i dunno this seems like a win for everybody involved
all goes back to that episode naruto joined the league of legends
why would riot make 9 skins that look the same
i dunno this seems like a win for everybody involved
all goes back to that episode naruto joined the league of legends
doesn't have to look the same
like christmas sona and christmas lebonk don't look the same
i just like the kpop theme cos it has colors and cool custom dances and it's fun and my favorite champions all got dead serious skins :/
that battle bunny is so serious
well some good things against nidalee:
* hard engage: someone like vi or xin zhao or maybe even shyv and renek. you want it to be reliable, long range and fast so you don't let her kite you. like a good eve gank with ult is really good too. or a lee sin insec thingie. but like whatever you do stand there letting her chill and throw spears
* deny her blue buff: a lot of nidalees are greedy and will go for tear rather than athene's, which takes time to ramp up. steal her blue and fuck her up
* early pressure: gank her early, invade their enemy jungler, abuse that she's pretty shit until she gets cat form and some items. like seriously pick on her really hard. push her to turret (if you have escapes or wards or jungler backup) and watch her solo queue ass fail at last hitting
* good warding: ward over walls so she can't spear you from fog of war
* get mr: get yourself banshees or like the blue thingie that comes first. get locket on someone on your team
* splitpush: do like a 4-1 splitpush if someone on your team's strong enough and your team's got the patience for it.
but yea you gotta get good at dodging them damn spears
I will allow another Popstar skin only if it comes after we get Rain Ezreal.
Do we even know that Riot will be there?
love your new avatar T_T
got a full pic :3?
As an expert bronze tier jungler I agree with dis. If no one invades and you just kill jungle camps and keep going back for heals when needed, neither jungler shows up much until long into the game, by which point someone is probably already dead 2-5 times, a tower or two are down, and someone is raging/afk/using homophobic/racist slurs.Playing more with Feral Flame. Still not seeing any warrant to nerfing the transformation. I give up so much pressure just to transform it at a reasonable time. It's a lot of time banking on your teammates to survive by themselves. By the time you get it, you'll be spending less time in the jungle because there's probably at least 1 tower down, teammates will be taking a camp or two and you'll have your ult for ganks.
And what's this solo baron thing with Feral? I had a 6 item Shyv with ~250 on-hit for Feral and it still wasn't "free BR". It's really nothing compared to Nunu soloing it early S3 with a Shroud and Wraith. Maybe I just needed a spirit stone IDK.
People should give it more time and see how things unfold. It's not Black Cleaver levels of broken.
And what's this solo baron thing with Feral? I had a 6 item Shyv with ~250 on-hit for Feral and it still wasn't "free BR". It's really nothing compared to Nunu soloing it early S3 with a Shroud and Wraith. Maybe I just needed a spirit stone IDK.
The jungle is calling for you Newt. Maybe you can finally jungle for once in your life.Seeing SO many Fiora jungles. And they're doing well. Crazy.
Looks like you already found it lol.
It was pure glory.
No new PAX skins this year
Riot Blitzcrank skin.. I already used it on NA servers.. Usable in all other regions. Quote this post to see it.
New PAX/Arcade skins are usually at Prime (North American Regional Finals), not East. They've just been giving away older codes at East for years now.
Oh yeah. Well at the least we can get some more riot blitz and arcade hecarims out there
On the plus side those really are two of the nicer ones, compared to Riot K-9 Nasus and Riot Graves.
PERROBASTARDO: why so izi?
Only Support: not easier tan your mom
You give me the impression that LAN is super toxic.so now i'm 2-7 on urf
i guess people try harder than me in this mode
(not translated)
Hmm will you look at that. Draven/Leona , yet you ban that shield maiden all the time.Interesting.
Because Leona is a stupid champion that lacks the skill cap that other supports have.Hmm will you look at that. Draven/Leona , yet you ban that shield maiden all the time.
males pants -------------- 41
males no pants -------------- 7
females pants -------------- 19
females no pants -------------- 17
can't say (cass, urgot, etc.) - 34
well i just pick the funny stuff which is usually toxic garbage. like that same game ori had picked syndra and i asked her to let me play her and she was nice enough to trade me.You give me the impression that LAN is super toxic.
I would actually love playing on there. Stuff like that is hilarious.
Oh, my bad.also it's LAS dude
I haven't seen a carry / support ban in my several last games. It's usually 5-6 junglers with maybe a LB or a top laner.Leona is always banned, it seems. I can't even remember the last time I saw a Leona/Draven...thank goodness.
Leona isn't so crazy to deal with if you're just careful. I'd much rather face her than an AP support, like Nidalee or Vel'Koz. But I guess that someone that hits as hard as Draven paired with Leona would be insanely hard to deal with if your ADC doesn't play careful.
That Thresh/Lee/Renek so popular, winning and losing the most. Thresh sure is what warps the bot lane.
I haven't seen a carry / support ban in my several last games. It's usually 5-6 junglers with maybe a LB or a top laner.
I also use all my bans on junglers plus usually LB if they didn't ban her out. Carry junglers are too scary now, definitely with feral flare out , seen many Master Yi players go ham.
*cough rex cough*
Was it URF mode so Urgot has all the Q?I won with an Urgot mid on my team yesterday. It was nice.