Ok, guys, I need some advice/help. But let me state this first, I'm not looking for "don't play ranked" as an answer.
So my co-workers are almost all placed in Gold (about 6-7 of them) and a couple in Silver. We play a lot together here at work in full 5v5 games, and I'm easily the best of any of them. I hit level 30 about a month and a half ago and I placed Silver 3. I was cool with that after going 7-3 in provisional matches. Anyway, right from the get go in ranked there became a running joke that "League hates Jeff" among my co-workers, because I started getting into inexplicably bad games with an almost comedic run of AFKs, trolls, and whatnot. We all just figured that, "it would balance out over time" and I'd be on the other side of the fence as often as I drew the bad teams. It continued.
I tried hard, VERY hard not to blame losing on bad teammates, because that's just bad form. But in the losses, I was losing like 22 LP per loss, only gaining 7 or 9 per win. I had to win at a 4-1 rate to stay positive, and it just wasn't happening.
So my co-workers started duo queuing with me, and eventually they stopped because they couldn't handle the AFK people and it was keeping them from staying in Gold or moving towards Platinum, so I got left to deal with it on my own. But man, I've dropped into deep, deep ELO hell and I can't get a good match to save my life and I have slipped into Bronze, still losing TONS of LP per loss and barely getting crap for wins.
What do I do at this point? I can't climb. There's no way that I'm going to win at an 80% rate, and there's little joy in playing games where you have AFK players or total feeders. Last night 2 of my 3 games had AFK players...WHY SO MANY?!
To give you an idea of the crap I'm looking at, I'm 4-0-1 in lane, but my support is 0-6-2, because he just turret dives and he's even roaming to other lanes and dying. He doesn't buy a single ward, and he takes my farm...yet this guy has a higher winning percentage than I do. How can someone so fundamentally terrible at the game be winning more?
I'm about ready to abandon the game or at least just burn this account and start over. Is there ANY way to deal with the ELO hell trap that doesn't involve playing hundreds and hundreds of games hoping for it to "even out?"
Oh, and you CAN get demoted without being 0 LP. I had 1 LP and lost and it dropped me a division. :|