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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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it's only 1850 for +35* more AD and +15 MR, plus the shield gets +100'd too (*it's actually even more than that because of the passive)

unless you sort of desperately need armour and health more you can totally build into maw straight away, it's a great (underrated) item

although saying that, on darius specifically it probably is a bit better to wait and build a bit tankier first, but on say, khazix..


Ah I see so I should just make Hexdrinker and only upgrade to Maw as a final item.

EDIT: One more question regarding Tanks: Say I have a weapon and boots, that leaves me with 4 slots for other equipment which will be armor. Against an AP+AD team I can build Omen+Sunfire+Banshee. Now for my final item, assuming they don't have strong auto attackers should I go for Warmog for extra health or go for Spirit Visage for the extra MGR?


Ah I see so I should just make Hexdrinker and only upgrade to Maw as a final item.

EDIT: One more question regarding Tanks: Say I have a weapon and boots, that leaves me with 4 slots for other equipment which will be armor. Against an AP+AD team I can build Omen+Sunfire+Banshee. Now for my final item, assuming they don't have strong auto attackers should I go for Warmog for extra health or go for Spirit Visage for the extra MGR?

warmogs is rarely worth it anymore, and you probably don't wanna stack banshees AND spirit visage unless they have a ton of AP damage

I see a lot of people build thornmail in that situation as a last item, as by the time it gets that late into the game, it's the adc that will likely be ripping tanks apart, and thornmail stops that a little


warmogs is rarely worth it anymore, and you probably don't wanna stack banshees AND spirit visage unless they have a ton of AP damage

I see a lot of people build thornmail in that situation as a last item, as by the time it gets that late into the game, it's the adc that will likely be ripping tanks apart, and thornmail stops that a little

Thanks for the info.
For that matter my Garen skills have totally shot down been playing too many ADCs I've forgotten how to properly use him lol.
People forget Twitch with AS quints is redunkulous

It wasn't "oh why didn't people play him before", he got gigantic buffs thanks to the rune and summoner spell changes.

Also I'm glad Riot finally realized ADCs are getting manhandled by pretty much every other role in the game - including themselves. A few months late but it's never too late.


From reddit:
They don't want Support to carry
They don't want ADC to carry
They don't want Mid to carry
They don't want Top to carry
They don't want Jungle to carry
Overall : League Of Legends will be a team base game, you will have to work as a team and win as a team.
Result : Community is Toxic, the worst player has a much bigger impact on the game than the best one.
LoL is getting boring, winning isn't the same anymore, U cannot carry anymore and spin the retard wheel in rank. The game system overall isn't even build for this.
Imo: LoL is dieing slowly, what a boring way to win a game because one dude did a mistake and throw the game by going full retard ... which is the end result of 90% rank games.

I love this. I love agreeing with this. I love the popularity this post is getting. I hope Riot notices this and stops all these nerfs.

I met a guy last week who was doing his placement games (hadn't played in a couple of months).
He lost the game, ending the game going 13/2.
At the end of the game, he said something along the lines of: What the hell happened to this game? It's so retarded. I don't feel like we had any advantage in these late game fights even when I was fed.

Sure, nerfing is easier but people have been begging for better balancing for 2 years. We have enough bans to get rid of annoying champs right now. Stop the nerfs and take the time to balance the game with buffs.
The "LOL IS DYING" part is a bit silly, but I agree - for once! - with the reddit posts that instead of downright nerfing League needs a rock paper scissors thing going on.

That said, I think Riot gets it. They've started doing that with top lane this patch by not destroying Shyv/Trundle/Renek but buffing Jarv/Malph/Rumble. They also said that they are looking into buffing other carries so we don't just go back to Cait vs Graves every game.

