ahhh Twitch, how I've missed you.
Vi shines if you do non-generic gank paths.Got Vi, I dont know how to enter o begin a gankor somehow I get killed before reaching my target
Her ideal paths are the ones numbered 2. If you catch someone that way and have ult avaiable you are pretty much guaranteed the kill if you do it properly.
she can also lane gank fairly well.
also stone, what kind of man goes XXOO- and doesnt finish his series?!
I'm scurdshe can also lane gank fairly well.
also stone, what kind of man goes XXOO- and doesnt finish his series?!
Well, I am best Nami EU so I suppose it comes with the territory.
Silver 2 and probably on 0LP now.
A child is a perfectly valid excuse too. I had a support player who was apparently a mother who had to check on her baby, and then came back and finished the game with the baby in her lap. I think we were all nice to her and even won the game. Things are so much better when people don't get upset.From experience, sex.
I saw a picture of a Korean guy and his screenshot of his game where he said he was in an earthquake and had to leave and was still playing.someone once said their dog got hit by a truck and afk'd, but it sounded fishy
someone once said their dog got hit by a truck and afk'd, but it sounded fishy
Anyone have a good jungle guide (For Yi)? There are a billion online and I don't know which are good.
Feed it isstone ocean is playing his promo game, supporting vs a gold 1 and bronze 3 duo.
the pressure is on, feed or get fed.
Believe in the heart of the cards.Feed it is
I had to support and I'm shit at it :<Believe in the heart of the cards.
Anyone have a good jungle guide (For Yi)? There are a billion online and I don't know which are good.
diving is something pretty important for junglers to be able to do, and knowing good dives requires more knowledge of the game
doing bad dives is fine tho, they are pretty fun
It's just a LeBlanc, what are they going to do, snowball?not as fun as giving double buffs + first blood to the enemy mid laner
But losing sucksI wouldn't bother jungling atm
the whole point of level 1-20 is to try shit out and learn champs and gain ip
Paid back half the price of Yi in 1 bot match! WOW!You earn a lot of IP.
Thank god
I'd rather they just fuck multi-heal abuse instead of nerfing something else like the MS boost.
Also, 3 years into playing the game and I finally play Tryndamere top for this first time...and had to do it against the Croc.
Lucky me I managed to outplay him lvl 3 and get a kill, then another. But seriously, fuck that matchup.
I'm pretty sure they got hotfixed in or something.I didn't think they bot changes were coming until next patch. Just had a game where bot Annie did flash Tibbers. She also got Zhonya's and used the active at the right time.
riot guy eatin pepperr talking bout team builder
Oh no, I always thought if they learned how to use flash, we were doomed. D: The robot uprising has begun.I didn't think they bot changes were coming until next patch. Just had a game where bot Annie did flash Tibbers. She also got Zhonya's and used the active at the right time.
Fuck the League of Heals. You cant kill anyone :C
im watching krepo's stream and he has his pink wards on 7 and its driving me NUTS
how can you even live with having an active item on anything other than 1-3
da fuq
im watching krepo's stream and he has his pink wards on 7 and its driving me NUTS
how can you even live with having an active item on anything other than 1-3