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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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I think my role of choice is going to be support. It's the only thing I'm good at anyway and I won some 5v5 games doing duo bot lanes with my friend yesterday. Yay.

I'll never understand the people who feel the need to complain about everything under the sun when they're clearly winning though.


Ok, guys, I need some advice/help. But let me state this first, I'm not looking for "don't play ranked" as an answer.

So my co-workers are almost all placed in Gold (about 6-7 of them) and a couple in Silver. We play a lot together here at work in full 5v5 games, and I'm easily the best of any of them. I hit level 30 about a month and a half ago and I placed Silver 3. I was cool with that after going 7-3 in provisional matches. Anyway, right from the get go in ranked there became a running joke that "League hates Jeff" among my co-workers, because I started getting into inexplicably bad games with an almost comedic run of AFKs, trolls, and whatnot. We all just figured that, "it would balance out over time" and I'd be on the other side of the fence as often as I drew the bad teams. It continued.

I tried hard, VERY hard not to blame losing on bad teammates, because that's just bad form. But in the losses, I was losing like 22 LP per loss, only gaining 7 or 9 per win. I had to win at a 4-1 rate to stay positive, and it just wasn't happening.

So my co-workers started duo queuing with me, and eventually they stopped because they couldn't handle the AFK people and it was keeping them from staying in Gold or moving towards Platinum, so I got left to deal with it on my own. But man, I've dropped into deep, deep ELO hell and I can't get a good match to save my life and I have slipped into Bronze, still losing TONS of LP per loss and barely getting crap for wins.

What do I do at this point? I can't climb. There's no way that I'm going to win at an 80% rate, and there's little joy in playing games where you have AFK players or total feeders. Last night 2 of my 3 games had AFK players...WHY SO MANY?!

To give you an idea of the crap I'm looking at, I'm 4-0-1 in lane, but my support is 0-6-2, because he just turret dives and he's even roaming to other lanes and dying. He doesn't buy a single ward, and he takes my farm...yet this guy has a higher winning percentage than I do. How can someone so fundamentally terrible at the game be winning more?

I'm about ready to abandon the game or at least just burn this account and start over. Is there ANY way to deal with the ELO hell trap that doesn't involve playing hundreds and hundreds of games hoping for it to "even out?"

Oh, and you CAN get demoted without being 0 LP. I had 1 LP and lost and it dropped me a division. :|

Same thing happened to Neko, but he'd have to confirm. He kept posting game scores that were super lopsided even though he did well. I'll be honest, I thought he was full of shit and cherry picking the end-game screens he was posting. S4 comes along, does his provisionals and *boom* he's gold IV or something. Moral of the story: if you're better than where you think you are you'll go up. Might take 50 games, might take a stat wipe from a new season. You'll get there. Don't concentrate on wins/loses/lp, etc. Concentrate of improving. Evaluate whether you were a net positive to your team, win or lose.
I really have no advise for ranking up, since I only played until Gold V for the reward. I know you say not to tell you "don't play ranked", but that's what I'm doing right now. I'm brushing up on all my roles and shrinking my champion pool. I know I have to be more than good in all roles before I play ranked again, but right now I know I'm not ready. My CS rate isn't as high as they used to be, my ganks aren't as frequent as they should be, not doing favorable trades often enough and just not making enough plays.

But still, I'm practicing. My ADC positioning is up there now, my laning as support is getting good, I'm making better calls. I formed a habit of timing objectives, which is something I very rarely did last season. I'm practicing as many facets as I could, so my win rate in normals is shooting up. I think my Twitch (both ADC and jungle) are already at 75% win rate now, even though I started something like 0/3.

Elo Hell really isn't real. There are so many Challengers out there who smurfed their way up to Diamond. WildTurtle alone occupies several Challenger slots. Shit just happens. I remember laughing at a lolking page I saw where the guy had nothing but Fizz in his history but they were all loses, even though he was super fed every game.


drawkcaB said:
You're one of five players on your team. If you're 20% of your team but you put yourself in a position to influence the outcome of matches 50% of the time, that's actually really good.
I literally just said that people would say this in the post before yours. :p

I'm so happy you wrote this, because it's a textbook case of the dissonance this entire community suffers from (no offense intended, we all do it). It's all perception. You dominate your opponent, you're a hard carrying BAMF. An opponent is doing even better than you are but they aren't a harder carrying BAMF++ like you - your lane is simply playing like dog shit. How can you possibly carry that, right?
I suggest there are some problems with your assessment here.