LeBlanc still needs to go though.


haven't people been talking the same shit for fucking ever though? about getting dragged down by the worst people on your team? and constantly just losing because "retards on your team weren't carriable"?

like, even before i started playing league over a year and a half ago i'd heard all about elo hell.. I'm not sure it's so much about the game changing and more about people using the same boring excuses for losing games and framing it in a "oh noes the game is getting worse" way

like, how many times do you have to watch different people climb from bronze up to diamond/challenger in solo q before people drop this bs

I do agree with more buffs to underpowered stuff than just nerfing strong champs into the ground, but the rest of what is being said there seems like the same old "i should be diamond but im stuck in bronze because bad teammates waaaahhh" crap
haven't people been talking the same shit for fucking ever though? about getting dragged down by the worst people on your team? and constantly just losing because "retards on your team weren't carriable"?

like, even before i started playing league over a year and a half ago i'd heard all about elo hell.. I'm not sure it's so much about the game changing and more about people using the same boring excuses for losing games and framing it in a "oh noes the game is getting worse" way

like, how many times do you have to watch different people climb from bronze up to diamond/challenger in solo q before people drop this bs
I stopped whining the moment I saw TRM get 30 straight wins into Platinum as Teemo mid on a fresh smurf a couple years ago.
haven't people been talking the same shit for fucking ever though? about getting dragged down by the worst people on your team? and constantly just losing because "retards on your team weren't carriable"?

That's what I took from it. Elo hell does exist, but it's more of an attitude problem than a skill one.

I think the skew towards the end game when their are endgame monsters within League isn't right though and shows that Riot need to l2balance properly. By the same measure, having your team carried by Riven top is boring for both sides and doing no one any favours - you aren't learning from it much like the bronze/gold duo's who do (again, attitude) ruin ranked - and that in itself causes grief (who fed Riven gg).


"elo hell" is just a bunch of bullshit and has always been. It's the go to excuse for people who think they are better than they are. Sure you can get unlucky in the short term, but in the long term your own skill is what decides if you climb or not.


that'd olaf her, why would you pick a midlaner with no waveclear

then maybe you'd start seeing her top or support or something and there, whine about that

she needs counterplay to her burst, which isn't there if she has a targeted 3s silence (potentially, usually about 2s i suppose) and she can jump all over the place

silence gotta go imo

Isn't that the point? I thought she was supposed to have shitty waveclear.
NLB is on atm if you wanna watch SKT play http://www.twitch.tv/nicegametv

apparently the casting is awful but I'm watching it muted so I dunno.. Also SKT are stomping hard so it's pretty meh

loco is fine but whoever this play by play is... I dunno, pick a different hobby buddy.

also, re: carrying:

I've been thinking for a while now how hard I feel it is to carry from any position other than support. Like, perhaps a lot of that is my mechanics, but I feel there's something wrong where if I'm a 10/2 Graves I should be able to carry hard, but I still feel insignificant in fights.

At least on support while I may not be able to put the damage down but I can initiate and take vision control etc., although I still feel it's abnormally hard to carry the game right now. I don't know.

I don't like that Twitch and Lucian are being nerfed.

If anything I feel like the current support are what is crowding out other ADCs and not Lucian/Twitch/Draven.


haven't people been talking the same shit for fucking ever though? about getting dragged down by the worst people on your team? and constantly just losing because "retards on your team weren't carriable"?

like, even before i started playing league over a year and a half ago i'd heard all about elo hell.. I'm not sure it's so much about the game changing and more about people using the same boring excuses for losing games and framing it in a "oh noes the game is getting worse" way

like, how many times do you have to watch different people climb from bronze up to diamond/challenger in solo q before people drop this bs

You could actually carry last season by snowballing yourself and then your team through team fights with your massive lead.

This season, Riot has kind of destroyed snowballing by buffing towers, nerfing first blood and nerfing early dragon gold. Plus changes to ward limits and pink wards to gain vision control.

Game got a lot harder to win for teams who get an early lead. Almost every game you play goes to late game now.

If you force people to rely on their team in solo queue, the game becomes more toxic.

This sort of game style also lets bad players get to high elo by being completely carried by their teams. There have been many times where i've met players who fed in every single game but still win because they simply grouped up to 5v5. How does that even make sense?

This is justsomething i've noticed this season from playing solo queue.

People have never put up this kind of argument before by the way. This season is the only season which forces almost every game to go to late game. This just enforces the idea of the worst player having more presence than the best player on a team.

You don't need a bad player to outplay the enemy at mid game since people have less items to tank or do damage.


