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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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I like Braum. not just because he seems quite good for a support, but because it's so easy to deny a Braum who builds anything but tanky support and then tries to get kills from me (as twtich in both of those games of all things). Gotta crush the dreams of those wannabe "supports" early.

braum seems pretty tough to kill, even without his e on. maybe he had the w armor on and i didn't notice but i felt like i did very little damage on all three games i played against him

He has that glowy thing on him if it's the armor boost, it doesn't last very long.

And to be fair those Braums probably build straight tanky (like they should be doing) and he can jump to a faraway ally to escape so he should be hard to kill.


With everyone playing Braum, it's a perfect time for me to start playing Yasuo again. :D


It even better non-ranked because they'll all clump behind their Braum and get popped up together >:)


braum seems pretty tough to kill, even without his e on. maybe he had the w armor on and i didn't notice but i felt like i did very little damage on all three games i played against him

Yep. The one game I played the opposing Braum would W-E his Caitlyn and soak up my damage (as Zyra). I eventually figured out that his E doesn't reduce true damage so when he positioned wrong I'd snare him instead and he'd eat a Silver Bolts proc from Vayne while my plants would hit him from behind. That chunked half his health several times. Other than that if I engaged on Cait I'd fein the hard engage and wait out the wall and AR/MR bonus, keep up the pressure then do the full combo immediately once I was off CD. I wish I could replay that match so I wouldn't waste my efforts so much level 1-4.


Really enjoying using Zyra again when people pick Braum

My experience as well.

Can't decide what my new goal should be. I still want to give jungle Rengar a try, but I should start moving onto practicing and firming up my ADC picks. I got Varus, Jinx, Graves, Ashe, Twitch, and Tristana to learn, and I want to knock that down to 3, tops. Outside of Varus I don't feel confident with any of them.


So Braum.. worth picking up? Maybe a top tier S4 support I can use...... I've been less than stellar in support lately. I used to be good at Zyra, Sona, Annie. Now they're T2 at best. I'm really only strong on Morgana as a T1 support.

His kit looks like a lot of fun.

My experience as well.

Can't decide what my new goal should be. I still want to give jungle Rengar a try, but I should start moving onto practicing and firming up my ADC picks. I got Varus, Jinx, Graves, Ashe, Twitch, and Tristana to learn, and I want to knock that down to 3, tops. Outside of Varus I don't feel confident with any of them.

I'm a big supporter of Rengar jungle but he's just not that strong right now. Doesn't have the burst he once had and doesn't bring enough CC to build straight tank. I've been winning with him but it feels like I'm doing so in spite of the champion rather than because of. More about just good jungling than a good jungler. The feral flare was pretty decent on him but now that it's nerfed he just doesn't have the clear speed to make good use of it.


My experience as well.

Can't decide what my new goal should be. I still want to give jungle Rengar a try, but I should start moving onto practicing and firming up my ADC picks. I got Varus, Jinx, Graves, Ashe, Twitch, and Tristana to learn, and I want to knock that down to 3, tops. Outside of Varus I don't feel confident with any of them.

Twitch and Jinx are probably a good place to start. Jinx does need a support who can provide her mobility though


Is that the Assualtish mode?

You know? The game mode Assault from Smite?

I'll see myself out.

What is this Smite that you speak of? (I've wanted to play Smite for a while but they don't have a mac client yet. ;( )

All signs point to yes, though. They seem like the same thing. At least that's what google tells me.


So Braum.. worth picking up? Maybe a top tier S4 support I can use...... I've been less than stellar in support lately. I used to be good at Zyra, Sona, Annie. Now they're T2 at best. I'm really only strong on Morgana as a T1 support.

I'm hard-pressed to think of a single supposed T1 support that gives me any issues when I play Zyra, Nami, or Lulu (my support picks) or even lesser played picks like Karma. Bot lane balance and dynamics tend to even out particular match-ups. The big S4 change for me personally was to crank up my aggression and drag my ADC along whether they want to play that way or not. Players who actually main the T1 supports as opposed to picking them just because they're T1 are few and far between. I'm finding it easier and easier to simply overwhelm those players.

