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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Did Boken get permed?

Anyways, there was some talk about time played stats, but lolgears does that and gives you some additional info, too (without having to give your information to a third party website!)

For example:

As for automatic tracking of timers by third party programs, or even without such programs, you can calculate enemy buff timers without seeing them take their buffs. All you need to do is see the enemy with the buff, then you can estimate quite closely when the buff was taken by seeing how much duration remains, with a few caveats. (That being, keeping track if one of your team's champs donated a buff, figuring out if they have runic affinity, and checking to make sure it wasn't your side's buff that was taken.)


So I'm just going to start spam picking Katarina in mid and ride her to Gold. My win rate with her is insane. As long as I don't die before level 6, I get a free kill as soon as her ult is available to me, and often another two when I roam to bot at level 7. By that point she's pretty unstoppable if you can wait for the CC to get spent in team fights.

Quadras and pentas, all day, everyday.
I used to play all the time with her, hundreds of games in previous ranked seasons. I miss Katarina before the remake.

Can you teach me how to do well with her in silver though? Most everyone has silence/CC and if you don't build tank you're going to get nuked. They're also smart enough to wait for you to ult before using it, and stay under their tower so you can't dive them (or push your tower so you can't roam).

Do you recommend starting the little scary mask item? I always get it but still feel like I don't do much damage with it. Plus levels 1-5, getting CS with Katarina seems like a nightmare, and most champions seem like they can get an advantage there.

Katarina is probably one of my worst winrate champions in season 4 despite being one of my best and most player champions. :( Plus she's not the best at splitpushing and taking towers, and most every game seems to come down to who can wait the longest and take towers, without becoming mindless and throwing after outer towers are down.
you ever have one of those games where your team is just too scared to engage and it lasts like 50 minutes and when you finally do engage you 5-for-0 them and are like "well that was easy"


So I'm just going to start spam picking Katarina in mid and ride her to Gold. My win rate with her is insane. As long as I don't die before level 6, I get a free kill as soon as her ult is available to me, and often another two when I roam to bot at level 7. By that point she's pretty unstoppable if you can wait for the CC to get spent in team fights.

Quadras and pentas, all day, everyday.

Kat is still pretty underrated lately. Though I am seeing more of her in my games so I guess she's picking up steam again. She's on a shortlist of my fallback mid if I'm forced into that role. Kat, Talon, Ahri.

Yeah. She's up to a 11% pick rate according to lolking.


you ever have one of those games where your team is just too scared to engage and it lasts like 50 minutes and when you finally do engage you 5-for-0 them and are like "well that was easy"
I think sometimes people act like this, and/or harass their team after a won fight, when in reality people were waiting on an opportunity to do a smart engage at a good spot instead of forcing an engage and hoping for the best.

What I have seen, and seems to happen a LOT, is outer towers go down, your team is pushing outer and maybe inner towers as a group and doing great, and then everyone just stops. They randomly farm jungle monsters, stop warding (or ward alone so they will always die and the remaining teammates will have to wait to do anything), and wander around the map.

After 5-15 minutes of begging them to try doing that thing that was working so well originally, they eventually move to the same lane again, get an inhibitor tower and inhibitor, and win the game.

This is the point where you wonder, if only they had kept doing what was working to begin with, perhaps the 15 minutes of begging would have been unnecessary?


you ever have one of those games where your team is just too scared to engage and it lasts like 50 minutes and when you finally do engage you 5-for-0 them and are like "well that was easy"
Yeah, and even though you try to make them group up, they tunnel vision and farm lanes or disperse like flies after one little skirmish.


you ever have one of those games where your team is just too scared to engage and it lasts like 50 minutes and when you finally do engage you 5-for-0 them and are like "well that was easy"

I hate when games go that long in solo queue. Like HATE HATE.

a) one mistake can "throw" the game (despite the fact that being that late game anyways means everyone made mistakes)
b) People start having 6 items so no more wards.. see A.
c) people start getting hostile over any mistake
d) people don't know what to do and you get a lot of shit strewn around in chat

Usually it's a team that has an advantage but can't quite close it out and then suddenly it's a 6 item mexican standoff with first blood usually meaning the victor.