The "one person being able to carry" is due to snowballing, and reducing snowballing causes it to become harder as you need a little bit more feed to be able to do that. If single persons shall be able to carry then the snowballing must increase again.

edit: the talk of "the worst person determining the game" is not something new, so people shouldn't pretend like it is. In the snowbally times people would say "the worst person on our team fed their top, now we cant do shit to carry. the worst person determines the game, gg".


loco is fine but whoever this play by play is... I dunno, pick a different hobby buddy.

also, re: carrying:

I've been thinking for a while now how hard I feel it is to carry from any position other than support. Like, perhaps a lot of that is my mechanics, but I feel there's something wrong where if I'm a 10/2 Graves I should be able to carry hard, but I still feel insignificant in fights.

At least on support while I may not be able to put the damage down but I can initiate and take vision control etc., although I still feel it's abnormally hard to carry the game right now. I don't know.

I don't like that Twitch and Lucian are being nerfed.

If anything I feel like the current support are what is crowding out other ADCs and not Lucian/Twitch/Draven.

The thing is, if i'm 10/2 on an adc, but the rest of my team is doing crap, and they have 2 10/2 people on their team for example, that means they're probably gonna win, but instead of looking at it like "omg i can't carry cause my team is too nooby", try looking at it from the perspective of "well i really tried my best to carry that game and I did pretty well, but at the end of the day they had more people carrying harder on their team"

and if you're going 10/2 on an adc and the rest of the game is pretty even, you really should be able to carry, i don't wanna be like too harsh/mean because i don't know what happened, but getting fed early doesn't always automatically mean you play well in the mid/lategame

which is a weird misconception that i see a lot, like, if someone gets fed in lane they don't understand they can still play badly and not really get anything from that advantage


You could actually carry last season by snowballing yourself and then your team through team fights with your massive lead.

You can still totally do that if you're way better than where your mmr is at, go play 10 games on a friends bronze/silver account and tell me you can't carry and snowball hard still when you are actually a lot better than the people you're playing with

If you force people to rely on their team in solo queue, the game becomes more toxic.

I just don't think this is true at all, if anything, once people realise they are relying on their team more, it might force people to actually put more of an emphasis on not pissing everyone off

This sort of game style also lets bad players get to high elo by being completely carried by their teams. There have been many times where i've met players who fed in every single game but still win because they simply grouped up to 5v5. How does that even make sense?

they might get a lucky streak but they'll be pushed back down if they really aren't at that level over time, that's how it works

People have never put up this kind of argument before by the way. This season is the only season which forces almost every game to go to late game. This just enforces the idea of the worst player having more presence than the best player on a team.

It's the same argument with a new "it's getting worse because riot don't know how to balance" coating

Edit - oops double post sorry
I just don't think this is true at all, if anything, once people realise they are relying on their team more, it might force people to actually put more of an emphasis on not pissing everyone off

The toxic get more toxic and AFK. If there is anything to be said about bringing snowballing back it's that you could win as a 4v5 - no chance this season without some colossal fuck up from the other team.
They really should go ahead with their baron buff rework. Extra tower killing power instead of teamfight stats would help winning teams close games. Games are rarely ever not decided 20 mins before it ends.
If you're 10/2 as a carry champion and not doing something with it, unless your teammates are downright doing stupid shit like getting caught afk farming top, it's your fault you lost.

I've won dozens of games because someone on the enemy team did nothing worthwhile after getting fed. If you're 10/2 and letting me take objectives while not taking any of your own, then you're as meaningful as a 0/8 champion.


This season is the only season which forces almost every game to go to late game
Season 2 sends it's regards
Speaking of poor decisions and teamwork, I lost a 17-5-17 Twitch marathon match last night because in the very last team fight, the team decides to initiate before I arrive after announcing I'm going back to buy my last item. They weren't initiated on; our Jarvan simply jumped in and ulted. Of course they get rekt without their damage dealer for the first half of the fight, and I can't 5v1 with everyone else dead. We had won the previous few team fights easily. But for some reason, going in without the ADC proved too tempting. Perhaps they didn't know why they won those team fights (the combination of all 5 of us) and took it for granted that we would win.

