Wolf Akela
Hmm, tried the Assassin Yi skin I randomly got. It's actually a lot nicer than expected. Splash looks like a turd... sorta like a reverse Rugged Garen. Still debating between Exhaust and TP for the second spell.
but damage items is tankiness for Jax.
Me too, those types of games are the best to watch. So unpredictable.
Wait... what's dead's league name?
Here are some codes I got from PAX have fun
Here are some codes I got from PAX have fun
Arcade Hecarim
Riot Blitz
Riot Ward Skin
Artics Ops Varus
Got one of the Hecarim codes, thanks a bunchoHere are some codes I got from PAX have fun
Arcade Hecarim
Riot Blitz
Riot Ward Skin
Artics Ops Varus
Anyone tried jax in jungle with flare yet?
In addition, Morgana Q and Jinx W are fun to try to dodge.List of bullshit hitboxes:
- Nidalee - Q
- Ziggs - Q
- Lux - Every single fucking spell
- Amumu - Q
- Xerath - Q
The first three are the worst tho. Remember that short period of time when Cass and Karthus Q's hitbox was bigger than it should? Well these are the same, except you're not considered a exploiter if you use such garbage spells. I swear to god Ziggs and Lux are less fun to lane against than Veigar. Jesus fuck, YEARS without fixing these hitboxes.
Here are some codes I got from PAX have fun
Road to 5 wins continues STREAM
see people don't give me much respect but i have an eye for these things
i just wish i had a level 5 na account to express my thoughts on this shit
Supposedly there were a lot of interested parties when it came to reworking him. He needs more of an overhaul than most other champs, so I hope they take their time.Every rework that passes that isn't Sion is a travesty.
Friend said he likes Phage and early vamp. somehow the Phage/Zeal got their sides switched and I bought Zeal parts first that game.Watching this is funny.
1. You usually want sheen/bloodthirster first as ez I believe.
2. Boots can wait, especially as EZ.
Road to 5 wins continues STREAM
Friend said he likes Phage and early vamp. somehow the Phage/Zeal got their sides switched and I bought Zeal parts first that game.
They should make it so that she can make different combinations with her tunes for different buffs.
He's not just a rework, he's a full relaunch. Karma also took fucking forever.Every rework that passes that isn't Sion is a travesty.
This is the greatest day of my life.
At what timing should one get Feral flare for the item to be effective?
With Trundle I get FF around 20min... is that acceptable?
so probably no skillshotsIf we do start working on any changes to Sona, I think this would be a core judge of those changes. Sona wouldn't feel like Sona if QWE were now skill shots. Sona has to still be Sona, but I'm positive there is a more rewarding, more enjoyable Sona out there somewhere. So far, I'm really excited, because what you guys are saying is pointing in the same directions we were already looking.
Still happy to hear a lot more.
Pretty sure my friend that went to the developer panel at PAX East said that one of the guys let it slip that Sion is getting reworked.
I'm not sure if it's a combination of Zyra being good but not used that often anymore so people dunno how to play against her so much, or that FQC feels made specifically for her since it works so damn well with her kit, but I have seriously been kicking ass bot lane with her. A lot. Getting paired up with a Cait, Lucian, Sivir or MF makes the lane almost seem unfair, especially Cait. Shame it's so hard to come back and matter if you're behind.
DeadNames said:Yeah, this has been known for a while now![]()
Hmm okay. My friend is super good support (High Diamond I think) and he said he likes Phage first with or without early vamp.Hazaro, you really shouldn't be getting phage first. That EZ was healing up because I believe he went vamp->BT. Phage isn't going to do anything for you early game.
Sorry I didn't have it open for the first half of me streaming :'[I'm dispensing knowledge and twitch chat and so ignored.
Sheen gives you a huge damage boost early game, so you wanna go it if you're going to be aggressive. So it's what you want first if you're gunning for triforce. Otherwise go for BT.