1. I think SeigO has at least two accounts in diamond. As such, I think there is at least a chance that their comments about diamond play versus silver play have some merit, and should be considered instead of dismissed out of hand.

2. Why did you only quote a fraction of SeigO's post, instead of the whole thing which provides reasoning and discussion?

3. Can you please link to the posts in which SeigO has indicated "You dominate your opponent, you're a hard carrying BAMF"? Some people may have this attitude, but I took a brief glance through their post history, and I do not see over-the-top bragging posts like you seem to imply. Instead they seem happy and politely surprised when they do better than they have done before.

4. Your 20% of team but 50% outcome of matches comment is perhaps an oversimplification. What I believe SeigO is suggesting is that although one can use the 20/50 principle to do well on average early in games, certain factors contribute to those games becoming a more even playing field before a victory can be achieved. This dilutes the individual contribution if most games go to 35-45 minutes and are decided by 1-2 poor players at that point, resulting in an immediate loss.


I think my role of choice is going to be support. It's the only thing I'm good at anyway and I won some 5v5 games doing duo bot lanes with my friend yesterday. Yay.

I'll never understand the people who feel the need to complain about everything under the sun when they're clearly winning though.

Sweet. Who do you like supporting with the most? Ya, there are always people who will complain about every little thing. Some of the time it's just in their nature, other times they could just be having a bad day.


It's not just about doing well individually, it's how you use it. Switch roles if you have to. Pick something more influential like jungle or midlane so you can work on trying to snowball the early game.

If you're ADC then you need to be choosing the ones with positioning tools and dominate your lane, skirmishes and teamfights with solid positioning and out farming (thus out damaging) your opponent. In NA, so many of the top challenger positions are ADC mains because they can single handedly win teamfights.

If you're top lane, then crush your lane, take TP and get in as many teamfights as possible to win them all. Secure dragons and barons and gank midlane a few times during laning phase. imo, this is the hardest lane to truly carry from.

Midlane and jungle are easiest to carry from in low elo. Influence the whole map. Crush multiple lanes with good ganks and above all, control the objectives - dragons, towers, buffs, barons. Both roles strongly influence objective control.

All that said, sometimes a clean slate helps. Season 5 is around the corner. Instead of focusing on ranking up, just focus on improving your own game in every way possible and rock those placements next season.


I think my role of choice is going to be support. It's the only thing I'm good at anyway and I won some 5v5 games doing duo bot lanes with my friend yesterday. Yay.

I'll never understand the people who feel the need to complain about everything under the sun when they're clearly winning though.
you'll be a welcome addition to the good fight

never let adcs make you their bitch

you're not their bitch

you're a man


Out of curiosity, where did you get the average game time increase from?

From the horses mouth, Zileas. He gave this really precise time. You know like, 1m42s (pulling that out of thin air as an example) - the sort of number you pull from mountains of data as opposed to out of your ass. It was in a thread about how it's too hard to close out games now from three months back or so. Zileas is enough of a snarky guy to actually bother to look the number up just to prove a point.

I honestly think it's a perception thing. If I think hard enough, my average match time was about 35 minutes last season. It's about the same now. The big difference I think is that it's taken longer to figure out when a match is truly won. You can't let your guard down and relax at the 20 minute mark because your team is doing considerably better. The added tension makes things feel longer.

zkylon said:
to be fair i've whined about tons of shit myself and still do, but i just hate how adcs constantly victimize themselves like the world was out to get them

So do I. We all do. We're all hamsters running in wheel with itty bitty cute blinders on.


My advice for anyone trying to carry is to control vision for your team. If you're bot or mid and are winning lane help your team ward buffs at the right times and control dragon. The point in the game where you transition lane control to vision control in the enemy jungle is where the snowball starts in season 4. Pay attention to trinkets too amd get your sweepers up to gain picks. Recongnize obvious situations for opportunities .
Example: enemy mid is gonna grab blue around the same time every game. If you're ahead in lane ward it to get a steal/pick and boom free dragon.