Kat is still pretty underrated lately. Though I am seeing more of her in my games so I guess she's picking up steam again. She's on a shortlist of my fallback mid if I'm forced into that role. Kat, Talon, Ahri.

Yeah. She's up to a 11% pick rate according to lolking.

With all the leblancs I could see why they don't play her.
I think sometimes people act like this, and/or harass their team after a won fight, when in reality people were waiting on an opportunity to do a smart engage at a good spot instead of forcing an engage and hoping for the best.

What I have seen, and seems to happen a LOT, is outer towers go down, your team is pushing outer and maybe inner towers as a group and doing great, and then everyone just stops. They randomly farm jungle monsters, stop warding (or ward alone so they will always die and the remaining teammates will have to wait to do anything), and wander around the map.

After 5-15 minutes of begging them to try doing that thing that was working so well originally, they eventually move to the same lane again, get an inhibitor tower and inhibitor, and win the game.

This is the point where you wonder, if only they had kept doing what was working to begin with, perhaps the 15 minutes of begging would have been unnecessary?

Yeah, and even though you try to make them group up, they tunnel vision and farm lanes or disperse like flies after one little skirmish.

I hate when games go that long in solo queue. Like HATE HATE.

a) one mistake can "throw" the game (despite the fact that being that late game anyways means everyone made mistakes)
b) People start having 6 items so no more wards.. see A.
c) people start getting hostile over any mistake
d) people don't know what to do and you get a lot of shit strewn around in chat

Usually it's a team that has an advantage but can't quite close it out and then suddenly it's a 6 item mexican standoff with first blood usually meaning the victor.

Most of our unwillingness to fight was out of the fact that they had an 11-2 leblanc, but we were at the point where 3 of us had GAs and we had been able to pop all of theirs and we had baron and we were just sitting there not taking their middle inhib turret.

I didn't want to make a call and just say "yo, fight" because I didnt want to throw, but I knew in the back of my head that if leona just ulted two of them I would get a good ez ult off and we could just go on it so easily. We had all the hard engage in the world and we were just too scared to do it.


Oh I see, thing is even with Last Whisper I can't seem to notice its effect. @_@

The impact you see will largely matter on how much armor the other team has. If it's a bunch of squishies it'll be hard to notice. If you have a renekton running amok, you'll notice a big difference.


any 3rd party thing, including replays, can be considered an unfair advantage, it's just a matter of who really gives a shit


Everything is moe to me
Did Boken get permed?

Anyways, there was some talk about time played stats, but lolgears does that and gives you some additional info, too (without having to give your information to a third party website!)
i assume these are only unranked stats?

apparently i win more games if im playing with newt, xcloser or ferrio.
i lose more when playing with kayos, gamma and soda cop.
Duo Q warps the game so much.

They've got Plat 5 Fiddle with a Bronze 1 Sivir. Our Duo Q is Nid and Renekton, silver 2 and 5. Of course Fiddle ganks them and rather than buy wards they just moan at Shaco.

Ask them to buy wards as vision neuters Fiddle for the most part - "this Shaco. Where's your wards Zyra." All over bot lane which I'm stomping in the hope to end the game sooner rather than later you dumb fucks.

Personally there should be a threshold for duo players.

Shit like having a bronze player in your team because he's duo with a plat player, or getting matched against a player many divisions above your skill level shouldn't exist in a game that wants to call itself competitive.
Personally there should be a threshold for duo players.

Shit like having a bronze player in your team because he's duo with a plat player, or getting matched against a player many divisions above your skill level shouldn't exist in a game that wants to call itself competitive.

Especially when you consider the game is weighted towards Silver 5(?). Sivir was a lot closer to everyone in our team than Fiddle was in their own. It's bullshit.

Why there isn't just a Solo Q is beyond me.
Personally there should be a threshold for duo players.
I was just about to say this. There should be like...idunno...a 1500 point elo limit or whatever 2 levels is. So the highest a Bronze player can rank party with is a Gold player, Silver with Plat, Gold with Diamond.

Something going in that direction. Dota2 implemented something similar recently following the same sorts of concerns.


Season 4 ranked Decay in 0 days 6 hours 46 minutes

Noooo I am stuck at work!!!! Why the client didn't give me any warning?


