fizz loses horribly against Janna
first-hand experience
I havent played any yet but how is zyra and lissandra?
zyra is strong but not an unkillable death machine like shaco
AP malph is also incredible
I havent played any yet but how is zyra and lissandra?
> carrying hard and winning a ranked game
> euw disconnects me again, can't go back in
Loss Forgiven?
Can I play Rapid Fire? =(
feelin like dis shit prerecorded tho
feelin like dis shit prerecorded tho
pretty close. it's 80% cdr instead of rapidfire just wtf mode
He is really irritating for whoever gets stunned, but he's probably best at protecting someone else rather than damaging.Tried alistar, wasn't as good as I thought he'd be
Maybe if I went full AP.
sona is fucking 100% pick or ban in this mode jesus that was easy
also, my self mystery gifts of the day. didnt have a lux skin, so even a garbage one is fine. arctic ops varus is coo, didnt have a twitch skin so thats coo, dont care about cho or garen.
waddya talking about willy all lux skins are badThere is no such thing as "garbage skin" for Lux...
... well, maybe Commando Lux. But that's just me.
I'll try my luck later. I got Riot Nasus yesterday
Anyways loving this game mode. Went 25/8 as Nidalee in my second game, and then found that Lulu is broken with her 3-4 q's on a single e, so played a bunch of her. Found that ADC's don't fit well with it though, because league of gapclosers just became league of gapclosers that come up 80% faster. Either that or I am just bad with ADC's.
I think the general consensus is Fizz/ Sona/Soraka as I've seen in this thread. Also Hecarim.Who are the best champs for the new game mode?
I tried Viktor earlier, now I'm using Teemo.