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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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phage first is fine
dont get it with vamp scepter it keeps you behind too much
either rush trinity (better imo, but you kinda have to learn how to farm first) or bloodthirster
i like to go trinity -> botrk
I would skip upgrading boots for a while especially Wz. I would rather finish a big item (or even two). First two rushes are usually BT and Triforce in order of preference.

And yeah Phage first for Trinity is fine. I like it over Sheen unless the enemy likes to eat pokes.


I disagree with the xin ban, everyone please don't ban xin, thanks


(One of those losses was the one game i played with him before this patch way earlier in the season)


I would skip upgrading boots for a while especially Wz. I would rather finish a big item (or even two). First two rushes are usually BT and Triforce in order of preference.

And yeah Phage first for Trinity is fine. I like it over Sheen unless the enemy likes to eat pokes.

Well he's still at low summoner levels, so lot of people like to eat pokes.

Eitherway I stand corrected. Shows how much Ez I play, and bot lane in general.


parrot said:
"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I'd rather you not be left hanging. While initially, on relaunch, it was our policy to redo the splashes for the skins which accompanied newly VUd' champions, I think we may have been a little too ambitious in our promises.
Currently between new champions, champion launch skins, new skins, relaunch bases, existing base splash-redos, promo work, and other tasks, splash art is pretty darn busy. They do amazing work but it is indeed a LOT of work, a lot of REALLY HIGH quality work. I believe the splash team has found higher value in all the new content they're working on than going back and spending too much time in the 3-5 older skins. I'm in agreement that the newest content is where resources should be spent, especially when it comes to relaunch bases splashes.
This has been an ongoing discussion but we all agree that all the work going into new content is really super important. Indeed, it does leave some older content in the dust, at least until we come around to it, which I don't particularly know when that might be."
so basically, big fuck u to nidalee players, but also twitch, etc.

i really think rito is really really dumb with this

like seriously. how hard it is to outsource this shit


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
so basically, big fuck u to nidalee players, but also twitch, etc.

i really think rito is really really dumb with this

like seriously. how hard it is to outsource this shit

I remember reading somewhere that Riot is still a rather small company that's trying to grow up very quickly. They should just import the Chinese splash art and call it a day.


yea, tbh that would be enough

but like i said, they could outsource that shit and still get great results.

like just get shilin (who already did the amazing sona splashart) and pay her to do it. she's literally some random girl from deviantart. she can't be that expensive

or like hire a company and be done with it

that sort of stuff drives me insane, unless everyone's trying to rip rito off because they known rito's loaded i can't see this being such a difficult task to do



Holy. Shit.

This game was the most intense game I've ever had.

I successfully held off a 3 man push with two inhibs down with an open nexus.

man so much of playing well is confidence

i was playin last night with a couple gaf people and just having aawwwful games and it kept compounding because i would screw up and then get more scared of screwing up worse so i would just end up not doing anything

meanwhile i can hop into team builder and just go for flash hooks because i feel like it it works out more often that not

and sure part of that is playing against worse people in normals while im alone but being afraid to do stuff is probably my biggest obstacle at times.


Well first jungle jax since the feral flare was a failure. Didn't put enough pressure on my lanes, and then i had to afk for pizza delivery guy... :(


It seems I lose if my team is doing well early and win if my team is losing hard. I guess people get too confident in Plat.


Yep, pretty much. I was doing well with her prior to he FQC line changes and the few times since have been massacres bot lane. Even her supposed bad match-ups like Thresh and Leona aren't that bad if I can get level 2 and 3 before they do.

Yea, it's like...FQC makes it so easy to land E without any assistance for catching or peeling, and with the shift to HP runes and AP support items she just hits so hard. I was laning with a Gold Twtich in TB just now and could tell he was like "oh sh*t" cause i was destroying Thresh and he was limping away with 1/3rd HP by round 2 of our harass trades.

It's a shame our other two lanes were 0/4 by the 15 minute mark and our Shaco was getting his ass whooped by a jungle Annie. Fed enemy Jax + Zed + Tibbers too stronk. :(


It seems I lose if my team is doing well early and win if my team is losing hard. I guess people get too confident in Plat.
Yeah this is definitely true...in silver/bronze/gold/platinum and maybe diamond.

Basically a lot of games (most?) get to the point where some or all lanes are winning, one enemy inhibitor tower and/or inhibitor is down, and your team is left with a choice.

Should we continue what is successfully working, grouping as a team and taking objectives? Or, should we wander around the map in groups of 1-3, randomly, until the inhibitor comes up, and the other team catches up in levels?

It's basically a 50% chance that your team will completely lose their minds at that point. It is boggling.


Well considering how my 5 lost jungle games in plat 2 were games where all the lanes lose + i'm part of 90% of my team kills, I don't think i'm at my true elo.

