No. This was regular SR.Was it URF mode so Urgot has all the Q?
No. This was regular SR.Was it URF mode so Urgot has all the Q?
i bet lan is a bit nicer since there's no argies there
like everyone hates argies cos argies believe they're better than everyone
not me tho
i'm positive i'm the absolute worst
Because most of Warwick's damage is magic so he won't do squat with those stacks.After looking at some guides I wanted to ask:
Why not build Black Cleaver on Warwick? His ulti would cause it's passive to stack wouldn't it?
Because most of Warwick's damage is magic so he won't do squat with those stacks.
yea i still remember that game lol, we all jumped out of our chairs and hugged and shit lolHey, I don't hate argies.Except maybe in football. That goal in 2006... so salty (2010 didn't happened in my mind)
And while there is no discussion about nationalities, it isn't like the people needed that to be toxic.
Like that Ryze in ranked once said in champion selection. Why insult us? I asked. "Because I wanted to insult you, dah" he said. So wise. (I dodged)
She's hardly a top 5 ADC anymore.I fucking hate Jinx so much. Fuck her.
"lol no escapes" Thresh. Peel.
"lol just assassinate her" implying you can assassinate anymore without getting absolutely nuked
No reason she should have a free 130% AS and a global execute. Fuck jinx, and anyone who plays her.
I fucking hate Jinx so much. Fuck her.
"lol no escapes" Thresh. Peel.
"lol just assassinate her" implying you can assassinate anymore without getting absolutely nuked
No reason she should have a free 130% AS and a global execute. Fuck jinx, and anyone who plays her.
See, the only problem here is Thresh. Jinx is all right.
throw a no risk lantern. someone clicks on it. so skillful.but lantern's so cool /:
so many plays
Probably has a low mmr.level 30 and no jungler on either side?
that's what rengar taught me.focus is pretty important dawg
guys why aren't you focusing their caitlyn all the way in the back of the team
whatI fucking hate Jinx so much. Fuck her.
"lol no escapes" Thresh. Peel.
"lol just assassinate her" implying you can assassinate anymore without getting absolutely nuked
No reason she should have a free 130% AS and a global execute. Fuck jinx, and anyone who plays her.
PAX was great. I might have some skins for yall.
LOLmeanwhile in-game
splashart is really good tho, wish the actual skin looked like that
Watch Carl from Walking Dead play LoL:
Ezreal ruin teams.
CORRRRL STOP FEEDINGWatch Carl from Walking Dead play LoL:
Watch Carl from Walking Dead play LoL: