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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Man every time I get to Silver II I flounder around at like 20 LP and I'm always so close to getting kicked out. Am I playing against people that much better from III to II?

also, just had a game where I basically screwed myself because I kept backing at weird times and I wouldnt have enough gold to get anything that I wanted to build, so I basically ended up laning (while ahead) against a vayne with bork while all I had was pickaxe, vamp scepter, and zerkers.


Everything is moe to me
Then the gods of luck must have given me the middle finger...

over and over and over again... :'(
like that 2/7 aatrox game.
or that 4/10 jayce game.
or the 1/3 aatrox game you left.
or the 6/11 ziggs game.

come on dude.

I mean even Rex in platinum regularly gets upset at his teams, but people aren't as mean to him as they are being to DeadNames. :(
well if i ever see him do it, i'll be there telling him to get good.

personally i am of the philosophy that unless you are hard-carrying, you've got nothing to complain about. If you are behind or even, your bad teammate isnt taking away anything you've earned.


I used to play all the time with her, hundreds of games in previous ranked seasons. I miss Katarina before the remake.

Can you teach me how to do well with her in silver though? Most everyone has silence/CC and if you don't build tank you're going to get nuked. They're also smart enough to wait for you to ult before using it, and stay under their tower so you can't dive them (or push your tower so you can't roam).

Do you recommend starting the little scary mask item? I always get it but still feel like I don't do much damage with it. Plus levels 1-5, getting CS with Katarina seems like a nightmare, and most champions seem like they can get an advantage there.

Katarina is probably one of my worst winrate champions in season 4 despite being one of my best and most player champions. :( Plus she's not the best at splitpushing and taking towers, and most every game seems to come down to who can wait the longest and take towers, without becoming mindless and throwing after outer towers are down.

My build starts with Liandry's Torment (scary mask, yeah) to help clear quickly and up your damage. From there I get my boots and start working on either Deathfire Grasp or Void Staff, depending on how things are going. Eventually you'd want both with her and roll in a Zhonya's and Rabadon's if you just want to go all out glass canon.

But build is less important with her than strategy, I feel. The most important thing with Kat is to get an edge and try to pop level 6 before your opponent. That's true of everybody, but if you can with Kat, you'll be in fantastic shape. At 6, go ahead and go all in with your Q, E, W, R, Ignite combo and take your first kill. Pretty much any champ will melt to that. Go home, buy, and as soon as your ult is back up, roam down to bot. I usually get 1-2 kills on that first roam down, putting me significantly ahead in my lane, and then the snowball is on from there.

CC and stun are huge issues with Kat, yes. You have to fish them out in a 1 on 1 and let them hit you and Shunpo (E) out and then turn on them and return with your Q, W, R combo. It's a bit of a dance.

In team fights, you need to be the finisher, not the instigator. Let the big CC hit and then once it's done you jump in and ult. If you go in early, it'll be terrible for you and your team. Try to ult as near to their ADC or APC as you can, because they'll die immediately tour E, W, R combo.

Kat is a champ where it's just all about timing. She can burst anybody down immediately, but only if it's perfectly timed.


But build is less important with her than strategy, I feel. The most important thing with Kat is to get an edge and try to pop level 6 before your opponent. That's true of everybody, but if you can with Kat, you'll be in fantastic shape. At 6, go ahead and go all in with your Q, E, W, R, Ignite combo and take your first kill. Pretty much any champ will melt to that. Go home, buy, and as soon as your ult is back up, roam down to bot. I usually get 1-2 kills on that first roam down, putting me significantly ahead in my lane, and then the snowball is on from there.
You have good suggestions and they make sense, and it's what I've tried to do in hundreds of games (I think, from a biased perspective).

