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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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I disagree with a lot of what has been said about the moba thread in here the last few pages (especially that it was a trap? Huh?) but I'm not gonna argue about it here. I'm just gonna say this.

Boken was told to stop writing in his goofy l33t speak that I've only ever seen him write in directly from the big man, he didn't, and it got him banned. I honestly think that's like 70% of it.

I don't think it's right, I wish it didn't happen, but it did. Putting that on anyone else when you can find an exact post that says "yo stop that" and the ban message says you type like a silly person, is silly.

It was not an elaborate trap, he was not baited into anything, it's no one's fault but his.


I disagree with a lot of what has been said about the moba thread in here the last few pages (especially that it was a trap? Huh?) but I'm not gonna argue about it here. I'm just gonna say this.

Boken was told to stop writing in his goofy l33t speak that I've only ever seen him write in directly from the big man, he didn't, and it got him banned. I honestly think that's like 70% of it.

I don't think it's right, I wish it didn't happen, but it did. Putting that on anyone else when you can find an exact post that says "yo stop that" and the ban message says you type like a silly person, is silly.

It was not an elaborate trap, he was not baited into anything, it's no one's fault but his.

Get carried.


Xin had a hard enough time getting 25 stacks, so ya I could see it.

Xin will still be good. He had a win rate ~50% before 4.5. Now he has a viable offensive path in the jungle. Wriggle's in-and-of itself is great jungle item. The whole point of picking Xin was to snowball the game before he'd even get Feral Flare anyways.

Steve Winwood said:
I disagree with a lot of what has been said about the moba thread in here the last few pages (especially that it was a trap? Huh?) but I'm not gonna argue about it here. I'm just gonna say this.

No it wasn't a trap, and I honestly think you made sincere effort to make a thread where all MOBAs fans can participate and discuss. But c'mon man, what DotA x LoL hasn't devolved into a shit pile? Damn thread doesn't even make it past the first page before there's a jab at Boken and by page 2 the same old tired shit starts to get thrown around.


Xin will still be good. He had a win rate ~50% before 4.5. Now he has a viable offensive path in the jungle. Wriggle's in-and-of itself is great jungle item. The whole point of picking Xin was to snowball the game before he'd even get Feral Flare anyways.

No it wasn't a trap, and I honestly think you made sincere effort to make a thread where all MOBAs fans can participate and discuss. But c'mon man, what DotA x LoL hasn't devolved into a shit pile? Damn thread doesn't even make it past the first page before there's a jab at Boken and by page 2 the same old tired shit starts to get thrown around.

There was some great discussion though and insight between Lol and Dota people.


Xin will still be good. He had a win rate ~50% before 4.5. Now he has a viable offensive path in the jungle. Wriggle's in-and-of itself is great jungle item. The whole point of picking Xin was to snowball the game before he'd even get Feral Flare anyways.

No it wasn't a trap, and I honestly think you made sincere effort to make a thread where all MOBAs fans can participate and discuss. But c'mon man, what DotA x LoL hasn't devolved into a shit pile? Damn thread doesn't even make it past the first page before there's a jab at Boken and by page 2 the same old tired shit starts to get thrown around.
One thing that a couple of people pointed out is that "shitpusher" is a derogatory term (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shitpusher), much like "fudge packer" (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fudge+packer).

People get frustrated, but we can all still try to be polite.

On the topic of Xin Zhao...

he's overpowered.

That's all.
I have been trying to use him to get to silver 2 (in final game of my fourth or fifth promotion series now?), but I think the feral flare stack increase did make it rather painful to fill out the item. I wonder if he's decent with lizard elder.


I had a higher win% with elder lizard than feral flare on xin. Could gank so much more without the worry of stacking.

Reason why I don't do it anymore is because if i go against a feral flare jungler, im bound to lose late game.


I had a higher win% with elder lizard than feral flare on xin. Could gank so much more without the worry of stacking.

Then brother, do I have some fantastic news for you! =P

Honestly, I don't see the big worry about stacking FF on Xin. I really don't. If you're playing him the way he's supposed to be played you get 25 stacks of FF at what, ~18 mins+ and at that point you may as well start forcing objectives/teamfights -because again that plays to Xin's strength - which will end up helping you pick up stacks.

Blizzard said:
I have been trying to use him to get to silver 2 (in final game of my fourth or fifth promotion series now?), but I think the feral flare stack increase did make it rather painful to fill out the item. I wonder if he's decent with lizard elder.