Why do they do this.


i just got the most replies and upvotes i've ever gotten on reddit, holy shit. apparently slapping adc mains in the face is a good way to get karma lol.

anyways about snowballing (that snowballing post is right above mine :I), i think some of it is true but people are way too dramatic about some of that stuff. like i want my first blood money back and i want to be able to snowball my lane but s3 was just a race of who could snowball their lane faster, it wasn't great either. and 90% of the games were being decided by throws in s3 too :I

Isn't that the point? I thought she was supposed to have shitty waveclear.
that was the point up until her rework. you can now double w and waveclear, which is probably the big thing that made her viable mid.

like, mid champions have to have waveclear, it can be bad early (nidalee, kassadin, even lux or ori), but it has to be there at one point because their team will rely on them for that.

it's not the most fun counter strategy either that you should just mindlessly push lebonk to turret, it would feel so much better if you could just fight her back and predict her swapping and whatnot.

it wouldn't feel so much fun for lebonk players either, farming with her is already pretty annoying so this would make her a lot more snowball-reliant since you'll be kassadin-like 40cs behind but with no ridik lategame aoe scaling.

i dunno, lebonk's a tricky one, i think they could nerf her damage right this second and she'd be ok but for her to become "healthy" they need to change how onesided her trades are. like look at ahri, you can at least flash or dodge her charm and her burst is available with much higher cooldowns, lebonk needs that.

she's also way too safe in lane so her w should have a higher cd specially now that people are maxing it first. could be like a base 20-14 instead of 18-12 or something, i'm not goot at that stuff.

edit: also

hope you enjoy it crab

edit2: wow sorry didn't see the size
I'd be hard pressed to call leona's E or Alistar's E a hard cc. Maybe alistar's E.. but I never really considered it as such. Huh.

edit: Regardless splitting hairs at this point. A hard cc and 70% slow at lvl 1 is pretty fucking damaging.
*Alistar's headbutt forcibly moves someone from their original position and makes them lose control over their champion* *not considered hard CC*

I don't know, man.

Right on cue, Riot announces that Twitch and Lucian will be dumpstered because of their high competitive pick rates


I won't miss Nidalee though.
If they're going to nerf Feral Flare some more, then that'll be a serious case of double standards with how long they deemed Ancient Golem perfectly acceptable in its original state.

Riot, perhaps if heavily stealth-based champs like Kha'Zix and Twitch are problematic maybe you should do something about invis detection.
If they didn't bother to implement affordable anti-sustain items rather than gutting the likes of Warwick or Yorick, then they're not going to bother with stealth detection even when they already designed those for other modes. For all the improvements they push through, Riot is unbelievably stubborn like that on certain matters.

EDIT: One more question regarding Tanks: Say I have a weapon and boots, that leaves me with 4 slots for other equipment which will be armor. Against an AP+AD team I can build Omen+Sunfire+Banshee. Now for my final item, assuming they don't have strong auto attackers should I go for Warmog for extra health or go for Spirit Visage for the extra MGR?
Don't bother with Sunfire if you're looking for a defensive item. It's anything but good. Randuin's Omen is better bang for buck by a country mile and the 'damage' its passive does is laughable.
Idk. My definition of hard CC are stuns, roots and super strong slows... stuff that forces me in a bad position. I don't really go by hard CCs being defined as channel breakers. I'm more afraid of Wither than Soraka/Cho silences.


S3 the game could be snowballing out of control by 10 min (heck, even feeding the wrong person in a level 1 invade could spell doom). Truly even, intense games were pretty rare. S4 the game is VERY difficult to snowball at all and a lot of matches just turn into late game snoozefests.

I'd like a middle ground. I miss the 20-30 min matches. I despise the 50+ minute marathon matches where one late game mistake determines the game more than anything else. It's like the whole game up to that point was for nothing. It all comes to a single throw/counter-throw.

I hate that the average match length seems to be 40 minutes. I'd like to shave a few off that.

I'd be happy with lowering the average jungle xp a little bit, lowering the passive gold gain, increasing early dragon and first blood rewards and bringing the global gold for tier 1 towers a little more. Obviously some of that isn't as healthy for competitive play but think of the masses.
They need to remove the warning indication on Rengar ult.

It's so bad for the Rengar player.

Otherwise, it's super annoying if enemy Rengar is ahead though. I rarely ever feel as helpless knowing that as a squishy I'll die in at most every 1-2 mins. Sure you can group up harder, but that also makes it easier for the enemy team to control the map.