Situations like this can be used for every lane.
I feel like I have seen this happen a LOT. Presumably I should be a better play and work around it by not buying until I am dead or until a teamfight is finished, even if I have 2000-4000 gold. But you would still think people would wait if they have a fed carry and you ping back and type "I am buying WAIT, DO NOT FIGHT YET, BACK UP!". As soon as your recall finishes, someone dashes towards the enemy team. It defies all explanation. Maybe people mute everyone and don't see the warning in teamchat, and maybe they didn't notice the recall indicators on the map, but pings should still work.
It's gonna sting for awhile man. It was a very close game, but a game we probably win if they just wait for me to walk to them. The other team had no initiator. Only counter-initiation. Their Yi had like 20 kills but I was wrecking his face late game. But without me there to finish him quickly (he went pure glass cannon. 5 offensive items and 0 defensive) he just melted everyone with his team.

It also stings because it was one of my first Twitch games. I've only played him maybe 5 times lifetime, and all in the last 2 days. I was finally feeling him and laughing at the ridiculousness of Spray & Pray.

Rarely am I disappointed in players, but that was an exception. I think because they were smart enough to stay positive and rebound from feeding Yi 20 kills to retake the advantage in the game late...when you play with people that are intelligent you allow yourself to have expectations. Then they shit on your expectations in a single moment and you just can't believe it even happened. I still don't understand why they did it. And I wasn't muted because we were talking all game. I wrote the shit in all caps


Maybe people were tired. idk. It's just frustrating as hell.
Fired up an extremely old account for some smurfingf lolz - NP I thought. Have to play bot games until lvl 3 - choose intermediate and got absolutely mauled off Ez/Lucian double bot lane. Couldn't believe it.

Had to go on a full split-pushing strategy win as I couldn't 1v1 anyone for shit even once I got a BT and Shiv.


The only person allowed to back in a late game situation like that to finish an item is the adc, really. Your team was definitely in the wrong. They probably just got overconfident though, not recognizing the damage you did.


As much as I enjoy wasting teams with Blitzcrank, I cannot fathom what weapon to build for him. I just tank him the eff up and my abilities are the big damage dealers. Big guy can't punch to save his ass.


unfortunately people just isn't very good at disengaging

if your team's pushing you should never trust them to be smart about it because hard engage is very hard to deal with when you're outnumbered

but also people don't know when to you know, chill and stop pressuring while you're finishing up that ga, so i dunno, it's very hard to make decisions lategame


I'm so happy you wrote this, because it's a textbook case of the dissonance this entire community suffers from (no offense intended, we all do it). It's all perception. You dominate your opponent, you're a hard carrying BAMF. An opponent is doing even better than you are but they aren't a harder carrying BAMF++ like you - your lane is simply playing like dog shit. How can you possibly carry that, right?
Calm down over there Britta. It's simply a fact that in S4 winning your individual lane has a much smaller impact on the game than in the past. I used to shut down tops to the point where they were irrelevant for the entire game, that's nearly impossible now that every game goes late.


It def helps, but I feel like a lot of the time that when one person goes back to buy an item it really doesn't even need to happen. You could just group and go for whatever objective at that point. Yes, when teammates go back you need to know not to fight. But most of the time you just cleared the jungle and it's time to make a move. Going back for items will just delay whatever you're trying to do and it will give the other team time to make a move and possibly get a step ahead of you.


Try upload a few replays, there are definitely something wrong there, it is hard to give random advices without knowing anything.

If you can't upload them, I am sure there are lots of elohell climbing video by pro out there.

I'll start grabbing some replays. I wouldn't be so upset about all of it if I didn't constantly hear from my co-workers how I should be in Gold/Platinum (I seriously wreck them and it's always a fight over whose team I'll be on when we play) only to go home and just get annihilated by Bronze teams. I think that's probably just messing with my head as much as anything.
I'll start grabbing some replays. I wouldn't be so upset about all of it if I didn't constantly hear from my co-workers how I should be in Gold/Platinum (I seriously wreck them and it's always a fight over whose team I'll be on when we play) only to go home and just get annihilated by Bronze teams. I think that's probably just messing with my head as much as anything.
Stop worrying about what you should be. Focus on what you are at the moment, otherwise you'll never understand why you are losing.


