Wolf Akela
Wtf all the good Jarvans are suddenly coming out.
mouse hotkey, maybe.Most of the streamers have actives on 7. I never got that.
edit; Shit double posting like boken again
Anyone have a good jungle guide (For Yi)? There are a billion online and I don't know which are good.
Anyone give me a Jax guide updated for the new runes and stuff?
Interested in picking him up and learning him.
You win this round Kiunch...Hey guys!
I've been playing leeg for a bit now (level 10 lol), and I've been following this thread, it's very amusing to read
Now, a question. I usually play midlane, and my biggest problem is dealing with ranged champs when I'm melee. Like, if I'm Akali (waifu) against say, a Ziggs, how do I avoid to get harassed to hell and back? (at least pre-6, then I can try to catch him when he's low on mana and blow him) I can't even farm properly in these situations![]()
unfortunately for you, melee champions and akali specially struggle in midlane when put against poke mages. you should try to get a lot of potions to sustain in lane (say boots+4 pots start on akali? is that a thing) or you can get doran's shield if you feel you're gonna get poked by auto attacks a lot (say you're against orianna or nidalee).
reality is, you'll have to give up cs if you're playing akali. use shroud and get as many as you can, weaken up a bunch of caster minions with q and basic attacks, shroud around you and then kill them with e and autoattacks (remember shroud gives you resistances). try to balance how many cs you don't get but don't fall too behind. you have to be patient, if you get poked out of lane you'll lose gold AND experience, so just stay in exp range and get to 6 however you can.
akali is not really a champion meant for blind pick, so a matchup like ziggs is really really bad for you. you gotta salvage what you can out of that laning phase, try to get to lvl 6 with some shred of life in you and try and make your move at 6.
You win this round Kiunch...
after that game i kinda want to try support velkoz
but i was gonna buy karma :/
and i want to buy poro man :/
why can't rito allow me to get all the supports
Let's be real though. The true waifu is Riven, no contest. You like her, or do you only have space for Draven in your heart?![]()
he's not that mechanically complex with the exception of not fucking up the cards, but he requires good map awareness and loses lane about pretty much everyone.Thanks man, that was very informative. My next mid champ will be ranged though lol
I've cast my eyes upon Twisted Fate... I know he's rated as high skill cap but I didn't find him too bad when I tried him in free week. Yellow card+Q combo... anything else? I did even manage to gank one or two times using the teleport thingy
yeah, the rune sale thingie foiled all my plans too, ended up spending like 8k on runesI feel you. i'm in a similar situation except I wanted Noc for jungling instead Karma...
WHy IP is so slow to get?
he's not that mechanically complex with the exception of not fucking up the cards, but he requires good map awareness and loses lane about pretty much everyone.
but he's a lot of fun, i never got too confident with him but if you can get dem gold cards without spinning 3 times then you're set.
I saw her first.
Now, a question. I usually play midlane, and my biggest problem is dealing with ranged champs when I'm melee. Like, if I'm Akali (waifu) against say, a Ziggs, how do I avoid to get harassed to hell and back? (at least pre-6, then I can try to catch him when he's low on mana and blow him) I can't even farm properly in these situations![]()
Don't worry, it's not you. There's little you can do in lane against Ziggs with any champion, melee or ranged. The hyper-safe harrass/farming is strong with that fucker.
im watching krepo's stream and he has his pink wards on 7 and its driving me NUTS
how can you even live with having an active item on anything other than 1-3
I wouldn't consider a ward an 'active' like Locket, etc. I move them back to 7 most of the times because I don't want to accidentally use a ward, especially pinks.
Is it just me or does dota 2 have superior waifu material?? :/
*except fiora
enchantress and luna are high tier waifus but i have to give the general quality award to league.Is it just me or does dota 2 have superior waifu material?? :/
*except fiora
.tibbahs said:
Really? I think crystal maiden tops most champs in terms of waifu material.
Lmao at that Tryn one.
You can refer to me as the anti-waifu.Let's be real though. The true waifu is Riven, no contest. You like her, or do you only have space for Draven in your heart?![]()
You can refer to me as the anti-waifu.
You can refer to me as the anti-waifu.
Lmao at that Tryn one.
Edit: just saw that Lucian went 12-1 the last 2 days in LCS...pretty sure we can either expect other ADC buffs(lol) or him getting some nerfs.
I would like them to tone down on the nerfs and just buff the other ADCs but you know how riot does their thing.
Trundle's Deceivers, what a letdown
For the guy that asked about Vi on the last page, here's some more stuff since I main her:
Don't go armor pen, go flat AD instead."The guy"
What kind of blue runes I could equip her? put her armor runes (yellow) and armor pen (red) I still feel her a little squishy or not doing damage
Anyone feel like playing with a newbie like me (EU)? Lv18, still quite new to MOBAs in general, owner of Ahri & Nami.
if you play in euw just go into the neogaf chat, add everyone and call them names to get a game started