S3 the game could be snowballing out of control by 10 min (heck, even feeding the wrong person in a level 1 invade could spell doom). Truly even, intense games were pretty rare. S4 the game is VERY difficult to snowball at all and a lot of matches just turn into late game snoozefests.

I'd like a middle ground. I miss the 20-30 min matches. I despise the 50+ minute marathon matches where one late game mistake determines the game more than anything else. It's like the whole game up to that point was for nothing. It all comes to a single throw/counter-throw.

I hate that the average match length seems to be 40 minutes. I'd like to shave a few off that.

I'd be happy with lowering the average jungle xp a little bit, lowering the passive gold gain, increasing early dragon and first blood rewards and bringing the global gold for tier 1 towers a little more. Obviously some of that isn't as healthy for competitive play but think of the masses.

yup, i feel a middle ground is definitely achievable just by touching up numbers. make objectives be worth more to reward good team players and make first blood be worth money again (at least make it worth a normal kill dude... like 240g wtf), they could maybe change the fortification thing on turrets to be a flat amount rather than % so you can snowball a little more, etc.

but seriously 240g for first blood is the most depressing thing ever

They need to remove the warning indication on Rengar ult.

It's so bad for the Rengar player.
i'll trade you the indicator for the jumping growl

that growl always scares teh shit out of me
Otherwise, it's super annoying if enemy Rengar is ahead though. I rarely ever feel as helpless knowing that as a squishy I'll die in at most every 1-2 mins. Sure you can group up harder, but that also makes it easier for the enemy team to control the map.

he doesn't have the damage to 100-0 anyone any more and the ult nerf is massive.

You ult and run at someone, they see the indicator and just dash away or move to their allies. It's practically impossible to pick someone late game if they're paying attention to the screen.

It feels so bad from a rengar player's point of view to see someone on his own, pop your ult, get close only for him to know you're coming and get away.

it's dumb


Speaking of poor decisions and teamwork, I lost a 17-5-17 Twitch marathon match last night because in the very last team fight, the team decides to initiate before I arrive after announcing I'm going back to buy my last item. They weren't initiated on; our Jarvan simply jumped in and ulted. Of course they get rekt without their damage dealer for the first half of the fight, and I can't 5v1 with everyone else dead. We had won the previous few team fights easily. But for some reason, going in without the ADC proved too tempting. Perhaps they didn't know why they won those team fights (the combination of all 5 of us) and took it for granted that we would win.

Why do they do this.
I feel like I have seen this happen a LOT. Presumably I should be a better play and work around it by not buying until I am dead or until a teamfight is finished, even if I have 2000-4000 gold. But you would still think people would wait if they have a fed carry and you ping back and type "I am buying WAIT, DO NOT FIGHT YET, BACK UP!". As soon as your recall finishes, someone dashes towards the enemy team. It defies all explanation. Maybe people mute everyone and don't see the warning in teamchat, and maybe they didn't notice the recall indicators on the map, but pings should still work.

I stopped whining the moment I saw TRM get 30 straight wins into Platinum as Teemo mid on a fresh smurf a couple years ago.
I'd really like to see someone do that now so maybe I could learn how. More importantly, I'd like to see someone do a win streak like that after an account plays 200 games in mid-silver, so you only get 18 LP or so per win.

Placement can get you ranked high quickly (I went 7-3 I think and got silver 1, then immediately went down to silver 5), and winning a bunch can make you skip divisions, but I'm interested in seeing how many games a high-level player can win if an account has solidified in a level.


You can still totally do that if you're way better than where your mmr is at, go play 10 games on a friends bronze/silver account and tell me you can't carry and snowball hard still when you are actually a lot better than the people you're playing with
I've already tried this a bit on my silver smurf during 4.6 when I was hiding from Feral Flare. Sure there are still a lot of games where I can carry easily on a smurf, but I have a better ability to carry consistently in my diamond games than on my silver/gold smurfs.

My personal score doesn't matter in about 50% of games on a smurf account because of how commonly another role loses harder than I can carry or because of my teams inadequate ability to group and/or listen to not getting caught constantly. It doesn't matter how fed I am if I'm playing a constant 4v5, which is common in Silver. They tipped the scale a bit too much in favor of casual with the passive gold gain increases + the changes to xp from lane creeps that allow people to gain levels quicker if they're far behind.