Where I specifically have problems are these:

The most important thing with Kat is to get an edge and try to pop level 6 before your opponent. That's true of everybody, but if you can with Kat, you'll be in fantastic shape.
In my experience, a lot of mid laners can out-duel Kat with autoattacks (Zed or Kha?), or out-harass her (Ziggs or Zed?), or out-burst her and disengage (I max W first on Kat), or in general just stay far enough back that you cannot E, or even EW to minions to hit them. As a result, especially if I am trying to hit them with Q or W or E, early CS on Kat is horrible and I have to play very safe because of her weak early levels, thus losing the level 6 advantage you mention.

At 6, go ahead and go all in with your Q, E, W, R, Ignite combo and take your first kill. Pretty much any champ will melt to that.
This is my second problem. Perhaps it is my runes, or masteries, or starting item of shoes and potions, but in general people do not melt to that or (perhaps more commonly) they stay out of E range and can heavily damage you if you try to get around the minion wave. Given safe play by the opponent, your only option is to try to flash QEWR at level 6, at which point the enemy will flash back out of R range, and/or CC you if they have the option, and follow it with more safe play and out-damaging trades.

Go home, buy, and as soon as your ult is back up, roam down to bot. I usually get 1-2 kills on that first roam down, putting me significantly ahead in my lane, and then the snowball is on from there.
This is my third problem. In general, bottom lane will be pushed to the enemy tower and/or unwarded, and a roam is going to either run into the jungler or run into an ungankable lane that would require a tower dive.

I feel if I could improve on some or all of these, I could do a lot better.


Best case scenario for Katarina is that your jungler makes a lvl 4 or 5 visit to the mid lane, doesn't quite get the gank kill, and your opponent is already a little low for that level 6 combo.

When you roam down to bottom, you should be full health from backing and you can generally burst down both enemies at the tower if it's pushed up and you can get out with a shunpo to a minion or use your flash. If they're not pushed up, it's easy pickings. I don't always roam down. If the lane down there is doing well, just let them take those kills and maybe look top.


This is the common wisdom, but isn't the reality that it may take hundreds of games for statistics to even out and give other teams equally bad players?

I mean even Rex in platinum regularly gets upset at his teams, but people aren't as mean to him as they are being to DeadNames. :(

I'm not trying to be mean to DeadNames. The only person he's hurting is himself. If you blame your teammates for your rank, then you will have a tough time looking at yourself and seeing where YOU can improve.

You'll lose games where teammates feed but even in those games you have room for improvement. It's a mentality thing. You don't need 100s of games to see what you are doing wrong to win the games. But it's very clear that you will never improve if you externalize your failures (i.e. blame teammates).

This applies in life as well as video games.

Rex has complained about teammates but that's just venting about a bad game or three, to my recollection he usually doesn't blame teammates for his rank. It's ok to blame teammates for a loss once in awhile if you also recognize what you could have done better yourself, but the concept of "elo hell" because of "bad teammates" or "my rank is shit because I get all the afkers, potatoes and ragers" is the wrong attitude and frankly incorrect.


Yeah , I never can tell why people tend to blame their teammates. Two of my younger friends/cousins that play and duo together, I always point out that they be losing ranked games. They always bring out the "our teammates suck" excuse , yet I see his thresh go like 1/9/(insert 10ish assists) with lost. Other one does ok, but I always in a joking matter flame them for trying to bring out that sorry excuse. Yeah , it happens once in a while but when you start sucking yourself and you blame others, you should probably evaluate your game.


Yeah , I never can tell why people tend to blame their teammates. Two of my younger friends/cousins that play and duo together, I always point out that they be losing ranked games. They always bring out the "our teammates suck" excuse , yet I see his thresh go like 1/9/(insert 10ish assists) with lost. Other one does ok, but I always in a joking matter flame them for trying to bring out that sorry excuse. Yeah , it happens once in a while but when you start sucking yourself and you blame others, you should probably evaluate your game.

Eh, sometimes you go through a stretch of really, really bad teammates and there's literally nothing you can do to avoid those losses. Over the long run, say a hundred or two hundred games, it probably evens out, but you might go through a stretch of say playing 20 games where you lose 15 and legitimately 12 of those losses could be straight up bad teammates. It's hard not to be frustrated and mad at that time.


