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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Hey everyone,

I'm new to this community. League of Legends consumes about 80% of my gaming time but I usually only play with my friends. I was wondering if any of you folks wanted to play sometime (like right now). Hit me up to play 3s or ARAM, only hit me up to play 5s if you are cool with me sucking ass.

Let me know, peace!
Hey everyone,

I'm new to this community. League of Legends consumes about 80% of my gaming time but I usually only play with my friends. I was wondering if any of you folks wanted to play sometime (like right now). Hit me up to play 3s or ARAM, only hit me up to play 5s if you are cool with me sucking ass.

Let me know, peace!
We have a chat room in the client, "NeoGAF"
A lot of afk but we're usually all in there.


attempting to get into vayne again, did some serious doublelifting this last game



I dunno why I thought this was worth posting but:


When I was grinding to plat in season 3, I ran into him twice late at night. He spent most of his time on my team trying to split as Zed against a team with a fed as Kassadin and Fiddle. While our 10/2/10 Vayne is trying to surrender because our jungler is busy trying to split push against a comp that makes no sense to split push against when you're personally weak. And our Ali was being super vigilant about wards to minimize Fiddle's impact.

He finally grouped and we won easily, but I wanted to bang my head on the keyboard a few times after that. In his defense, I was being a complete dick about it. He did die trying to split push like 6-7 times before he grouped though.

like are people actually upset that the spear doesn't have to directly touch the characters model to register as a hit? are you new to videogames or something? (that's mostly in response to the imaqt one btw, like fuck that spear blatantly hits him, if that didn't count as a hit i'd be outraged)

infact fuck all of these can be explained by the same thing, instead of looking at the actual spear, look at it's shadow - imagine the spear is moving along the ground instead of being 3 feet in the air

If it's the shadow, then why do direct hits from the spear count? The shadow should be way below the character model in these cases. But it hits anyways. Spears are just fat.


If it's the shadow, then why do direct hits from the spear count? The shadow should be way below the character model in these cases. But it hits anyways. Spears are just fat.

you're fat

but seriously, i don't think it's nearly as bad as a couple of those images make it look, thats just like edge of hitbox hitting edge of hitbox stuff, which is whatever, sure it can be frustrating if you think you dodged and then you lose half your hp but dodge better next time, don't get all bitter and blame the ability

morgana bindings though.. fuck that noise


Which works best with Hydra? Last Whisper or Black Cleaver? As in, when Hydra does the area splash damage, does it apply the passives of either weapon?


Last night I went from one extreme to another in ranked. One game I LOST, yet someone on the other team still went ballistic at me, typing crazy stuff about rape after the game (and then tried to add me as a friend).

The following game, I played horrible ADC. It was one of those games where every last hit is like 20 HP short of killing a minion, I didn't get any kills until maybe 25 minutes in and so forth. But the other team had Quinn ADC who was really bad at CS too. And my team had Soraka (maybe with a skin!) as support. And Soraka was super nice, and never got mad, and helped me so much, and held the tower, and got a double kill after I died because the enemy bottom lane thought they could tower dive her, and so forth.

We ended up winning. I got more items and hopefully became more useful later. It really was like seeing a unicorn (haha Soraka unicorn), seeing someone who played Soraka well, had map awareness, and who was such a nice person even when things did not go so well. ;_;


Any streams running atm?

Won a match just now with Fiora, really beasted at the top lane, eventually the opposing team surrendered.
It happened around the time we KOed Baron while Lux tried to steal it with her Ulti. Few seconds later, Nidalee 1 hit KOs Lux with her spear (happened off screen but it's Nidalee so you know), then the other opponents kept getting killed. I return to base to recharge and as I leave the base, they surrender.

EDIT: Also Fiora's mai waifu.


All-Stars are going on right now so there won't be any streams going on for a while. Maybe after 4 hours or so.


Oh hey a match's about to start! Gonna have dinner while watching this =D

edit: wait is Graves gonna jungle o_O
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