My laning advantage of being up 1-5 kills, having their tower and being up a few levels on my lane opponent by 20 minutes is completely negated because he will play catch up in levels while I'm forced to help my (typically) failing team mates. They really need to make the game less forgiving when you get completely dominated in lane.
I've already tried this a bit on my silver smurf during 4.6 when I was hiding from Feral Flare. Sure there are still a lot of games where I can carry easily on a smurf, but I have a better ability to carry consistently in my diamond games than on my silver/gold smurfs.

My personal score doesn't matter in about 50% of games on a smurf account because of how commonly another role loses harder than I can carry or because of my teams inadequate ability to group and/or listen to not getting caught constantly. It doesn't matter how fed I am if I'm playing a constant 4v5, which is common in Silver. They tipped the scale a bit too much in favor of casual with the passive gold gain increases + the changes to xp from lane creeps that allow people to gain levels quicker if they're far behind.

My laning advantage of being up 1-5 kills, having their tower and being up a few levels on my lane opponent by 20 minutes is completely negated because he will play catch up in levels while I'm forced to help my (typically) failing team mates. They really need to make the game less forgiving when you get completely dominated in lane.

This. I dominated wukong in lane, he was 2 levels behind at 1/4 with his tower gone. I was 4/2 and was pretty massive.

However, at that time bot lane was a combined 1/12, Lee had decided to sell his items for a Haunting Guise and Mejais and Yasuo was losing to AP EZ.

Cait alone finished 1/10 and Lee 3/15.

Like, what can I do here? How am I possibly supposed to use my advantage to carry the game?


I'd really like to see someone do that now so maybe I could learn how. More importantly, I'd like to see someone do a win streak like that after an account plays 200 games in mid-silver, so you only get 18 LP or so per win.

Placement can get you ranked high quickly (I went 7-3 I think and got silver 1, then immediately went down to silver 5), and winning a bunch can make you skip divisions, but I'm interested in seeing how many games a high-level player can win if an account has solidified in a level.

Nightblue did this with a solid Bronze account. I think it was Bronze II. He was only gaining like 7lp a win for the first 10 matches or so. He got all the way to high plat like 40-2 or something like that.

This was like pre-season 4 if I recall. It was before the spirit stone changes so no Pantheon or wukong. He played a lot of Elise, Khazix, brand, Vi, etc. But also some weird ones. It's like a pro football player playing highschool.

fake edit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6o2jtmwZG-c6Ty3SMkyfwQ8LzGCqf3tC

That's not really his channel but that guy uploaded all the games he played in that series. I'm not going to lie, it improved my jungling.

real edit: I have more likes in this post than a valley girl. Going to leave them for posterity.


This. I dominated wukong in lane, he was 2 levels behind at 1/4 with his tower gone. I was 4/2 and was pretty massive.

However, at that time bot lane was a combined 1/12, Lee had decided to sell his items for a Haunting Guise and Mejais and Yasuo was losing to AP EZ.

Cait alone finished 1/10 and Lee 3/15.

Like, what can I do here? How am I possibly supposed to use my advantage to carry the game?
Those are situations where people will tell you there should be an equal chance of those bad players being on the other team, and if you play a large number of games (50, 100, 150, etc.), on average the number of bad players will be equal between the teams, and you are the only good player constant, so on average you should keep winning.

However, given that logic, consider the 30-Teemo-win-streak mentioned above. It may take some significant luck to go 30 straight games without teammates combining for a 3/25 score.

Nightblue did this with a solid Bronze account. I think it was Bronze II. He was only gaining like 7lp a win for the first 10 matches or so. He got all the way to high plat like 40-2 or something like that.

This was like pre-season 4 if I recall. It was before the spirit stone changes so no Pantheon or wukong. He played a lot of Elise, Khazix, brand, Vi, etc. But also some weird ones. It's like a pro football player playing highschool.

fake edit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6o2jtmwZG-c6Ty3SMkyfwQ8LzGCqf3tC

That's not really his channel but that guy uploaded all the games he played in that series. I'm not going to lie, it improved my jungling.
Thanks, without a diamond player to spectate my games and offer guru advice afterwards, maybe stuff like this will help. :p


i just got the most replies and upvotes i've ever gotten on reddit, holy shit. apparently slapping adc mains in the face is a good way to get karma lol.