I'm a big supporter of Rengar jungle but he's just not that strong right now. Doesn't have the burst he once had and doesn't bring enough CC to build straight tank. I've been winning with him but it feels like I'm doing so in spite of the champion rather than because of. More about just good jungling than a good jungler. The feral flare was pretty decent on him but now that it's nerfed he just doesn't have the clear speed to make good use of it.

I think you've talked about this before, and I bought your arguments (along with those of high elo/pro players) wholesale because they made lots of sense. That said, this is the first time I've seen Rengar sporting a win rate around 50% since I've been looking at those sites. Particularly interesting is that Rengar has ~51% win rate on lolbuilder while playing 50+% of those games in the jungle. There's something there that I feel the need to invest my own time in. On paper, there's some really interesting stuff there like being able to chain two 1.75s snares out of stealth. I'm not even sure FF is absolutely necessary. Q and E scale off AD well enough and Rengar loves him some CDR.


I think you've talked about this before, and I bought your arguments (along with those of high elo/pro players) wholesale because they made lots of sense. That said, this is the first time I've seen Rengar sporting a win rate around 50% since I've been looking at those sites. Particularly interesting is that Rengar has ~51% win rate on lolbuilder while playing 50+% of those games in the jungle. There's something there that I feel the need to invest my own time in. On paper, there's some really interesting stuff there like being able to chain two 1.75s snares out of stealth. I'm not even sure FF is absolutely necessary. Q and E scale off AD well enough and Rengar loves him some CDR.

I spammed about 10 games in a row in the jungle with him - at the height of feral flare. I found a few things:

- Even building damage, he didn't have enough burst to one shot a squishy
- Building a mix of tank and damage like every other T1 jungler, he felt short in both regards
- The fact that he doesn't gain ferocity during his ult anymore is bad bad bad bad bad. That's the worst change by far. It means you need to stack ferocity purposefully before a gank to get the root reliably. You can't just ult an opportunity counter gank as reliably as you used to
- Speaking of the root, as a skillshot it's a big pita to use as his only form of CC
- His clear speeds are rough without the Q attack speed. Even with wriggles it was slow going and there's no way I'm building AP to scale W.

That said, I haven't tried him since the Q damage buff so maybe that pushed him over the edge.

Above all else, I wish they would let ferocity regen during his ult again. That's the worst change by far.


Stupid malzahar of ours was trolling and feeding the opposition.

What's the best way to counter bear dudebro (Udyr)?
Hi, long time lurker, first time poster.

I've been playing LoL intermittently since about last fall, originally only against bots because humans scare me, but more recently I've dipped my toes into PvP quite often lately, usually about 2-3 matches a night with the ADCs or mages I feel most comfortable with (which lately have been Teemo, Annie and Lux).

Just thought I'd introduce myself, mayhaps I'll get to play with you fine some folks and pray for mercy at your altars of experienced devastation.


I've been playing LoL intermittently since about last fall, originally only against bots because humans scare me

I actually had the same issues for a long time, for any game. Used to be fine playing online in my late-teens/early 20s. Starting with Gears of War and RS6: Vegas on X360 a few years later I'd get these crazy nervous shakes when I'd play against other people. No joke, I'm pretty sure I have something stupid like 400+ LoL coop matches. I couldn't bring myself to play against other people. Only got rid of it this issue time last year.

Still get a bit of the shakes when I try out a new champion, but it generally goes away after 5 minutes or so.


Annie is a great champ to start with. Teaches u the basics of last hitting, and it's pretty easy with her Q. We all play a variety of champs so feel free to ask any questions. Join the ingame channel NeoGAF too.
I actually had the same issues for a long time, for any game. Used to be fine playing online in my late-teens/early 20s. Starting with Gears of War and RS6: Vegas on X360 a few years later I'd get these crazy nervous shakes when I'd play against other people. No joke, I'm pretty sure I have something stupid like 400+ LoL coop matches. I couldn't bring myself to play against other people. Only got rid of it this issue time last year.

