At first it was kinda funny, albeit cruel.
Not it's just sad. Everyone knows it's a troll and the only people left there are genuinely mean.
i feel insulted you'd say that
I know it's 3 and a half hours of Thoorin, but if you're at all interested in the eSports scene this is a really good watch.
Qtpieyou can say whatever you want about kaceytron (and you'd be right) but no other streamer has a better playlist than her
I saw a Jungle Karma and a Jungle Velkoz in Team Building. What the fuck.
is this real?
is this real?
i think i accidentally went to reddit.
Objection! This is demonstrably false.you can say whatever you want about kaceytron (and you'd be right) but no other streamer has a better playlist than her
i dunno, that sivir one looks like it hits to me
like are people actually upset that the spear doesn't have to directly touch the characters model to register as a hit? are you new to videogames or something? (that's mostly in response to the imaqt one btw, like fuck that spear blatantly hits him, if that didn't count as a hit i'd be outraged)
infact fuck all of these can be explained by the same thing, instead of looking at the actual spear, look at it's shadow - imagine the spear is moving along the ground instead of being 3 feet in the air
so you saw this
u menace the god
infact fuck all of these can be explained by the same thing, instead of looking at the actual spear, look at it's shadow - imagine the spear is moving along the ground instead of being 3 feet in the air
What shadow? Only one of those I see a shadow...
so you saw this
u menace the god
nightblue playlist is awful wth!Objection! This is demonstrably false.
Objection! This is demonstrably false.
when I watched that I thought
damn it'd be really fucked up if after that voyboy grabbed cop and started beating on him
and then
damn it'd be awesome if after that cop jumped on voyboy's back and voyboy gave him a piggy back ride
nightblue playlist is awful wth!
Miss playing with you guys!.
I think LMQ XWX has some good music. Sometimes I check his stream out and it's Chinese music(?).
Right now though, it's the Eminem/Rihanna song...
Sorry bout shitty ADing, probably my worst role.
lol, you did fine. We just needed that Lee to come earlier, at one point we were shoved and he had ample opportunities to come around the back and gank. He was just being lazy.