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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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So is morgana's Q particle misleading of it's actual hitbox? Swore I dodged that thing and it'd still hit me.
i don't think so, actually i feel like it's one of the most accurate hitboxes in the game.

you just tend to go AW FUCK THAT DIDNT LAND cos you have tons of time to think when you're snared for eternity


Circled the ones I found interesting.


So I just played rumble. Went 2/6/9. I don't think I get him. I feel like I do no damage whatsoever even late game. it felt like the only worthwhile thing was the ult. What am I missing?


Yeah, scy made all the games so it's expected. I took over after he left but the burden and pressure was too much for me.

And I legitimately laughed at kayos' win rate with me. All those failed kog maw games.


Omg dis Lee


A one hour game, but what an ending. On our final push (with baron), we managed to get all of their inhibs down, but not before the enemy Nasus started a fight with our Morgana. I jumped in because I knew she was gonna lose a 1v1. I stunned Nasus, then Xin and Panth join the fight. I do as much damage as I can before my health gets low. At this point I'm panicking because I'm the only tanky one of the team still fighting. I make a move to disengage when our Teemo and Twitch engaged, but they were quickly chunked down by Nasus & Xin. All of us are running for our lives, and I'm about to turn around for a last stand desperation ult. However, out of the corner of my eye, I see Lee knocking down both their inhib turrets before being challenged by the enemy Nami. Realizing what he's doing, I keep running. He then pulls this sick maneuver where he dodged Nami's stun, ulted her out of the way, and proceeded to finish the Nexus off in short order. I've never had a game this long, but damn, was it satisfying.


So I just played rumble. Went 2/6/9. I don't think I get him. I feel like I do no damage whatsoever even late game. it felt like the only worthwhile thing was the ult. What am I missing?

I'm far from the expert but I will say that most who feel this way are not using his Q in the danger zone properly. Try to stay at 30-40ish heat when not fighting and play pretty passive til around 5. I'm on mobile so I can't go into much detail, but someone else will probably stop by and give a better answer than I ever could soon anyway.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
My logs only go back from when I got a new computer but it makes it kind of interesting to just have more recent trends for numbers:


These are not entirely accurate but they made me laugh:


Woo, Rumble Alliance Silver 5! Made it out of bronze! Won 3 in a row to get me back to promos and won 3 straight promo games. Last game was super rough. Was morg and my jinx started doran's shield against a lucian because he "counters" her >_<. Keeps getting pulled by blitz. Luckily, our jungle and mid kept us even and eventually my Q's and shield just made the comeback possible.


Woo, Rumble Alliance Silver 5! Made it out of bronze! Won 3 in a row to get me back to promos and won 3 straight promo games. Last game was super rough. Was morg and my jinx started doran's shield against a lucian because he "counters" her >_<. Keeps getting pulled by blitz. Luckily, our jungle and mid kept us even and eventually my Q's and shield just made the comeback possible.



Doublelift and Madlife on the same team for Allstars, gg.

On the blue side – Team Ice:
Froggen – Team Captain
Misaya – Hexakill Sixth Position

And the red side – Team Fire:
Diamond – Team Captain
Toyz – Hexakill Sixth Position


Twitch's character select screen voice clip should be changed to 'I DEMAND A SANDWICH!' Such a missed opportunity.


Aww but it really brings out Twitch's crazy personality.
"THERE'S MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM! ...No really I carry a lot of ammo"


A nice game, their Jax came a little late like 5ish minutes later to bot. Me and Quinn managed to push bot well, afterwards I went around killing minions for gold and ended up pushing top, resulting in the top inhibitor going bye bye. They took down our mid inhibator but we managed to win the match.
Seems their Olaf decided to leave after feeding a lot =P
Their main thread was Ziggs dude was wrecking my team it seems.
Eventually we kept them distracted and bot was pushed, inhibitor's taken down and nexus goes boom.
Fun match but I was a little stumped on what my final item was: Maw of Malmortus or Guardian Angel.
Yeah, I've been really enjoying playing Twitch again.

Was always one of my favourite ADCs since the rework, and now that he has a VU and assassins aren't particularly great I've been having a lot of fun playing him again.


When jungling with shyvana, what order do u learn abilities at?
Do you buff up her fire shield or super punch mainly?
Would you say he's viable? I remember reading that riot was trying to buff champions instead of nerfing renek.

He was viable before hand, it's just he's quite hard to master versus other top laners. The Equalizer can fit fights for your team like few other ults can.


Rumble is indeed viable and strong. As you said he's more difficult to play and requires another style of play than many other top laners.
So I just played rumble. Went 2/6/9. I don't think I get him. I feel like I do no damage whatsoever even late game. it felt like the only worthwhile thing was the ult. What am I missing?
Danger Zone management is pretty important. His first few levels aren't particularly strong either, but that's always been the case. Also doesn't really play like any other top laner I can think of, so it'll take a while to adapt.


Thanks, OK what weapon do you guys prefer on Shyvana I see Wit's End or BoRK mentioned in a few builds but way I see it, assuming I'm not jungling with Shyvana, what weapon can give her that little extra edge to help in team fights?
BoRK because of the CC it provides. Even Cutlass is enough.

Shyv is almost always RWEQ. You only max E first on losing lanes (eg 1v2s) just to farm safely.


Thanks, OK what weapon do you guys prefer on Shyvana I see Wit's End or BoRK mentioned in a few builds but way I see it, assuming I'm not jungling with Shyvana, what weapon can give her that little extra edge to help in team fights?
you'll want bjork to be able to stick to the squishies that'll try to kite you and be relevant in teamfights
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