Hello everyone again! I observed people are interested in my opinion about jungle changes in patches, so belatedly I want to share my thoughts with you. Let us start by considering the facts.
First of all its the rune modifiactions. It is true that junglers don't earn much except some extra AD from changing places of Attack Speed Marks and AD Quints (which used only on not the most popular junglers like Xin Zhao and Nocturne). However it will affect on other lanes much harder: ADC will now use AS Quints instead of LS, in consequence of this they will have more damage, but less sustain and supports can find more synergy from combining HP with armor runes. Thus, botlane ganks on one hand become more dangerous, on the other, if you succeed, more effective. The game on other lanes changed only because of switching Armor Runes on HP, but this won't have much impact.
Another good thing about patch is that some of summoner spells were reworked. In the current situation junglers must take flash, otherwise the risk of feeding grows incredibly. On the other hand other lanes will gladly use buffed summoner spells against us. Especially bot lane, which could use 2-3 of them simultaneously. It is clear from these observations that junglers efficiency, relative to other roles, reduced but not globally.
Slight nerfs of the most powerful junglers (Kha and Lee) and minor nerf of the Lizard in combination with Glacial Shroud (he was too expensive for junglers before) and Lantern buffs made planty of junglers much closer to be useful like the strongest junglers.
The greatest problem of utility jungle champions is their mana costs and inability not to waste resources to clean jungle. Also some of them have low clearspeed(sejuani, maokai, etc.). If this lack gets offset such junglers will start to appear on the proscene.
Also mastery Feast got buffed so there is an opportunity for some champions to start use it instead of something less valuable. Variability is a great pleasure.
In conclusion, Renektons early game nerf should be noted. He was the only champion who sometime stops people from picking others on top lane. Though he still is one of the strongest 1v1 toplaner, if jungler helps you - it becomes much easier to stop him and thus returns Irelia, Jax and other MANMODE champs who can assist on top lane ganks greatly.
And since I am the jungler who got tired of immortal Trundle vs Renek fights there, I am insanely happy to see the return of top lane ganks.
P.s. dragons now are very strong, what also makes solotop ganks a bit easier due to less chances of enemies immidiately doing it right after they see you at the top lane. great change, especially the lategame part of it. but solonashors @ 15 minute with 2 jungle items or just duo are a little bit annoying.