Stop worrying about what you should be. Focus on what you are at the moment, otherwise you'll never understand why you are losing.

apparently the super good technique is to change your mentality from "play to win" to "play to learn". take every game as a learning experience and try and not care too much about the result (you know, tryhard but don't go crazy if you lose) and that apparently helps with the grind

because it is a grind, getting to gold 1 took me a good amount of games and all i changed was being chill about them and just playing a bunch.


apparently the super good technique is to change your mentality from "play to win" to "play to learn". take every game as a learning experience and try and not care too much about the result (you know, tryhard but don't go crazy if you lose) and that apparently helps with the grind

because it is a grind, getting to gold 1 took me a good amount of games and all i changed was being chill about them and just playing a bunch.

I'm starting to get there, actually. When people call for surrender, I generally vote no and tell everybody to use the remaining time in the match to learn something or try something new. If it's painfully obvious that we're going to lose, I'll work on positioning or something like that. It's honestly what's really keeping me going through the losses.

I don't care what league I'm in, I just don't want to be having such low quality matches.

Can playing Normals have an impact on your hidden MMR? Can I boost that so I stop losing so much dang LP per loss?


I'm starting to get there, actually. When people call for surrender, I generally vote no and tell everybody to use the remaining time in the match to learn something or try something new. If it's painfully obvious that we're going to lose, I'll work on positioning or something like that. It's honestly what's really keeping me going through the losses.

I don't care what league I'm in, I just don't want to be having such low quality matches.

Can playing Normals have an impact on your hidden MMR? Can I boost that so I stop losing so much dang LP per loss?

Nah normals and ranked are separate.


I literally just said that people would say this in the post before yours. :p

Well, it's true.

3. Can you please link to the posts in which SeigO has indicated "You dominate your opponent, you're a hard carrying BAMF"? Some people may have this attitude, but I took a brief glance through their post history, and I do not see over-the-top bragging posts like you seem to imply. Instead they seem happy and politely surprised when they do better than they have done before.

If you look at what I wrote, I mention that I'm happy he wrote that because it's a community wide issue. Though I'm using "you", "your" etc. I'm not addressing myself directly at SeigO who was quite articulate and not bragging.

There's an issue in this community where people think that because they played very well, they deserved to win with no consideration that any individual on the other team, or the other team as a whole, played better. It's an understandable feeling to have when the game uses loading full of shit terms like "carry".

This dilutes the individual contribution if most games go to 35-45 minutes and are decided by 1-2 poor players at that point, resulting in an immediate loss.

This statement is contradictory because a contribution in this game can be negative. The game is still decided by 1-2 players. Now it's 1-2 players late as opposed to 1-2 players early. Is that change really significant? Contrary to anecdotal evidence, the games aren't lasting much longer. Could the frustrations people are experiencing have more to do with the fact that it's harder to suffer a loss from a 35 minute that was decided by the 30 minute mark than losing a 33 minute game that was decided at the 20 minute mark?

SeigO said:
Calm down over there Britta. It's simply a fact that in S4 winning your individual lane has a much smaller impact on the game than in the past. I used to shut down tops to the point where they were irrelevant for the entire game, that's nearly impossible now that every game goes late.

Again, not addressing myself directly to you, but rather to people who take your line of reasoning to an egotistical, toxic extreme.


I'm starting to get there, actually. When people call for surrender, I generally vote no and tell everybody to use the remaining time in the match to learn something or try something new. If it's painfully obvious that we're going to lose, I'll work on positioning or something like that. It's honestly what's really keeping me going through the losses.

I don't care what league I'm in, I just don't want to be having such low quality matches.

Can playing Normals have an impact on your hidden MMR? Can I boost that so I stop losing so much dang LP per loss?
nope, normals and ranked have completely separate mmrs despite all my whining about running into challenger trolls in my blind picks :/

and yeah the idea is you have to think "ok it'll take me a hundred games to get gold or whatever", so just know that you'll eventually get there, you don't need to be a massive carry or anything, if you pull your own weight then over a large span of games you'll win more than you'll lose and you'll rise in rank. some people have worse luck and it takes more games, some people go super fast, but that's the grind, if you care about pretty borders then you gotta put in the hours and not expect much in return.