He's good with SotEL, Wriggle's and SotAG (though the lesser extent because SotAG sucks). You pick different items for different reasons. Wriggle's is his best offensive item because maim covers the weakest aspect of his game, early camp clearing. That said, SotEL offers Xin CDR which he can use to be a better peeler. So if I'm in a comp that has lots of damage potential but will need some protection later on, SotEL then tanky is the way to go. And then there's SotAG for the rare cases were your team need a tank ASAP.

(I recognize that right now Wriggle's takes precedence over SotEL/SotAG on Xin right now but once all the items are balance Xin's flexibility is going to be excellent).

Ferrio said:
There was some great discussion though and insight between Lol and Dota people.

There honestly, really was some interesting stuff there, like flowers growing in a pot of dirt.


Played my first non bot match, crazy good fun. Teleport feels like it needs to be on a lower cooldown though. Soraka was totally worth the IP, so much heal and nuke ^-^.

BTW how do I edit my settings outside the game and can I set skills to cast on self if doubletapped? I hate having to target myself to use Astral Blessing.
Played my first non bot match, crazy good fun. Teleport feels like it needs to be on a lower cooldown though. Soraka was totally worth the IP, so much heal and nuke ^-^.

BTW how do I edit my settings outside the game and can I set skills to cast on self if doubletapped? I hate having to target myself to use Astral Blessing.

No way to edit settings outside the game. :/ Just go start a solo custom game then edit them there.

Some shortcuts:
Shift+QWER = casts the ability on whatever your mouse pointer is pointing if applicable (smartcast)
Alt+QWER = casts the ability on yourself if applicable (this is what you're looking for)
Ctrl+QWER = level up the ability


No way to edit settings outside the game. :/ Just go start a solo custom game then edit them there.

Some shortcuts:
Shift+QWER = casts the ability on whatever your mouse pointer is pointing if applicable (smartcast)
Alt+QWER = casts the ability on yourself if applicable (this is what you're looking for)
Ctrl+QWER = level up the ability

I think I love you.


Can someone explain how the IP boosts work for double IP weekend? I seem to be getting almost triple the IP.

62 + 18 = 80, then I got 161 from the IP boost.



Maybe it is effectively triple, since the bonus itself is double the IP you would normally get?

Also that rage is really sad. :/ The one good part is "step on a lego".


Maybe it is effectively triple, since the bonus itself is double the IP you would normally get?

I could go for a triple IP weekend :)

that chat tho.

Yeah, I only started playing this game about 6 months ago. I'm not very good, but I'm hoping once I get out of silver people will stop being such jerks to each other. Might take awhile though, because I seem to be really bad at this game.


I could go for a triple IP weekend :)

Yeah, I only started playing this game about 6 months ago. I'm not very good, but I'm hoping once I get out of silver people will stop being such jerks to each other. Might take awhile though, because I seem to be really bad at this game.

Sorry to say, but those people exist even in Challenger. Also, I believe that more than half the players are in bronze or silver, so high silver is actually pretty good in comparison to the playerbase.


Sorry to say, but those people exist even in Challenger. Also, I believe that more than half the players are in bronze or silver, so high silver is actually pretty good in comparison to the playerbase.

Yup, the average ranking should be about silver 5-3.

1 hour and 26 minutes to OGN guys. ;_;
Starting to feel like Wukong/Vi are good counterpicks to the feral flare meta. Vi in particular. Brings early pressure in the form of your q ganks, snowballs extremely hard, and is amazing in late game teamfights. On top of that her ulti is perfect against flare users since it prevents them healing while they're being dunked.

My Wukong mechanics are pretty abysmal but I seem to do alright on him regardless.


wow that's some insane raging right there tho

what a sad display

unfortunately you run into those types of people in all elos, but you know, just try and ignore them, try and do your own thing, just think that tomorrow you won't really care about that game, etc.

There was some great discussion though and insight between Lol and Dota people.
wouldn't say great discussion, but at least i enjoyed learning new doto shit. helps see the pitfalls and strengths of league and is just overall interesting

i'm still pretty pissed
Starting to feel like Wukong/Vi are good counterpicks to the feral flare meta. Vi in particular. Brings early pressure in the form of your q ganks, snowballs extremely hard, and is amazing in late game teamfights. On top of that her ulti is perfect against flare users since it prevents them healing while they're being dunked.