The impact you see will largely matter on how much armor the other team has. If it's a bunch of squishies it'll be hard to notice. If you have a renekton running amok, you'll notice a big difference.

Oh so I should build it if I'm up against a team with a tank, like say Udyr.

For that matter, Udyr looks silly and funny when he switches to his Phoenix Stance.


Oh so I should build it if I'm up against a team with a tank, like say Udyr.

For that matter, Udyr looks silly and funny when he switches to his Phoenix Stance.

You should always buy it, but it's significance increases dramatically when they're stacking armor.
Elo hell is real. No fucking way its my attitude that I get 0/6 Kayles.

So here's the thing: sometimes people will pick champs they haven't practiced in awhile...or maybe champs they simply aren't good at but are trying to get better at. Yes, ideally they'd spend time ironing out the issues in normals...but not everyone does. And sometimes people do but take it too ranked before they're really ready.

It's the nature of a game that has 118 champs with their own playstyles and kits.


Why do they gotta do that in Ranked though?

Because you didn't give them the lane they're most familiar with? Maybe they got hard countered on their normal champ? Maybe they're tired of playing the same champ 5 times in a row? Maybe their champ was picked by the enemy team? Maybe they need to practice their champ in a real setting?
Why do they gotta do that in Ranked though?

Because they don't take the game completely seriously at every moment the queue. Because people get on tilt and just pick whatever the fuck. Also, some people just want to play with better comps and players, rather than to rank higher. To avoid troll picks and attitudes.

Even people like Nightblu3 pick champs that they aren't good at or don't practice on a whim. Not everyone is married to the idea of it being particularly important to move up the ladder. I'm not among them as to me that's the entire point of the mode, but not everyone is of the same persuasion.


So here's the thing: sometimes people will pick champs they haven't practiced in awhile...or maybe champs they simply aren't good at but are trying to get better at. Yes, ideally they'd spend time ironing out the issues in normals...but not everyone does. And sometimes people do but take it too ranked before they're really ready.

It's the nature of a game that has 118 champs with their own playstyles and kits.

Or that lane gets camped. Or their opponent got an early lead and snowballed. Or their opponent is THAT much better than them. Or they are in a role they aren't as good at. Or they're facing a smurf.

Lots of reasons besides "elo hell"
Or that lane gets camped. Or their opponent got an early lead and snowballed. Or their opponent is THAT much better than them. Or they are in a role they aren't as good at. Or they're facing a smurf.

Lots of reasons besides "elo hell"

yep, that too. They may have simply been outplayed.

It's easier to look people up in Dota2 than LoL because you can see the entire history of someone in Dota2...but yea often times when you think someone is garbo, it's often times simply because they've only played a particular character a couple of times in their lives and maybe not once in a year. They may be extremely competent on specific heroes/champs, but...they picked something else. If they had picked their best character for a given role, maybe they provide results commensurate with their rank. But they took a chance...and maybe they got punished hard for it.


So here's the thing: sometimes people will pick champs they haven't practiced in awhile...or maybe champs they simply aren't good at but are trying to get better at. Yes, ideally they'd spend time ironing out the issues in normals...but not everyone does. And sometimes people do but take it too ranked before they're really ready.

It's the nature of a game that has 118 champs with their own playstyles and kits.

Looks like people have picked the wrong champs enough to put me back into s3.


Not to pick on you, but if you fell down a division, it's on you, not your teammates. (whoa commas)

You will not improve if you don't recognize that fact.

Sure, that may have been true. i've had a few bad games, but every time I play top lane, someone else feeds. Usually bot lane.


the other teams get those players too, they're just better at carrying than you.
This is the common wisdom, but isn't the reality that it may take hundreds of games for statistics to even out and give other teams equally bad players?

I mean even Rex in platinum regularly gets upset at his teams, but people aren't as mean to him as they are being to DeadNames. :(
Then the gods of luck must have given me the middle finger...

over and over and over again... :'(
The gods of luck love to shove their fingers up players' butts. Ranked is nothing but a big digital rectal exam.

We had to climb with the same people you're climbing with and we still got out. Step it up, clean your bunghole and move onwards.
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