Wouldn't toot my horn about getting /r/leagueoflegends riled up.

"Nerf Twitch and Lucian, guess ADCs suck now!!" -> "Why are ADCs allowed to dominate the late game?"
"Even if I get an early game lead, I can't carry my team!" -> "It's bullshit that because if I make one mistake I lose the game by 10 minutes!"
"I'm an aurabot when I jungle!" -> "Why is the jungler allowed to sit in there and come out at the 20 min mark as strong as a laner!"
"Assassins dominate mid!" -> "Assassins nerfed too hard! I hate playing vs. Soraka and Lulu!"

No one is ever happy, everyone is miserable.

(Fun facts: match times have increased by less than 2 minutes in S4 compared to S3 and up to this point Riot's buff-to-nerf ratio sits above slightly above 1:1. Perception is a everything)

Wolf Akela said:
They really should go ahead with their baron buff rework. Extra tower killing power instead of teamfight stats would help winning teams close games. Games are rarely ever not decided 20 mins before it ends.

For competitive that might work, but in solo queue it would make things worse. Let's be honest here, solo queue games don't revolve around 5v5 sieges. 90% of it is picking off that one dummy who went somewhere without vision -> his team jumping in to help his sorry ass and all dying piecemeal -> survivors of the winning team take an objective. Repeat.

I'd much rather have Baron be similar with reduced stats that scale with time, but up earlier (~12 min mark) and significantly easier to kill. Do similar changes to dragon. Now teams have to pick where to send the duo lane. Hell, implement a system similar to the "shrines" (I forget what they're called) from Twisted Treeline. Provide an easy objective that the lightly snowballing lanes can complete to provide advantages to their teammates. Make snowballing a team effort.

Ferga said:
If you force people to rely on their team in solo queue, the game becomes more toxic.

Oh please. The difference in toxicity between S4 and S3 is that the person who eats shit from his teammates changed from the guy(s) who keeps getting picked off in the mid-late game from the guy(s) who fed during laning phase.

PhillipCostigan said:
It feels so bad from a rengar player's point of view to see someone on his own, pop your ult, get close only for him to know you're coming and get away.

it's dumb

They should have ignored the early whiners in the rework thread and removed the stealth from his ult like they originally planned. Ult should have given him massive move speed and a significant increase the range of his jump from bushes.

SeigO said:
My personal score doesn't matter in about 50% of games on a smurf account because of how commonly another role loses harder than I can carry

I'm so happy you wrote this, because it's a textbook case of the dissonance this entire community suffers from (no offense intended, we all do it). It's all perception. You dominate your opponent, you're a hard carrying BAMF. An opponent is doing even better than you are but they aren't a harder carrying BAMF++ like you - your lane is simply playing like dog shit. How can you possibly carry that, right?

You're one of five players on your team. If you're 20% of your team but you put yourself in a position to influence the outcome of matches 50% of the time, that's actually really good.


Ok, guys, I need some advice/help. But let me state this first, I'm not looking for "don't play ranked" as an answer.

So my co-workers are almost all placed in Gold (about 6-7 of them) and a couple in Silver. We play a lot together here at work in full 5v5 games, and I'm easily the best of any of them. I hit level 30 about a month and a half ago and I placed Silver 3. I was cool with that after going 7-3 in provisional matches. Anyway, right from the get go in ranked there became a running joke that "League hates Jeff" among my co-workers, because I started getting into inexplicably bad games with an almost comedic run of AFKs, trolls, and whatnot. We all just figured that, "it would balance out over time" and I'd be on the other side of the fence as often as I drew the bad teams. It continued.

I tried hard, VERY hard not to blame losing on bad teammates, because that's just bad form. But in the losses, I was losing like 22 LP per loss, only gaining 7 or 9 per win. I had to win at a 4-1 rate to stay positive, and it just wasn't happening.