My Wukong mechanics are pretty abysmal but I seem to do alright on him regardless.

Yes, early pressure junglers are the counter, which is why I don't really get the complaints regarding Feral Flare. Their jungler is going to AFK for ~12-15mins, the period when junglers have the most impact. A Yi coming out with 50 Feral stacks at 25mins doesn't matter when your team is already 15-0. Enemy team will likely already be bullying their jungler for having no ganks, which makes you more likely to win. If you can't make any impact for such a long time, you really failed as a jungler.

Last night I had a game like it. Their Feral WW was only around 0/1/0 with some stacks, while my lanes were 2-3/0 and I had 7/0 as Wukong. WW didn't really get a chance to make a significant impact.


So Midway through this match, our Top lane suggests taking down the Baron. I go Mid as Blitz to scare off the opposing champs. My team get Baron we rush their mid lane and then assists and kills galore~
A few minutes later they tickle me down to 25% health or so and I decide to get the eff out of dodge =V
We won the match a few minutes later


Yes, early pressure junglers are the counter, which is why I don't really get the complaints regarding Feral Flare. Their jungler is going to AFK for ~12-15mins, the period when junglers have the most impact. A Yi coming out with 50 Feral stacks at 25mins doesn't matter when your team is already 15-0. Enemy team will likely already be bullying their jungler for having no ganks, which makes you more likely to win. If you can't make any impact for such a long time, you really failed as a jungler.

Last night I had a game like it. Their Feral WW was only around 0/1/0 with some stacks, while my lanes were 2-3/0 and I had 7/0 as Wukong. WW didn't really get a chance to make a significant impact.

Except that Riot has de-emphasized the early game and snowballing so much that as long as your team isn't getting completely smashed and demoralized, you can come back. Once it gets to that 25-30 min mark, the feral flare jungler will be stronger and have much better objective control and since dragon and the jungle are worth more the longer the game goes, the team can come back real easy. So many games go to the 35+ min mark nowadays. Someone like Yi can clean up your team by himself or just splitpush indefinitely to win. Nocturne is actually very scary late game with feral flare. And with his ult, he doesn't need to gank early. Just gank when it's up.

I hate the long drawn out meta we seem to be sitting in. I like being able to play back, but not at the expense of having a meaningful early game.

Weren't they going to nerf the Kha ultimate?

I was on their little 4.6 state of the game sort of post yesterday.
I had a higher win% with elder lizard than feral flare on xin. Could gank so much more without the worry of stacking.

Reason why I don't do it anymore is because if i go against a feral flare jungler, im bound to lose late game.

I don't get feral Xin. His kit is completely designed around early ganking and snowballing lanes and his clear speed sucks even with it. Yeah, he can do work when he finally gets a few stacks, but that takes too damn long.


I don't get feral Xin. His kit is completely designed around early ganking and snowballing lanes and his clear speed sucks even with it. Yeah, he can do work when he finally gets a few stacks, but that takes too damn long.

I thought the same about Feral Shaco, but I've seen a couple of Feral Shaco's becoming absolute monsters with it.

Elder Lizard is kind of shitty on Xin though as only his auto hits and ult applies it since his E does magic damage. Feral Flare should be his best option if he wants to deal damage, else he can go for the golem.
Bladed Armor procs Lizard, so applying AoE SotEL really isn't an issue for clearing camps. It just... I dunno somehow it still doesn't fit Xin.


translation would be "we'll ban anyone that uses this perfectly allowed program in every other region but don't worry! riot's design team might add this sort of functionality in the future if they believe it to be useful for players!"

like they're basically calling it cheating

i personally agree that crs voice should be disallowed but to have it banned in only one region is bullshit

goes to show riot las is basically just a rented brand branch that has nothing to do with real riot



Remind me why Last Whisper is the better choice over Black Cleaver for ADC/auto attackers?
bigger numbers

that about it :p

It's kind of amazing that LAS did this before BR

Shows how much Riot BR does not give a flying fuck.
nah riot las doesn't give a shit either

That thread is mostly filled with goodwill. But the occasional asshole is enough to make sure I stay away from it.
yea i appreciate the intention but now it's totally ruined for me

like everything the trolls ruin it for everyone


Remind me why Last Whisper is the better choice over Black Cleaver for ADC/auto attackers?

Last whisper is constant % penetration. Cleaver needs to stack and even after 5 stacks (max), last whisper is still more effective (35% vs 25%).
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