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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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God no, no more frozen. No more ice champions enough, lazy lazy lazy.

well if it had to be a frozen syndra i'd love this one


i want a happy syndra tho :I


Did you get Last Whisper at least?

Nope they were all squishies (lissandra, nidalee, twitch, ashe, leblanc). 2 hourglasses was the only armor on their team. Was working on a thornmail actually, wish I had completed it earlier.

I should of tried forcing more teamfights, cause the splitpushing just wasn't going to be taken advantage of.


Radioactive syndra, see that might be cool.

We should have a radioactive champ. Has a poison like mechanic, if you get too many rads you get radiation poisoning debuff that does....something.


I tried to install LoL out of solidarity with satch but it said it was going to take like 700 hours to download part 2 so I stopped :| IDK what happened, it was going fast until then.

Sometimes when I download patches the download rate will sink dramatically for like 10 minutes then picks right back up. How long did you leave it alone?


Still not sure how I feel about J4 top.

He really has no trouble surviving...and can escape most ganks without even needing to flash is you are reasonably conservative with your Q spam. But...idunno. His damage output is a really nice burst, especially with an early brutalizer or sheen, but he usually will still need help to get kills that a lot of solo tops convert all by themselves. That aspect is a bit troubling, as I feel like a top laner should be good enough to kill independently. J4's high cool downs tend to make that difficult until you get something like a hydra online.

And with most tops, their level 6 steroid is better than J4's for bully dueling. Champs that are really popular like Jax, Riven, and Ryze really bust his chops when they hit 6 or finish a single item.

Could be my build or early items. Will continue to experiment.

Wings just started a game as j4 top if u wanted to watch. http://www.twitch.tv/wingsofdeath


Fabulous? Her default skin is glorified lingerie with a goofy-ass helmet / crown.

It doesn't look like lingerie at all. She looks like she used to sing for Gem and the Holograms but got kicked from the group and went all angsty. I mean, I think so, it's not like I used to watch that dumbass show in the 80s.

Yeah I fuckin' watch Gem and the Holograms when I was 6. What the fuck of it?!


It doesn't look like lingerie at all. She looks like she used to sing for Gem and the Holograms but got kicked from the group and went all angsty. I mean, I think so, it's not like I used to watch that dumbass show in the 80s.

Yeah I fuckin' watch Gem and the Holograms when I was 6. What the fuck of it?!

It's "Jem" and there's a movie coming out

So I've figured out my ping issues are only to specific servers/areas.

For context, every evening from around 7PM onwards my ping goes from the usual 54ms to between 150 and 200ms to Frankfurt, where the LoL servers are located.. After doing some digging, this seems to only happen with specific servers. My ping to NA is at around 200 ms which is fine. Ping to Italy is around 50ms which is fine. Ping to Scandanavian countries is around 80ms, again fine.

But to servers in places like Germany it's completely out of wack. At least I know it's not on my end and is something to do with my ISP (eircom).

It's really infuriating that I can't play LoL with folks in the evening.
People guessing it's legendary.. i mean it has it's own song when you recall.

This better means she will get her own login screen. None of my favorite champions have a login screen Ahri, Anivia, Lux, Corki, Fizz, Sejuani, Nautilus and Twitch.

I was really dissapointed when Black Frost Anivia didn't get her own login screen. Lissandra was ok, but Anivia is cooler.

popstar ahri login screen was such a wasted opportunity

Another missed oportunity ):


So, One for all: mirror mode is confirmed, as well as "Battle Boost" skin rentals + IP boost for that mode.

rito said:
Hi everyone!

When we first released One For All, a lot of players said this would be a fun mode to try with 10 of the same champion on Howling Abyss. Well, we heard you and we agree!

The next Featured Game Mode, One For All: Mirror Mode, is up for testing on PBE!

For this iteration, we made a few tweaks to the champion select process. Champ select is now determined by nominations aggregated across both teams and a vote tracker shows the nominated champions. If a strict majority is achieved (>50% of picks, excluding abstains), that champion is assigned to everyone. If not, the champion is picked based on a weighted random across all of the champion nominations – for example, if 4 people vote for Amumu, 3 vote for Annie, 2 vote for Aatrox, and 1 person votes for Alistar, there’s a 40% chance everyone will be Amumu, a 30% chance you'll all play as Annie, a 20% chance to face off as Aatrox, etc.

One feature we’ve added to One For All: Mirror Mode is the ability to purchase a Battle Boost for your team during champ select. If you purchase one, you'll unlock all available skins for yourself and your team for that match as well as a one game team IP boost. (Ever wonder how many different Teemo mushrooms there are? )

Hop in the queue and give this community-inspired variant of One For All a try. As always, let us know if you find any issues or problems and tell us what you think!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Don't like the new Nami skin. Very boring when it comes to spell effects/animation/concept. Unless it's really incomplete even Koi Nami is better.


Neo Member
accurate representation of games with 5 man euw gaffers

I had to make up some stuff to put into some peoples' arms today. Not done it in over a year. They are in a rush and I have to get all the air bubbles out AND show someone how to do it and do I have enough adrenaline if they all start falling over and OH GOD.

Still not as stressful as participating in a Gaf 5 man.


I don't normally post scores of normals because hey.. they're normals.. but this was jax jungle post feral flare nerf in a game where I was second lowest rank (my kid loves knowing what borders people have.. even on the other team)

The teams

The carry

All my lanes were losing, Riven ridiculously so. I was largely just counter ganking and clean up. I didn't even finish the feral flare until 25 min. I actually think wriggles wasn't stacking on kills? Even with the multitude of kills I was getting, it took forever to stack. It doesn't have nearly the objective control as it did with the reduced monster damage.

Still, it's a pretty good item on a champ like Jax.
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