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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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meh, i was just getting into playing twitch, going for sneaky rat assassinations is always fun

im glad lucian is getting nerfed though, that guy is boring and overplayed as fuck right now


They didn't buff Twitch in a while right? Just a VU?

Why the fuck then, I swear, your loved champions get played in competitive play, you're gonna have a heart attack just from the chances of a nerf on them.


They didn't buff Twitch in a while right? Just a VU?

Why the fuck then, I swear, your loved champions get played in competitive play, you're gonna have a heart attack just from the chances of a nerf on them.

But if they're seeing a lot of competitive play it probably means they're stong, which is why they're likely to get nerfed, I don't see the problem
Twitch got a massive QOL buff due to the Expunge ring.

Expunge > Contaminate.

Lucian is long overdue for a nerf though. He's just an utterly safe pick, kind of like pre-nerf Ezreal.


And Janna also has a long range aoe knockup, a targeted slow, shield that gives AD and a local movement speed bonus.

She has a fuckheap of utility. She has 3 ways of being both offensive and defensive. Braum has one real way of being offensive and 2 very defensive abilities. Braum's also melee and is very susceptible to poke and has no built-in sustain.

I agree with everything you wrote here, but I was replying to your implied statement that Braum's Q and passive need to be good offensive tools because that's all he has in that department. I'm just pointing out that Janna tool set isn't particularly good on the offensive side either (as a counter, it's a fantastic kit) and that's ok. Not every support needs to be able to go HAM by level 2 or 3.

garathk said:

The cynic in me interprets Riot's statement as:

We haven't be able to find a way yet to make utility and tank junglers work in the game via a magic bullet item solution and we absolutely refuse to just give them the buffs they need to be competitive, so we're just going to push this down the line 6 months or so. The community has given up on making these guys work, and quite frankly so have we.

/bitter old man who wants to play Naut and Sej


Remember when Lucian was bad? His ult was good for clearing minions at least.

Also I guess I missed my window of opportunity, I'm not sure I ever learned how to do decent with Twitch. It felt like there were only 3 weeks or so after the visual update but maybe I'm wrong.

TImes change fast around here.


Been hard carrying some luggage with Jayce.

Seriously, TP is so OP.

Like legit, literally everyone on my team was negative, but as long as they don't focus me... GG.
Gotta love how Twitch is popular for two weeks and gets the nerfbat, and yet champs that have been problematic for years and ruled competitive play are only getting changed now (Nid, LB, Kha etc).


The post says they're not changing anything about him right now but just keeping an eye on his early game. For someone who scales so well he should have a weak early game. Lucian nerfs were expected. LB, Soraka, and LB nerfs are welcomed. I dislike what all three of those champs bring even though playing Nid can be fun at times. Would like to see some of the more supportive/tanky junglers come back but i'm not sure how they would accomplish without affecting the current roster of viable junglers.


Gotta love how Twitch is popular for two weeks and gets the nerfbat, and yet champs that have been problematic for years and ruled competitive play are only getting changed now (Nid, LB, Kha etc).

leblanc has been problematic for years and ruled competitive play? and they nerfed khazix like a bunch of times, but he just keeps finding ways to be good again, they nerfed nidalee too pretty hard a couple times..


besides lebonk is a champion that you can't really nerf that easily because it's more of her kit being dumb than anything else.

she probably should get her silence removed and turn her snare into a stun or something

probably still nerf her w cd a bit too


that'd olaf her, why would you pick a midlaner with no waveclear

then maybe you'd start seeing her top or support or something and there, whine about that

she needs counterplay to her burst, which isn't there if she has a targeted 3s silence (potentially, usually about 2s i suppose) and she can jump all over the place

silence gotta go imo


leblanc must be the most banned - lowest winrate champion in the game

I honestly don't know if she needs to be changed that much


LeBlanc is one of those champions that can be really oppressive if you can't stall the game long enough to get a banshees veil, but isn't that how the game should be? If you can't get items, you should be losing.


i think rito could still safely just lower her q and w damage a bit and she'd still be hella strong

they probably should too

i enjoy playing her but i feel her silence should be removed. like, most if not all silences should, it's a shitty cc that's basically as strong as a stun in mid but it's allowed to be really strong and on like a targeted spell because you can like walk still. i think it's ok like on viktor's ult because it's a thing you can like miss and it moves slow and whatever, but on like targeted spells like kass' or lebonk's or talon's i think it should be changed.

that's what i think at least


also leblanc only really emerged in competitive play after many popular assassin's got nerfed after season 3 worlds

unless you count regi liking to play her but not willing to bring her out in real matches as competitive play


i dunno, she'll be weaker in lane for sure cos she'll lose every trade but as a mid-game assassin with dfg it won't really make that much of a difference. you can't really flash lebonk burst, it's way too fucking fast.

she wouldn't be totally awful to play against at least


Played with Irelia and I really liked her.

Juggling three different mobas seems like a silly thing to do but I'm doing it anyways.

I'm going to at least get my match a day with League for now and see how that develops.
How long do those special skins usually stay available? The Lee Sin SKT skin for example, what's my window of opportunity? I'd buy it now but I don't have the champ yet and I don't want to spend RP on a champ.


Yesterday I played Kassadin for the first time! He's so fun to play. His model though. Ugh. I hope he's on the next batch of VUs
Braum top not horrible. Only not good.

I'm gonna try some wild top builds with him at some point.

Like Boots of Swiftness + Omen + Nashor's + Visage + Atma's/Frozen Mallet + Veil

levels of wild.


How do you guys prefer building Darius? AD or Tank? I've played against a few AD Darius that messed us up real bad.
BoRK might actually be fairly decent on Braum. I only just realized he gets 12-48 on-hit damage after he applies the stun. Plus, his base ASPD is alright (0.64).

How do you guys prefer building Darius? AD or Tank? I've played against a few AD Darius that messed us up real bad.
Very tanky with bits of AD, like Hexdrinker. He's getting a slight rework soon™ though.
Riot, perhaps if heavily stealth-based champs like Kha'Zix and Twitch are problematic maybe you should do something about invis detection.
My exact thoughts. Riot seem to ignore that the stealth tax has gotten worse, not better.

Lucian nerfs seems unnecessary somewhat. Maybe change Q to a full on skillshot that reduces damage per target or is second shot from his passive scales off AP instead?


Yesterday I played Kassadin for the first time! He's so fun to play. His model though. Ugh. I hope he's on the next batch of VUs

I kind of have an idea for how his model can be reworked but IMO that sword can just go away and his attack animations can have him swipe his (clawed) hands in front of him.

Very tanky with bits of AD, like Hexdrinker. He's getting a slight rework soon™ though.

That reminds me why not go all the way and make a Maw of Malmortus? Why just a Hexdrinker?
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