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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Ugh just played the most boring match ever. I was bot as Shyvana with Yi, we didn't have a long range ADC. Mid and top were feeding and by the 20 min. mark I got so bored I kept doing surrender requests. Lamers kept saying no.
I barely did anything in this match too.
So I was watching a stream of SC2 Dreamhack on Twitch when a Razer keyboard ad came up... then they interviewed LoL CLG. Twitch chat exploded.



looks like out of everyone from GAF i've played with closer the most.

nvm, if I put together Type2's old and new name it'd be him.


Learn how to last hit with rumble is the hardest thing about him.

Yeah I know. He's an awesome champion but early game is so annoying trying to last hit with him.
My problem with Rumble is that I dunno how to lane him. :/ Like, I have to go all in with Q to maximize damage but more often than not that I chicken out halfway through the Q, end up wasting it, then losing the trade.

Most of the time what I try and do is wear them down a bit with the outside of my Q, and once they're just above half health, go all in. Most of the time they will die.

What I find most fun about Rumble is if the enemy team is dumb, it is so easy to get a double kill when getting ganked. Just lay your ult down and they'll be dumb enough to stand in it.
My problem with Rumble is that I dunno how to lane him. :/ Like, I have to go all in with Q to maximize damage but more often than not that I chicken out halfway through the Q, end up wasting it, then losing the trade.
My problem with Rumble is that I dunno how to lane him. :/ Like, I have to go all in with Q to maximize damage but more often than not that I chicken out halfway through the Q, end up wasting it, then losing the trade.
The biggest hurdle with Rumble is knowing how to control minion waves and harass at the same time. You want to Q as much as possible without pushing the wave too much and that can be really hard.

I have no idea how high level Rumble players can manage it, it looks so fucking hard to keep turning Flamespitter around to get just enough ticks of damage.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
They're talking about giving Skarner an extra passive to change him. There are two on the table:
Direction 1: Skarner is a premier freight-train with great stickiness and good control. His tradeoff is his damage pattern is less bursty/longer time-to-kill,

New Passive: Crystal Poison (name tbd) Spells apply stacks of poison to the enemy. After X stacks, the next auto-attack will do a (short) stun and bonus damage.

1) We're stoked on this because it adds into his training pattern 2) We have a cool animation and effect we can repurpose to make this awesome (stings you with his tail!) 3) Likely more healthy with his natural transition into late-game initiator

Direction 2: Skarner is a damage-oriented fighter with low utility. Gets no more control than on live, and does damage until transitioning into a late-game pick-tank.

New passive: After X spell hits, Skarner's next attack does +damage and heals him for Y.

1) Likely true damage 2) The more he trains, the more damage he does 3) Probably gets really bad if behind because damage is more granular and dependent on snowballing.
The first one just looks like Braum's passive. The second one is probably better but will never get chosen by the community.
They're talking about giving Skarner an extra passive to change him. There are two on the table:

The first one just looks like Braum's passive. The second one is probably better but will never get chosen by the community.
People just can't let go of the CC on Q, I guess.

Doesn't he do enough damage already though?
Neither of those Skarner passives feel like Skarner passives though. And losing his current one as well as the loss of damage on Q with the first one will make his clear atrocious.
Neither of those Skarner passives feel like Skarner passives though. And losing his current one as well as the loss of damage on Q with the first one will make his clear atrocious.
He's not losing his current one, they'll move it over to his Q to refresh only his Q and adjust his cooldowns accordingly.
Tankplank is gewd.
Quick question but does spell vamp work when using Gangplank's Q?
Single target spells like his Q heal for the full spell vamp %, AoE spells heal for 33% of the value. Gangplank's Q is special though since it procs on hits, so Lifesteal instead of spell vamp, forgot about that.


How did Draven become this meme again? It's really strange and at this point so played out. But I've met people in person who think it's the funniest thing ever.



League of Legends |OT7|: How did Draven become this meme again? It's really strange and at this point so played out. But I've met people in person who think it's the funniest thing ever.


How did Draven become this meme again? It's really strange and at this point so played out. But I've met people in person who think it's the funniest thing ever.

Just look at his face man. Combine this with his personality and the quote "Welcome to the league of Draven" and the internet will begin.


People just can't let go of the CC on Q, I guess.

Doesn't he do enough damage already though?

The problem wasn't exactly the CC, it was his lack of sticking power. There's now a speed increase on Q as well as on W so that won't be an issue anymore. I'm with dimb about option 2 being better, and in fact I'll be posting on the board in a bit. I just know that in order for option 1 to be feasible they're going to absolutely gut his damage. More galling is the fact that Riot is purposefully leading players to choosing option 1 (We're stoked on this because it adds into his training pattern) and away from 2 (Probably gets really bad if behind because damage is more granular and dependent on snowballing). I'm being cynical, but after Rengar and Skarner I simply don't trust RiotScruffy to not butcher Skarner if option 1 is selected.


Anyone attempted to include cooldown Runes in their page? Like make majority of your Rune page be Cooldown?


Anyone attempted to include cooldown Runes in their page? Like make majority of your Rune page be Cooldown?
I dunno about the majority of the runes, as you will be quite weak in other areas, but a couple of glyphs for 5% cdr is really nice coupled with the mastery bonus.


i use 5% cdr runes on most mages.

Hey the fast one can get to 20% cooldown the better I say.

Ugh I just lost a really lame match just now. Apparently NO ONE WENT TO BOT and when the match was loading my net freaked out so I had to restart it.
When I got into the match, Leona and Ashe managed to push bot, I couldn't do shit since I was still level 1 and no one was arsed to help me. Every attempt at surrendering was trumped by 2 lamers who kept picking 'No'.


Any tips you guys can offer for playing ARAM?

Build the right items and try to lasthit minions.

By build the right items, that means do not fall into the common noob traps of building Tear on Ez, tear on Jayce, tear on ashe, tear on varus, etc. You don't need tear if you use your abilities properly, and you get increased mana regen on the map already. Don't go ap ezreal either, you will deal less damage than ad ezreal; some people seem to think it's "more fun" to do the same thing but be less useful but I can't agree.
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