So like normal Summoner's Riftcall me an ass but the fun in this mode is playing the most OP shit ever and winning
like sona
call me an ass but the fun in this mode is playing the most OP shit ever and winning
like sona
Teleport Revive is pretty much my go to now.2 bad u cant pick soraka to counter sona
Everybody picking TP makes this feel like doter
its impossible to play sona with skill now
cds are too short
gotta mash them keys
you can tell i am really enjoying URF SONA
its impossible to play sona with skill now
cds are too short
gotta mash them keys
you can tell i am really enjoying URF SONA
4 zhonya, a deathcap and a lichbane.I really, REALLY wanna try soraka in URF mode
Vlad still costs health. I assume the same goes for others. Boo. I wanted perma pool.![]()
Soraka says no.You can still perma pool. It costs percentage health and feeds it back to you if you're doing damage. Just remember your summoner and item CDs are also crazy short, grab an Hourglass, Ghost, and Flash and you should always have some bullshit ready to hack your way out of trouble.
Aww, I wanted infinite Olaf true damage permanent lightning. Who else has spammable true damage? Kog'maw is probably no good because no escape, maybe Darius since ult would be short cooldown?Vlad still costs health. I assume the same goes for others. Boo. I wanted perma pool.![]()
Rumble still has overheat then, I assume?holy shit kha
rumble is officially the worst champion now
This mode really highlights when people are familiar with champions. I had a Nasus who had like...50-100 stacks by 15 minutes I'm guessing. Maybe 150 or 200 if we were lucky. I also had a Katarina on my team in the mode who died 22 times, had hardly any kills, and basically said they were trying to end it even sooner so they could stop playing Katarina who is a horrible champion in the mode.It's fun having 700 stacks on Nasus at the 15 minute mark.
Aww, I wanted infinite Olaf true damage permanent lightning. Who else has spammable true damage? Kog'maw is probably no good because no escape, maybe Darius since ult would be short cooldown?
boken recommended sword of the divine rengar.
boken has good ideas.
Rumble still has overheat then, I assume?
As opposed to manatank Kasedino, amiriteboken has good ideas.
yeah, wtf kiunch.As opposed to manatank Kasedino, amirite
I know C9 v TSM will be an URF mode show match, but if you dont want to wait until then, here is CJ Blaze v NJ Sword on URF mode.
yeah, wtf kiunch.
people please, don't pick Teemo. Your team mates will thank you for it. He's awful.
also ban sona.
Fizz>Soraka>Sonapeople please, don't pick Teemo. Your team mates will thank you for it. He's awful.
also ban sona.
I havent played any yet but how is zyra and lissandra?Fizz>Soraka>Sona
I had the opposite experience with yorick, since using low-cooldown ghouls just resets the previous one, you have to time the ghouls to properly trigger triforce, and with all the quick dash champions like nidalee and riven it is difficult to catch up enough to someone to even be able to melee them. Plus I may have built too tanky and couldn't do damage AND got melted.yorick is the BEST in URF holy crap
you just faceroll in teamfights. its amazing.