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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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I'm so apprehensive about going into actual 5v5 matches because of my lack of spells/masteries/runes. Should I care about that? Does it even matter in casual play?

Oh my. I played my first 5v5 tonight with some friends, actually! It honestly went pretty terrible. You should be more concerned about being paired with assholes. :p

Also! One of my friends introduced me to ARAM tonight. It's my favorite mode to play in now. It's really funnnn.


!!! Wow I've never carried a game so hard before, I got 21 kills in a 25 minute game. I haven't done that in ranked on a non smurf account.... ever. I think my previous high was 13 maybe.


After reading up his builds on lolking, what would say is better on Kennen?
Hextech Gunblade or BoRK? I'm leaning towards Hextech since IIRC it's lifesteal and vamp work well with his abilities.


I played one game of Braum last against against another Braum via Team builder. I was playing with a friend who is a very bad ADC but we managed okay as I could keep the opposing Draven back (also wasn't very good.

From the one game I've played he seems pretty fun but in a very different way of Thresh/Leona, it hasn't been as satisfying yet jumping to a player in defence, at least compared to landing a hook etc. I ended up going 4,2,15 or something along those lines so he seems reasonably tanky and good at surviving fights.

He does a lot more damage than I was expecting and his passive doesn't seem as aggressive as I thought it would be. I find his ult to be pretty insane as it is a fast Nami ult with a crazy slow, well at least it feels really slow like Singed pool type of slow. The ult is super good at disengaging but not so much on the engage unless your team is ready. It is good fun jumping around each targeted player try to stop damage but for me so far it isn't as fun as Leona/Thresh for just causing havok in a team fight.

All this is after one match though so I'm sure as players get used to his passive/playstyle including myself playing him I'm sure he will open more opportunities when it comes to team fights.


How often do character bundles go up? I want to get Ziggs, any chance of a bundle of sorts where you unlock him+one or two skins?


How often do character bundles go up? I want to get Ziggs, any chance of a bundle of sorts where you unlock him+one or two skins?

Bundles with an assortment of champs + skins happens something like once a month, I think. Ziggs + skin could be included in this.

Bundles with a single character + skins happen only at champion release or rework, in my experience. Ziggs is very unlikely to be included in such a bundle in the near future.

If you only want Ziggs + skin, using a regular champ/skin sale is probably your best bet.


Oh my. I played my first 5v5 tonight with some friends, actually! It honestly went pretty terrible. You should be more concerned about being paired with assholes. :p

Also! One of my friends introduced me to ARAM tonight. It's my favorite mode to play in now. It's really funnnn.

Is that the Assualtish mode?

You know? The game mode Assault from Smite?

I'll see myself out.
After reading up his builds on lolking, what would say is better on Kennen?
Hextech Gunblade or BoRK? I'm leaning towards Hextech since IIRC it's lifesteal and vamp work well with his abilities.
AD Kennen? I'd go with BT over BoRK. He's mobile enough, plus decent AD scaling with W.

AP Kennen says no to Spellvamp. It's so Season 2.
With AP Kennen you generally want your Zhonya's pretty quickly followed by an Abyssal if you need it, followed by the usual Deathcap, Void etc.

I wouldn't play AD Kennen at all, but if I was I probably wouldn't go BotRK. Standard ADC items other than that are fine. BT, PD, IE, LW etc.


Thanks for the info guys.

Another thing, I'm messing a bit with Mark Runes and decided to try out the Attack damage Marks. 0.95*9 would mean I start with 9 extra attack power.
9 Atk dmg/level would mean I would have an extra 20 attack power by level 18, but I would start with 1 extra attack power at Lvl. 1. While the early attack bonus is nice having an overall 20 extra attack power sounds a bit more tempting.
Thanks for the info guys.

Another thing, I'm messing a bit with Mark Runes and decided to try out the Attack damage Marks. 0.95*9 would mean I start with 9 extra attack power.
9 Atk dmg/level would mean I would have an extra 20 attack power by level 18, but I would start with 1 extra attack power at Lvl. 1. While the early attack bonus is nice having an overall 20 extra attack power sounds a bit more tempting.
20 AD is basically nothing by the time you hit level 18, you take AD runes for the early game, not for the late game.

Runes are pretty much all about the laning phase, they rarely matter in the long run unless you're running something like scaling CDR.
Thanks for the info guys.

Another thing, I'm messing a bit with Mark Runes and decided to try out the Attack damage Marks. 0.95*9 would mean I start with 9 extra attack power.
9 Atk dmg/level would mean I would have an extra 20 attack power by level 18, but I would start with 1 extra attack power at Lvl. 1. While the early attack bonus is nice having an overall 20 extra attack power sounds a bit more tempting.

no. the difference of 10 AD at level 18 is not worth it.

The idea of AD runes is for early auto harass in lane and to make it easier to last hit. AD/level runes are bad. They're honestly useless. 10 AD won't matter late game.

Marks are a pretty simple category.

Flat AD
Magic Penetration
Armour Penetration for specific champs
maybe attack speed
Hybrid Pen.

Those are the only marks you'll ever use and the ones you'll use the most are flat attack damage, magic penetration and hybrid penetration.

Don't waste your IP on anything else.


Thanks for the info guys.

