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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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I have 14 of ping to NA and 200 of ping in LAN from the (very likely) new city I'll be living in August. Sometimes I really wish my friends didn't play League, but it wouldn't be as fun then...

Is it worth it to buy the tier one runes while they're cheaper than normal or should I just wait until I can get the tier 3 stuff?

Yes. They're really really cheap.


Is it worth it to buy the tier one runes while they're cheaper than normal or should I just wait until I can get the tier 3 stuff?

Up to you really. I never did, but you can notice a difference. If you don't mind spending the ip, especially because they're on sale, you might as well.

Adding to the scy trend.
So, I did it.

A lot of you guys know I've been playing League since early season 2. Despite having 2k+ normal wins with plat MMR, I never bothered with ranked enough to go past silver.

I just couldn't deal with the rage quitters, the toxic community in general, having people yell at each other over roles from the first five seconds of the lobby, etc.

Last season, I went 7/10 in my placements and was put in Silver IV. I played a lot of games and kept bouncing, so I never bothered to continue.

This season, I figured I would do my placements and not bother any further. I went 7/10 again and ended up in Silver 1. Hmmm. Might as well give it a few days and see if I can climb to Gold.

Well, I went on a hell of a win streak. Like I said, I did it.

This unfortunately means I no longer have the element of surprise on my side. People ranked diamond/plat/whatever would often say stuff like "oh great, we've got silver trash on our team" and then I'd just carry, and it would feel so good.

I might keep playing, but I don't know. TT/Dom/Aram is so much more fun, but hey. We'll see.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

The only reason I wanted gold was for the free skin.
I am feeling very upset the past days about my teammates yelling, trolling yet claiming it bot lane always fault or the jungle couldnt help them (me) in their failed yolo attacks to the tower that much I want to take a god damn break

I just dont want to know ranked matches


So, I did it.

A lot of you guys know I've been playing League since early season 2. Despite having 2k+ normal wins with plat MMR, I never bothered with ranked enough to go past silver.

I just couldn't deal with the rage quitters, the toxic community in general, having people yell at each other over roles from the first five seconds of the lobby, etc.

Last season, I went 7/10 in my placements and was put in Silver IV. I played a a lot of games and kept bouncing, so I never bothered to continue.

This season, I figured I would do my placements and not bother any further. I went 7/10 again and ended up in Silver 1. Hmmm. Might as well give it a few days and see if I can climb to Gold.

Well, I went on a hell of a win streak. Like I said, I did it.

This unfortunately means I know longer have the element of surprise on my side. People ranked diamond/plat/whatever would often say stuff like "oh great, we've got silver trash on our team" and then I'd just carry, and it would feel so good.

I might keep playing, but I don't know. TT/Dom/Aram is so much more fun, but hey. We'll see.

read the whole post in your voice


So, I did it.

A lot of you guys know I've been playing League since early season 2. Despite having 2k+ normal wins with plat MMR, I never bothered with ranked enough to go past silver.

I just couldn't deal with the rage quitters, the toxic community in general, having people yell at each other over roles from the first five seconds of the lobby, etc.

Last season, I went 7/10 in my placements and was put in Silver IV. I played a a lot of games and kept bouncing, so I never bothered to continue.

This season, I figured I would do my placements and not bother any further. I went 7/10 again and ended up in Silver 1. Hmmm. Might as well give it a few days and see if I can climb to Gold.

Well, I went on a hell of a win streak. Like I said, I did it.

This unfortunately means I know longer have the element of surprise on my side. People ranked diamond/plat/whatever would often say stuff like "oh great, we've got silver trash on our team" and then I'd just carry, and it would feel so good.

I might keep playing, but I don't know. TT/Dom/Aram is so much more fun, but hey. We'll see.


Hmm reading up on Vi, I see that Black Cleaver is a weapon built for her. In her case why not just give her Last Whisper? Does LW's passive not work with her armor breaking?


Hmm reading up on Vi, I see that Black Cleaver is a weapon built for her. In her case why not just give her Last Whisper? Does LW's passive not work with her armor breaking?
i imagine it's cos brutalizer gives her good damage early on more than anything

think lw takes the full 2300 to be relevant, while bruta's just like 1300?


I see thanks.

Just won a kickass game as Blitz.
I was bot with Jinx. Other lanes had balanced kills from either side. Me and Jinx we rocked that bot lane and I managed to make enough cash to counter their Lux.
Midway we take down Baron then rush the poor saps. My only armor was Sunfire and I was building twards Randuin by the time we won. I only died 2 times and had dozen assists but some good kills.

Handshake>Brofist/Ulti>Ulti/Brofist is so gewd~


I love Support Gragas. It's unfortunate that he's useless midlane, but he's such a great support. Great utility, decent sustain, and can hold his own. He's okay top lane but I greatly prefer him as a support now. I just need his knock up from his Belly Slam/E to last a bit longer. Increase in 1/2 sec intervals with a max at 2 sec would be perfect.


Goal for today: Rack up 2700 IP then buy cooldown runes.
Cuz why the fuck not.
Which of the 3 sets should I get from? I want to get from one set that would give me the most cooldown overall.


i somehow seem to be left with exactly 3150 ip

no one left i want in that range, except maybe karma, but with braum coming up she'll probably be pushed out of my support roster anyways

i really want to save up for fizz tho. little fish dude seems fun and last time i heard scales off ap so sounds like my kind of thing

I love Support Gragas. It's unfortunate that he's useless midlane, but he's such a great support. Great utility, decent sustain, and can hold his own. He's okay top lane but I greatly prefer him as a support now. I just need his knock up from his Belly Slam/E to last a bit longer. Increase in 1/2 sec intervals with a max at 2 sec would be perfect.
yea, poor mid grago seems to be pretty weird right now

seeing him turned into a support hurts. i mean it's a noblest of roles but i still miss the big guy mid


Everything is moe to me
Goal for today: Rack up 2700 IP then buy cooldown runes.
Cuz why the fuck not.
Which of the 3 sets should I get from? I want to get from one set that would give me the most cooldown overall.
if you can buy tier 3 runes, you should only ever buy tier 3 runes.

not sure how I could have carried us to the win here :/

got first blood and doubles for ryze top, and helped the orianna mid (was her first time vs ziggs and only played mid for a few days) and kept their Lee out of the game. bot lane got rolled pretty heavily.

when it came to fights, i was doing really well, got so many kills. coordinated a really good kha'zix ult ball delivery system with ori shockwave etc.

couldn't really push too hard cos of death timers and minions, but ori overstayed and died. then team got engaged on while I was backing and died, so I couldn't do anything. death timers were too long and they pushed for the win.

really annoying :/


I love going all ninja with Twitch and then taking down their turrets.
They're busy brawling in mid, I take down turrets. It's especially better when I managed to take down inhibitor turrets.


Everything is moe to me
it literally makes no difference. you'll still be last pick the same amount of time.

except the player with 5 extra mmr will think he's hot shit under elopick.

remember that the mmr used to calculate elopick is not the same thing as their division/tier.


Everything is moe to me
I just want to have some control over who gets mid, aka, not the unranked Ahri who finishes 1/10.

you wouldn't have control though. that ahri has a good a chance as any at having a higher placement mmr than you at the start of that game.

i mean, are you telling me you never had higher pick players feed before they changed how queue order works?


I just played with an adc who called Nami useless after I fed him 6 kills on bot.

We won the game so it's all good, but I can't belive how oblivious some people are. I guess be thought he was the one carrying bot despite me or something.
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