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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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First time Braum in ranked? The only way to test out champs, imo.
I do it more than I should :(
It wasn't me playing (thank god).



Played with and against a Braum just now. Didn't really get to see his full potential but I need to get used to going on an offensive when his shield is up.


The Rolling Golem gathers no fucks

It was me and Miss Fortune vs. Sona and Kha'zix, they Nocture was jungler.
Managed to do the ye ol grab and punch combo on both of them once or twice and coupled with Fortune's slow attack we got some quick cash and kills.

I'm a little surprised at Nocturne's low kills since I thought he'd killed many of us. Kha'zix high kill count was surprising too seeing how we got him a few times in the early game.
By the end game we took down Baron, they tried to ambush us but we waste them and then they surrendered surrendered.



Braum's pretty fun. Laning phase was rough with Soraka's silence + Q spam, but we didn't get that far behind and late game it took the entire enemy team to be able to deal with me.
Shyvana's damage is largely magic (R, W and E are all magic and one of the latter two is usually maxed first), but if you go BORK first you'll be doing a lot of split damage because it works so well with her Q. BORK is the normal build vs. tanks, so if you're laning against one (or just going BORK anyway) I think they'd be good so long as you're skilled at last hitting with her.


Tragic victim of fan death
I hate playing jungle. I don't play jungle but I get forced into it. 3 man premade wants to invade even if I don't. Lose the invade and we lose buff.

Games goes on and we actually have a lead. Team decides to make individual plays and throw the game. Blames the entire game on my mis-smites. Ugh. I don't get these types of players. They play the blame game. I know I suck at jungle, I don't know how to smite properly yet, and I'm not the best mechanical player but come the fuck on.


I hate playing jungle. I don't play jungle but I get forced into it. 3 man premade wants to invade even if I don't. Lose the invade and we lose buff.

Games goes on and we actually have a lead. Team decides to make individual plays and throw the game. Blames the entire game on my mis-smites. Ugh. I don't get these types of players. They play the blame game. I know I suck at jungle, I don't know how to smite properly yet, and I'm not the best mechanical player but come the fuck on.

that's one of the main reasons i don't really play jungle

can't deal with people blaming me for everything all the time

you gotta have really good game mind to jungle

i don't, i just know how to farm and land skillshots :I


Had two Braum games, first with Braum support and then with Sona supp, both Sona got countered hard and she'd keep suiciding and blaming me for not engaging in her suicide. Luckily she came to her senses by the end of the game and the other team surrendered after a Kass carry.


Can't even play a bot game without someone instalocking Braum and someone else dodging because they didn't get to instalock Braum.


Is there a good tutorial video that explains some of the basics. I tried playing today, but everything is so damn confusing, and playing against ai doesn't really help. I still have no idea how to really gear any of the characters. It's a really fun game just super confusing.


Already hearing people crying in game for riot to nerf braum. Are these people insane? The champ has been out for less than 12 hours.


Already hearing people crying in game for riot to nerf braum. Are these people insane? The champ has been out for less than 12 hours.

people are really good at analysing a champion in 1-2 games and deciding how balanced they are that's all, you must just suck at it


Already hearing people crying in game for riot to nerf braum. Are these people insane? The champ has been out for less than 12 hours.
I think that sort of complaint is normally the case with new reasonably powerful champions, and it's extra bad since if Riot nerfs the champion within a week, you have to get to the 7800 IP level to get your week of power in. :p


I'm just confused how Jayce lost to malphite that hard.

The Jayce wasn't very good, kept over extending and making himself easily gankable and he got caught out a few times when we were group roaming.

Just had a game where our jungle Nasus was throwing a hissy fit about his previous game and refused to gank lanes, but we didn't let it get to us and won pretty convincingly. I was supporting our Trist who went 7/1 by the 20 minute mark and our mid and top were roaming around pretty often while Nasus farming his Q, ended up being a late game terror while still telling us to fuck ourselves. I don't get people with mindsets like that, but oh well.
Is there a good tutorial video that explains some of the basics. I tried playing today, but everything is so damn confusing, and playing against ai doesn't really help. I still have no idea how to really gear any of the characters. It's a really fun game just super confusing.

Do you have any friends that play? I first learned by watching my friends play a couple of games in person and asking questions in real time.


Sigh. Just lost a game because their Fizz was just too huge and our Riven was 2/12.

I get bot a double kill and we snag all dragons but god damn... I don't know how much longer I can play Aatrox. I just feel like Vi/Irelia does everything he does but better.


I'm so apprehensive about going into actual 5v5 matches because of my lack of spells/masteries/runes. Should I care about that? Does it even matter in casual play?


I'm so apprehensive about going into actual 5v5 matches because of my lack of spells/masteries/runes. Should I care about that? Does it even matter in casual play?
don't worry too much about it, game balances you with other people your same level so masteries/spells aren't too much of a problem and most low level people don't have runes anyways

you might get screwed over by a guy having flash while you don't but you'll level quickly and that'll stop being an issue in no time


Finally broke my losing streak in the jungle tonight. Thank goodness. I think I'm leaning towards the spirit items being better for Xin Zhao. You can really feel the difference the CDR makes on him and it takes me too long to transform Wriggle's because of my playstyle.
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