Another thing, I'm messing a bit with Mark Runes and decided to try out the Attack damage Marks. 0.95*9 would mean I start with 9 extra attack power.
9 Atk dmg/level would mean I would have an extra 20 attack power by level 18, but I would start with 1 extra attack power at Lvl. 1. While the early attack bonus is nice having an overall 20 extra attack power sounds a bit more tempting.

With very few exceptions (junglers or certain matchups you might want to run scaling runes), runes are for the early game so the flat will be better. Assume your opponent will have the flat and thus an advantage over you if you don't match in those crucial early levels.


Thanks for th info guys, I'll grab 5more Flat AD runes once I've got over 2000 IP.

That reminds me, do Masteries offer their bonuses to Runes?
Pls no waifu discussionrino

I like them as much as the next guy but let's not go there for a while before people start arguing and getting banned.


Thanks for th info guys, I'll grab 5more Flat AD runes once I've got over 2000 IP.

That reminds me, do Masteries offer their bonuses to Runes?

As in do masteries like the +5% bonus armor and MR work apply to runes, or the +%AP mastery, etc? The answer is yes. Runes count as bonus stats and masteries are applied on top of them.

Dreams-Visions said:
Also his base damage and passive damage when you get it to proc is ridiculous.

This is really what surprised me yesterday about him too. Got caught diving as Vi vs. Ez+Braum, didn't really know what happened. I thought I fucked something up. Played support Zyra vs. Braum a few matches later and was surprised by his early game damage and figured out what happened on the Vi dive. I adjusted that game well enough if Cait escaped three times with a sliver of health in laning phase. If wasn't something other than Vayne we won crushed the lane instead of simply winning it.
Tried Khaz jungle. I felt like I'm cheating in teamfights. :( Ult, dive squishy, ult, dive squishy, ult, dive squishy. Their TF never really had a peaceful moment.


Picked Gangplank top on a whim. Was vs a Jarvan. I think I itemized wrong and again I think I would have liked the lifesteal page I scrapped awhile back (after that game I recreated the lifesteal page).

I got ganked a few times early, lived once then Jarvan hit a power spike and was basically just chasing me down. After 4 deaths their team mostly started ignoring me and I farmed up. Started with avarice blade then stopped building shiv once I was getting crushed and went sunfire. Then finished shiv for waveclear (god he sucks at pushing) and built randuins. All of a sudden I was a tanky beast. A few key ults and TPs and I was able to finish my IE. Now I was crushing face.

Interesting champ.

Maybe I should have started hydra instead of shiv. But then no crit! Who knows.


Picked Gangplank top on a whim. Was vs a Jarvan. I think I itemized wrong and again I think I would have liked the lifesteal page I scrapped awhile back (after that game I recreated the lifesteal page).

I got ganked a few times early, lived once then Jarvan hit a power spike and was basically just chasing me down. After 4 deaths their team mostly started ignoring me and I farmed up. Started with avarice blade then stopped building shiv once I was getting crushed and went sunfire. Then finished shiv for waveclear (god he sucks at pushing) and built randuins. All of a sudden I was a tanky beast. A few key ults and TPs and I was able to finish my IE. Now I was crushing face.

Interesting champ.

Maybe I should have started hydra instead of shiv. But then no crit! Who knows.
I always start hydra with gang then def boots followed by bork or statik but i always make the last two. From there its last whisper then an armor.


I was looking for Siberia v2 but the store didn't have any in stock so I just settled for the Gamecom 780
I just ordered a Siberia v2, should be here this weekend. After doing the cheaper headset thing (around $30-35) and then the headphones + external microphone thing, which was about the same price but the mic is shit, I decided maybe this is where true happiness lies.

Braum is the manliest, I love him. I had 3 games with him so far. The biggest thing is that his base MR/Armor is super low but his passive is so OP that it doesn't matter.

First game both Braums were carrying bot lane early, I finished 3/9/19 (win). That was with an AD TF as my lane partner. Second game with premade was 5/2/31, second death as the nexus died (win). Third game 3/5/7 (loss), bad throw at baron that left me wondering what the hell.


Sheesh, even sloppy players are killing it with Braum. Played against him twice last night, and he was a pain in the butt. I like him quite a bit, but he's definitely going to be on the ban list.

Edit: That looked bad with the timing. I'm not calling AcridMeat sloppy, I'm referring to my games last night.


Baby my plays were anything but sloppy with that big hunk.

He's definitely ban worthy in my opinion. He can chase people like crazy and just doesn't die.


He's definitely ban worthy in my opinion. He can chase people like crazy and just doesn't die.

Having a 50% win rate after a single day isn't generally a good sign, though it's always hard to gauge whether a champion's early success/failure has more to do learning how to play as or play against that champion. I think Braum might be the latter case. My personal feeling after having him in 4 games last night - 3 against 1 with - is that he's overtuned. To what degree, I can't say.


Having a 50% win rate after a single day isn't generally a good sign, though it's always hard to gauge whether a champion's early success/failure has more to do learning how to play as or play against that champion. I think Braum might be the latter case. My personal feeling after having him in 4 games last night - 3 against 1 with - is that he's overtuned. To what degree, I can't say.
All I ask is that Riot leave him alone for a week or two so I can at least try him once he reaches 6300 IP before nerfs.


braum seems pretty tough to kill, even without his e on. maybe he had the w armor on and i didn't notice but i felt like i did very little damage on all three games i played against him
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