Plus the fact that I'm soloing dragons and usually 2 levels ahead of the enemy jungler until they push down our inhibs.


Well considering how my 5 lost jungle games in plat 2 were games where all the lanes lose + i'm part of 90% of my team kills, I don't think i'm at my true elo.

Plus the fact that I'm soloing dragons and usually 2 levels ahead of the enemy jungler until they push down our inhibs.
Dunning-Kruger effect. JK.

When I'm done being flooded by exams, I'll make sure you lose that 90% of team kills being yours.


Well considering how my 5 lost jungle games in plat 2 were games where all the lanes lose + i'm part of 90% of my team kills, I don't think i'm at my true elo.

Plus the fact that I'm soloing dragons and usually 2 levels ahead of the enemy jungler until they push down our inhibs.
Either it's your true elo or statistics say that after 100-200 games, it'll even out!

(or you've discovered elo hell and it's not actually a myth :p)

Maybe you should try being a worse jungler and farming less, so the enemy jungler and team will get a false sense of superiority. Then you can go BEHOLD MY TRUE FORM and comeback for the wins.

Can you get placement matches in promotion games? On my third game of a silver 3 promotion series, I ended up with 2 people who have no border at all.


Either it's your true elo or statistics say that after 100-200 games, it'll even out!

(or you've discovered elo hell and it's not actually a myth :p)

Maybe you should try being a worse jungler and farming less, so the enemy jungler and team will get a false sense of superiority. Then you can go BEHOLD MY TRUE FORM and comeback for the wins.

Can you get placement matches in promotion games? On my third game of a silver 3 promotion series, I ended up with 2 people who have no border at all.

Not having a border doesn't mean much this late in the season. I meet people without borders in mid-diamond regularly. Remember that the border is from last season, not current season.


Not having a border doesn't mean much this late in the season. I meet people without borders in mid-diamond regularly. Remember that the border is from last season, not current season.
I guess I just figured out of habit most people would have played last season, since usually everyone has a silver border.

I tried the Xin item order suggestion of getting a tank item (randuins) before the second damage item, and I think it seemed to work well. It allowed me to survive better, especially if I encountered the enemy Udyr. I went wriggles -> randuins -> trying to build botrk, rather than wriggles (or lizard) -> botrk -> randuins.


Oh my god. I almost lost a game because my pantheon glitched and couldn't auto attack or use any skills even after relogging.

Holy shit. I suicided to baron and luckily it fixed itself.


only valid excuse to ever afk

From experience, sex.

zkylon said:
nah i find plenty of borderless on plat gold (lol why did i write plat)

I see the opposite a lot playing in the depths of hell. It's pretty common to see a gold border with a player in mid-bronze to low-silver (and they generally play like mid-bronze to low-silver).

DeadNames said:
WTF Riot.

Rework (gut please) Nidalee before Sona.

The only person having fun in a match with Nidalee is the person playing Nidalee. Like, I don't like Yi for instance, but if I'm support and I setup a gank bot and he picks two kills, it's pretty fun. Nidalee? Shit to gank for as a jungler and spear-sieges are so goddamn dull...
10/2/11 as Graves, still lose :/

Probably should have been able to carry better, but we were pretty much always 4 v 5 cos our LeBlanc would get popped on her own. No map awareness at all. They also had a super fed Darius and Ahri, so I was doing my best to position to not die while putting out DPS. was usually the only person alive on my team after fights :(

so hard to get decent peel as an ADC in my elo.

Also don't think they buffed Graves enough. Still feels sorta weak. Maybe shouldn't go shiv after BT and go LW instead.


Just been booted from game 'attempting to reconnect' and now i'm getting hit with the "check your firewall" message.

This person here seems to have had the same issue but there's nothing up yet on the official forums or in Reddit's ticker at the top:

I was absolutely rinsing their bot lane, too.

I think that's what happens when u get drop hacked. Same thing happened to me and a few others before.


Everything is moe to me
Just been booted from game 'attempting to reconnect' and now i'm getting hit with the "check your firewall" message.

This person here seems to have had the same issue but there's nothing up yet on the official forums or in Reddit's ticker at the top:

I was absolutely rinsing their bot lane, too.
that happened to me straight out of champ select recently. just riot servers being riot servers.


Was doing team builder with a few friends earlier, and we all got booted before the loading screen even came up. 10 minutes later, when we got back into the client, the game was gone.
Was doing team builder with a few friends earlier, and we all got booted before the loading screen even came up. 10 minutes later, when we got back into the client, the game was gone.

Yeah that's what has happened now. Game can't be over yet via surrender either and there's nothing in my match history.


Edit: Now that I think about it, our Cait two games back randomly AFK'd and never returned too.


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