Thanks allot. I didn't know how to harass perfectly with Renekton but after reading your posts and watching some youtube videos I am starting to get the grip. The only thing I do not like is when pantheon is not banned so anxiety goes high; spear, spear and spear and he is perfectly zoning you out.
Decided to buy Shyvana and I love this class as well because if for example there is someone I do not wish you to on lane on top, I can switch to jungle and someone else can do top for me. Dominated the hell out of Trundle too which always makes me day (Hate him so much).
I am silver 4 now so skill is starting to pick up a bit; our adc had a terrible day (basically the enemy's team had a Lucian ending with 22-6, but we still won them in the end; no towers in our base). Was so epic.
I just played a Pantheon last night. He was gold 2 and was camped by his duo partner a Lee Sin). (Went cloth 5 btw).
Usually I go E second if I have no idea where their jungler is (because by in large you're going to be shoving because of your Q). However I knew Lee wasn't going to be top side until I was going to be 3.
So got to lane the standard right just last hit, no shoving. After the first 3 melee minions die I Q the 3 caster minions to build the fury, (You should hit 2 on the 7th minion so I actually did a little of shoving here to make sure I get to 2 before he did) Fury W him when he was still at 1 (I just hit 2) and pretty much took his zoning out from there.
From there I could just fury Q, and get back w/e life he took from me with his Q (remember he also has mana restriction while you do not).
Eventually Lee comes around level 4-5. I E out.. (this is when he really screws up.) Lee Q on to me as I retreat to right under turret range. So I just W, Ignite, auto, Q him for free double buffs.
At that point Pantheon pretty much screwed since he was losing and his jungler just gave me double buff. From there I shove hard and even farm between turrets because if Lee ganks again I can just press R and get a double kill. I just had to make sure mid didn't also roam with Lee or I would have been caught over extending.
Pantheon ended the game at 1-9-7. I think I was like 3-1 during lane phase (the one death came from mid roaming and dieing in a 3v1 like an idiot.. : / ), and ended up 4-3 overall. Just peel for Vayne mid game to win. It's my most recent game.