Basically nerf wriggles to give them a weak time during the game?
it's a lot riskier to invade the enemy jungle (and requires a much bigger investment in like vision and pushing lanes) than poking leona when she goes to get a relic shield proc
like relic shield is great because it's like thresh souls. actually getting the last hit/soul puts you in danger since it reveals what you're gonna do and forces you to go into enemy range
wriggles puts the enemy jungler at risk since it's him that has to overextend to get an advantage on you
whatlike imo just remove the item
like dominant junglers before wriggles were khazix, elise, evelynn and lee sin. like carry junglers have no business whining about anything :/
carry doesnt mean damage
elise and eve arent dmg junglers anyway
the term "carry junglers" is misused and misunderstood
riot are referring to "carry class" - in the sense that they must farm and auto attack to be strong
kha elise eve and lee are all good gankers, not meant to be farmers. flare is there for those who want to auto attack n deal damages n farm a lil more. ideal late game scenarios
so if they are too strong - you can delay their power spike, make them weaker pre power spike, lower their power spike (would require nerfing wriggles too)
well yea ur right, but like i said why would you even give junglers that item that's counterintuitive to how they're supposed to play
yea i'm just thinking about it how it is gonna be after it gets nerfed, or at least how it's supposed to be in idea.The item doesn't tell you not to gank, though. It gives stacks for kills and assists. Like, that's actually kind of perplexing to me from a design stand-point, but I guess that's why they did it; so if someone's just reading the item description and trying to figure out what it's for they'll be like, "Oh I can gank too so it's just whatever."
(Well, that and the rate of stacking goes to absolute shit late-game if you don't grant it off kills and assists.)
yea i'm just thinking about it how it is gonna be after it gets nerfed, or at least how it's supposed to be in idea.
like the idea is that you selfishly lose lane pressure in exchange for lategame power. i don't like that at all.
It's deceptive.
The item's pretty good as soon as it transforms, but in most games you won't actually get as many stacks on it after transformation as you would hope because of the way the game changes after laning phase breaks down. Like, late game you're either going to be sieging/forcing objectives or under siege most of the time, and you're sharing jungle camps across the entire team since you're mostly moving as a group.
You don't really see Nasus Q-like scaling on it. It's a nice little "bump" late-game, but it just isn't going to scale linearly in most circumstances.
wait you're making it sound like crap
why is people buying it then :?
well leona is a tanky support, not a full tank, so while she does some of the tank duties of initiating and taking aggro and shit she won't really be zoning the carries or anything like that
you want someone like shyvanna if you want to do full tank
I love support, so she will be my next purchase I think, thanks
EDIT: Shiv is a tank!!??
gentlemans code:
don't pick yi
There is no honor in GAF games.
yea she's a tank. takes a bit to ramp up but lategame she's a (literal) monsterI love support, so she will be my next purchase I think, thanks
EDIT: Shiv is a tank!!??
There is no honor in GAF games.
Did aether wing Kayle was in discount in the past? I want to buy it but maybe Riot would put that skin in discount later
Did aether wing Kayle was in discount in the past? I want to buy it but maybe Riot would put that skin in discount later
rex should be exiled into the hon thread for a few days.
that'll teach him a lesson.
dimb has a foot fetish
yea i'm just thinking about it how it is gonna be after it gets nerfed, or at least how it's supposed to be in idea.
like the idea is that you selfishly lose lane pressure in exchange for lategame power. i don't like that at all.
variety for variety's sake isn't a goal i agree withYou night not like it but IMO empowering different playstyles is golden.
toes are cuteCan someone explain how a foot fetish 'forms'. I just don't see the appeal.
I thought Lux got military skins because she's in the military?
Disclaimer: I only know lore from people joking about it in-game, I could be totally wrong here.
yea she's like a child soldier of sorts but also like a spy or something also i think she's adopted and likes to turn invisible even tho she can't do it in the game unfortunately
When she was on PBE her shield used to be an invisibility buff.
Lux is a genius at crafting/engineering spells or some crap like that
She can copy spells after seeing them performed and make them better
Lux is a genius at crafting/engineering spells or some crap like that
She can copy spells after seeing them performed and make them better
i dunno this seems like a win for everybody involved
all goes back to that episode naruto joined the league of legendsso basically shes an uchiha?