Still get a bit of the shakes when I try out a new champion, but it generally goes away after 5 minutes or so.

If I'm trying a new champ for the first time, I usually go back to bots until I get the hang of them or decide if I do or don't like them before I take them into a real match.

I played Gears quite a bit online, and more recently some Titanfall, and still get nervous. But I think one of the big intimidation factors between them and LoL is that if you stink up a match of Gears, you've only wasted maybe 10 minutes of someone else's time. If you stink up a game of LoL, that's a half hour or more of effort you may have wasted. That's a tough responsibility to carry with me when I know I'm part of my team's downfall! :D


it's just a game, if you tried and you failed c'est la vie, no talking about responsibility, shit happens

no need to beat yourself too bad about it


I actually had the same issues for a long time, for any game. Used to be fine playing online in my late-teens/early 20s. Starting with Gears of War and RS6: Vegas on X360 a few years later I'd get these crazy nervous shakes when I'd play against other people. No joke, I'm pretty sure I have something stupid like 400+ LoL coop matches. I couldn't bring myself to play against other people. Only got rid of it this issue time last year.

Still get a bit of the shakes when I try out a new champion, but it generally goes away after 5 minutes or so.

It's interesting. I actually had no issues with PvP. I've only ever played like 3 bot games and they were co-op with a friend. I dove right in level 1 without a care in the world. I had many many years of competitive gaming behind me though. I was a nut for first person shooters and participated in leagues and tournaments all the time (and played the most cut throat MMO ever - Ultima Online).

But when it comes to ranked, I still get nervous even clicking that button. Each game is like a FPS league match to me. I want to bring my best, most practiced champions, understand the meta thoroughly and basically play to my highest level all the time. It's stressful. I know the little number that goes up and down doesn't mean much but a losing streak in ranked is killer and makes me never want to play it lol.

I also really enjoy playing different champs (my last 20 matches have been with 15 different champs) and don't feel like that's bringing my best.


best way to cure the ranked jivies is to just play a shit ton of ranked

i don't really get nervous about it anymore, i just find ranked unpleasant

also lost 25lp today to decay



I had many many years of competitive gaming behind me though.

Yeah, same (BF1942). The nerves just came out of nowhere. I stopped playing PvP games by the end of University and early into my actual working career. Played the campaigns of shooters, action games, etc. and a whole lots of strategy games, Civ4, Hearts of Iron 2, Europa 3.

Giving it more thought, I think the only game I didn't get nerves when I played was CoD4, and I'm pretty sure that's because I always played with a lobby full of friends.

I know the little number that goes up and down doesn't mean much but a losing streak in ranked is killer and makes me never want to play it lol.

Hell, a losing streak in blind pick normals gets me down. I've won maybe 2 out of my last 15 games out of the jungle. It's fucking depressing for your supposed "main" role.
It's interesting. I actually had no issues with PvP. I've only ever played like 3 bot games and they were co-op with a friend. I dove right in level 1 without a care in the world. I had many many years of competitive gaming behind me though. I was a nut for first person shooters and participated in leagues and tournaments all the time (and played the most cut throat MMO ever - Ultima Online).

I think that's a big factor, back in my day (shakes my old man cane), I was not a multiplayer gamer. I would play Street Fighter or OG Halo with my friends for fun, but most of my gaming time was spent on single-player console games. Metal Gears, Final Fantasies, Zeldas, all that stuff, all of which I still enjoy. I just didn't start online gaming until maybe around Halo 3 or maybe Gears 2, so the intimidation factor is still strong.

However, having seen the enormous monster that League was, I figured it HAD to be pretty fun in order for so many people to be entranced with it. Also, seeing what a big deal it was at multiple PAXes definitely helped spark my interest. I'm really loving it so far, it's definitely one of my favorite online games, but there's still that stress of playing against actual people.


Yeah, same (BF1942). The nerves just came out of nowhere. I stopped playing PvP games by the end of University and early into my actual working career. Played the campaigns of shooters, action games, etc. and a whole lots of strategy games, Civ4, Hearts of Iron 2, Europa 3.

