying as Jungle Shaco in solo queue since the game was brand new, but it wasn't ever a thing you could do against a real team.
Were you playing in season 2? Lee sin could one shot anyone after his first buff.
April 6, 2011 Hotfix:
Energy restored on hit increased to 15 from 10.
Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike
Attack damage scaling increased to 1.0 from 0.8.
Attack damage scaling increased to 1.0 from 0.6.
Dragon's Rage
Attack damage scaling increased to 2.0 from 1.5.
You don't simply 'fall off' from these buffs. Plus wriggles was probably one of the strongest items in the game in this era.
And release darius could go into any role and win.
And who could forget the terrifying reign of skarner who could cancel flashes and would run at you with 500+ movement speed with a shurelyia rush
There were so many carry junglers.
Not to mention season 1 jungle gave the same, if not more exp than laners.
And kiunch, you don't play poppy anymore.
Her itemisation just sucks compared to other tops. Only reason she was such a monster in the right hands back then was because of support items. Shurelyia/philo stone was crucial to her play.