Eh, sometimes you go through a stretch of really, really bad teammates and there's literally nothing you can do to avoid those losses. Over the long run, say a hundred or two hundred games, it probably evens out, but you might go through a stretch of say playing 20 games where you lose 15 and legitimately 12 of those losses could be straight up bad teammates. It's hard not to be frustrated and mad at that time.
Yeah, this is in the realm of possibility.
why does my sort of tanky Elise melt against a Jax with nothing but a trinity force :(

It's jax.
Yeah, it's Jax. I was able to fight a Renekton with Ninja Tabi/Thornmail/ and a half way finished Randuins. Jax is a fucking beast atm.


I regularly look at my match history and remember the games in question, particularly the losses. I ask myself if I was a positive factor in the match, win or lose. If I was, then the W/L record doesn't really matter - law of averages says that for every teammate having a bad game I'll be paired with having a teammate that's having a good game - so long as I improve and play well I'll continue to progress.

I'm only 3-7 in my last 10 games, but only in one match was a actually bad and in two I was of no real consequence. In the small set of Elise games I played about a month or so ago I actually went 4-1, but I still took her out of jungle pool because if I look at those matches objectively, I was carried hard in three of those wins and I only had an impact in two games.


Man people are so bad at this game. Just played a match where I got super fed as Yi and had max build at like 25 minutes and the rest of my team refuses to stay together and lets the other team initiate on us. Wind up losing because the other team catches up and just nukes me instantly.


Man people are so bad at this game. Just played a match where I got super fed as Yi and had max build at like 25 minutes and the rest of my team refuses to stay together and lets the other team initiate on us. Wind up losing because the other team catches up and just nukes me instantly.

Were you backdooring?


Man people are so bad at this game. Just played a match where I got super fed as Yi and had max build at like 25 minutes and the rest of my team refuses to stay together and lets the other team initiate on us. Wind up losing because the other team catches up and just nukes me instantly.
Yi excels at split pushing/backdooring/and cleaning up team fights. I say you should've split pushed and let the rest of your team do their own thing. If you were actually full Yi build before 30 minutes, you can 2-3v1 them.


Were you backdooring?

Yi excels at split pushing/backdooring/and cleaning up team fights. I say you should've split pushed and let the rest of your team do their own thing. If you were actually full Yi build before 30 minutes, you can 2-3v1 them.

I did for a while. I even solo'd Baron once. My team just had absolutely nothing positive going for it. We had top and mid completely dead and the two Nexus turrets down. The enemy team just turtled up around their nexus.


Does Rylai's double up on Zyra's E plants?

From some tests I've read before, the optimal use of Rylai on Zyra is to apply the Rylai slow with Q plants and then regular slow with E plants. There is some weird non-optimal stacking with greater diminishing returns if you just add the E plants + Rylai at the same time IIRC.


Can someone explain what is meant by "kite and poke" and hard CC (and soft CC)? (i know what cc stands for)

Hard CC's make it so you absolutely have no control over your character. So stuff like stuns, knockups, supressions.

Soft CC are slows, roots, silences etc. Stuff that hampers your control but doesn't totally take it away.

Kiting is when you run from your opponent avoiding damage but constantly hit them as you do it.

Poking is just long range attacks to slowly wear down your opponent.


i think what people seem to forget about crs voice is that the dragon and baron timers are sitting right next to the minimap

no one watches the minimap


I think I've lost around 90% of my dominion games today. Just had my best Elise game ever (18/4, probably because my mmr is so low now) and we still lost by 250 points. All I wanted to do is farm IP ...



yup, sounds about right

poor lux



Even tho scy quit ages ago, I still had most games with him. This is pretty surprising.

Closer and Panda is now my best friend.

It also proves that #team_waifu and #team_husbando never works, just look at the win rate.


Panda you should listen to that guy so he will stop banning you.


Hey guys quick question- Rumble is getting buffed right? I remember reading that somewhere but I might be crazy. Thinking about picking him up.
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