Giving it more thought, I think the only game I didn't get nerves when I played was CoD4, and I'm pretty sure that's because I always played with a lobby full of friends.

Hell, a losing streak in blind pick normals gets me down. I've won maybe 2 out of my last 15 games out of the jungle. It's fucking depressing for your supposed "main" role.

I think that's a big factor, back in my day (shakes my old man cane), I was not a multiplayer gamer. I would play Street Fighter or OG Halo with my friends for fun, but most of my gaming time was spent on single-player console games. Metal Gears, Final Fantasies, Zeldas, all that stuff, all of which I still enjoy. I just didn't start online gaming until maybe around Halo 3 or maybe Gears 2, so the intimidation factor is still strong.

However, having seen the enormous monster that League was, I figured it HAD to be pretty fun in order for so many people to be entranced with it. Also, seeing what a big deal it was at multiple PAXes definitely helped spark my interest. I'm really loving it so far, it's definitely one of my favorite online games, but there's still that stress of playing against actual people.

League is also more intimate than a lot of other online games and requires a LOT more teamwork. MMOs or even large PvP games like BF1942 are a lot more impersonal and have a smaller investiture of time in the outcome of a game. When you get down to a 5v5 that encompasses a single game over the stretch of 30-40 minutes, your actions have a lot more of a direct impact on the game and online asshats being the way they are, respond with a lot more vitriol than they would in a larger group of people. There's a lot more of an expectation that you are letting people down when you play poorly in a game like League of Legends than others. In a team deathmatch game you're not directly making the opponent stronger or making your team weaker through your actions. You're just making the overall score go up or down.

I think the older Counter strike matches and games like that would prepare someone a bit better. It's also smaller and competitively, it's a 15 round game where winning or losing rounds DOES impact your strength as a team (through money gained in a round).

The game is a lot of fun but that perception of impacting the enjoyment of others through poor play can definitely strike people hard. It's probably only overcome through continued exposure and de-emphasizing the importance of the games and learning to move on to the next one. (ignoring people helps too).

But as everyone's pointing out, tilt is real. Losing streaks suck, angry teammates suck, stupid teammates suck too. It can add up to some real online anxiety.
Man, it's getting to the point where I can't play with my friends any more. Like, how do I get people to listen? there's 5 of us, we're all in a skype call, but they just do so many dumb things and have 0 game sense. it wrecks my head.

it's making me not enjoy the game anymore.
Man, it's getting to the point where I can't play with my friends any more. Like, how do I get people to listen? there's 5 of us, we're all in a skype call, but they just do so many dumb things and have 0 game sense. it wrecks my head.

it's making me not enjoy the game anymore.
If playing with your friends isn't enjoyable, don't play with your friends lol

Either that or get new friends


Man, it's getting to the point where I can't play with my friends any more. Like, how do I get people to listen? there's 5 of us, we're all in a skype call, but they just do so many dumb things and have 0 game sense. it wrecks my head.

it's making me not enjoy the game anymore.
yeah i can relate, i can't play with my brother anymore either

it's just frustrating cos nobody ever listens

he's also watching them trick2g videos and getting into the "carry from the jungle" mentality that just means take all the blues and still go underfarmed


Man, it's getting to the point where I can't play with my friends any more. Like, how do I get people to listen? there's 5 of us, we're all in a skype call, but they just do so many dumb things and have 0 game sense. it wrecks my head.

it's making me not enjoy the game anymore.

I love playing with my friends, but I just feel like some of them have this weird way of going about things in the game. It just doesn't make sense to me. I feel like its just bad habits had worked for them for so long that whenever they do something wrong it's always "not my fault" or "I did fine that game" not realizing that not feeding and being a nonfactor isnt a good thing. Sometimes when we play together at one of our houses I just wanna reach across the table and give em a smack.


I like playing with the two people I know who play. Ya they suck horrible, but they make it so I'm matched up with really bad people which is hilarious.
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