no i mean LITERALLY he has 100% uptime on dat ult - what is this 'effective 100%' lol
Effective means whenever you actually need it. Have you ever heard a late-game Ryze say, "Don't team fight, I don't have my ult?" No, because it doesn't happen. Having it up to run between lanes means a little extra movespeed or maybe a faster take on a Wraith camp. Woop-de-fucking-doo.
n so what if hes already inescapable late game hes inescapable from level 4 now
There are so many champions who are so much better than him at <550 range with the buffs in this mode that him being inescapable doesn't mean shit. Why would people
want to escape him in this mode? Maokai could just turn on him and kick his ass, for fuck's sake.
You're completely missing that the point of this mode is they give ALL AP champions effectively the same benefits that late-game Ryze already gets. Giving Ryze those buffs doesn't make him Super Ryze, because he's already (hypothetcially) "balanced" around having those benefits, so his actual damage per-spell isn't that huge, his range is crap, etc.
Those other champions are balanced around having 40% CDR and limited mana, so breaking those limits and giving them Ryze-like CDs and unlimited mana actually makes them legitimately OP instead of just slightly improved versions of what they already were.