So my co-workers started duo queuing with me, and eventually they stopped because they couldn't handle the AFK people and it was keeping them from staying in Gold or moving towards Platinum, so I got left to deal with it on my own. But man, I've dropped into deep, deep ELO hell and I can't get a good match to save my life and I have slipped into Bronze, still losing TONS of LP per loss and barely getting crap for wins.

What do I do at this point? I can't climb. There's no way that I'm going to win at an 80% rate, and there's little joy in playing games where you have AFK players or total feeders. Last night 2 of my 3 games had AFK players...WHY SO MANY?!

To give you an idea of the crap I'm looking at, I'm 4-0-1 in lane, but my support is 0-6-2, because he just turret dives and he's even roaming to other lanes and dying. He doesn't buy a single ward, and he takes my farm...yet this guy has a higher winning percentage than I do. How can someone so fundamentally terrible at the game be winning more?

I'm about ready to abandon the game or at least just burn this account and start over. Is there ANY way to deal with the ELO hell trap that doesn't involve playing hundreds and hundreds of games hoping for it to "even out?"

Oh, and you CAN get demoted without being 0 LP. I had 1 LP and lost and it dropped me a division. :|


Wouldn't toot my horn about getting /r/leagueoflegends riled up.

"Nerf Twitch and Lucian, guess ADCs suck now!!" -> "Why are ADCs allowed to dominate the late game?"
"Even if I get an early game lead, I can't carry my team!" -> "It's bullshit that because if I make one mistake I lose the game by 10 minutes!"
"I'm an aurabot when I jungle!" -> "Why is the jungler allowed to sit in there and come out at the 20 min mark as strong as a laner!"
"Assassins dominate mid!" -> "Assassins nerfed too hard! I hate playing vs. Soraka and Lulu!"

No one is ever happy, everyone is miserable.

(Fun facts: match times have increased by less than 2 minutes in S4 compared to S3 and up to this point Riot's buff-to-nerf ratio sits above slightly above 1:1. Perception is a everything)

to be fair i've whined about tons of shit myself and still do, but i just hate how adcs constantly victimize themselves like the world was out to get them

like i get a diamond dude telling me you can't play varus in diamond cos you'll get shit in lane and always dove at level 3 or whatever. i tell him look people in diamond are winning handedly at 52-55% with varus and other immobile carries, and now it's an issue with all adcs being unable to carry or whatever

like adcs need to understand that the world doesn't circle around them anymore, supports and junglers are now in less of a government aid and now take a few more shots to kill. i know this because i've spent half of s4 losing games by failing at getting fed off supports like i did in s3. c'est la vie, everyone's a little stronger now so you're a bit weaker. stop feeling sorry for yourself and learn to carry in this crazy new world.

it's not even like the midlane meta changed to support mids so now you get a ton of shields and heals and buffs so you can misposition even harder!

This. I dominated wukong in lane, he was 2 levels behind at 1/4 with his tower gone. I was 4/2 and was pretty massive.

However, at that time bot lane was a combined 1/12, Lee had decided to sell his items for a Haunting Guise and Mejais and Yasuo was losing to AP EZ.

Cait alone finished 1/10 and Lee 3/15.

Like, what can I do here? How am I possibly supposed to use my advantage to carry the game?

i don't think rito should ever openly support a meta where you can win when one of your teammates is intentionally feeding and trolling

you can't expect the game to be balanced around one player compensating for another one that hard

i get what you mean but i think you can't really fault rito for that specific example. i too look forward to bringing back some of the snowball from s3 tho
If you're losing so much LP and winning so little, it means your MMR is too low to climb.

I really don't know what to tell you other than there's no such thing as "elo hell trap". You hit 30 a month ago, you're not going to climb so easily right off the bat. You don't hope to even out by playing hundreds of games, you get good enough to actually climb.

Stop worrying about your teammates and worry about your own play and what you're doing with it, because otherwise you're not going to climb sans getting lucky in placement matches with a fresh account.


(Fun facts: match times have increased by less than 2 minutes in S4 compared to S3 and up to this point Riot's buff-to-nerf ratio sits above slightly above 1:1. Perception is a everything)

Out of curiosity, where did you get the average game time increase from?


Try upload a few replays, there are definitely something wrong there, it is hard to give random advices without knowing anything.

If you can't upload them, I am sure there are lots of elohell climbing video by pro out there.
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