Normal has no impact on ranked MMR, but your ranking does affect normal matchmaking.
? no way it does


If you look at what I wrote, I mention that I'm happy he wrote that because it's a community wide issue. Though I'm using "you", "your" etc. I'm not addressing myself directly at SeigO who was quite articulate and not bragging.
I thought you were talking about SeigO directly.

This statement is contradictory. The game is still decided by 1-2 players. Now it's 1-2 players late as opposed to 1-2 players early.
Imagine a situation where everyone becomes level 18 at 42 minutes in, and 1-2 minor positioning mistakes decides the entire game. I think this is what can easily happen, and what I am talking about.

Now imagine a situation where an entire 20-25 minutes of laning has been dominated by 1-2 players. Is it reasonable to expect this to lead to an advantage, and not feed into the aforementioned 42-minute scenario?

I think you are making a false equivalency since you are comparing single instant mistakes by 1-2 players 42 minutes in with overall skill level and gameplay mistakes over an extended 20+ minute period. The latter is what people are asking to be more important, right?


I thought you were talking about SeigO directly.

Imagine a situation where everyone becomes level 18 at 42 minutes in, and 1-2 minor positioning mistakes decides the entire game. I think this is what can easily happen, and what I am talking about.

Now imagine a situation where an entire 20-25 minutes of laning has been dominated by 1-2 players. Is it reasonable to expect this to lead to an advantage, and not feed into the aforementioned 42-minute scenario?

I think you are making a false equivalency since you are comparing single instant mistakes by 1-2 players 42 minutes in with overall skill level and gameplay mistakes over an extended 20+ minute period. The latter is what people are asking to be more important, right?

I see it as the same way as most sports. They're all team games. So throughout the game there can be a series of events that turn the tide for whichever way bringing you to a certain point. But it's always the very last few plays that everyone remembers to decide the outcome. The way the game is being played nowadays makes the later plays have more weight since games are like 45+ min marathons more times than not.


Sweet. Who do you like supporting with the most? Ya, there are always people who will complain about every little thing. Some of the time it's just in their nature, other times they could just be having a bad day.

Morgana is my favorite at the moment. She's really fun. I need to get some more support champions though and Lux is the first on my list.

I don't get upset at people who do it. It's pretty hilarious to say the least to see someone rage so hard for no reason whatsoever, so I laugh it off. I can't take people like that seriously. heh

you'll be a welcome addition to the good fight

never let adcs make you their bitch

you're not their bitch

you're a man

I make adc's my bitches. Shiet.


Morgana is my favorite at the moment. She's really fun. I need to get some more support champions though and Lux is the first on my list.

I don't get upset at people who do it. It's pretty hilarious to say the least to see someone rage so hard for no reason whatsoever, so I laugh it off. I can't take people like that seriously. heh

I make adc's my bitches. Shiet.

lux is not a very good support, she's fun but she's outclassed in poke, cc, damage and general utility by a lot of other supports

i'd try maybe lulu or karma if you like morg


This. I dominated wukong in lane, he was 2 levels behind at 1/4 with his tower gone. I was 4/2 and was pretty massive.

However, at that time bot lane was a combined 1/12, Lee had decided to sell his items for a Haunting Guise and Mejais and Yasuo was losing to AP EZ.

Cait alone finished 1/10 and Lee 3/15.

Like, what can I do here? How am I possibly supposed to use my advantage to carry the game?

switch to cod and call the nuke? I don't know how you expect a net 2 to be more rewarding than the net 11 without screwing bot.


I think having Braum on your team pretty much means you should invade. That lvl 1 invade is naaaasty.

Yep. Stupid good invades. Teams in general should invade more often. I've been watching lots of KR solo queue lately to pick up more jungle tricks. There's almost always a level 1 fight. Once I get more comfortable with my picks and I have a 90% certainty where their jungler will start, I'll be pushing for more invades as well.

Blizzard said:
I thought you were talking about SeigO directly.

Nah. I have an odd habit of writing like I would be speaking to someone in person, which is totally different obviously because people can pick up on body language, facial expressions. Bad habit that's gotten me into trouble several times in the LoL OTs alone. SeigO replied to me and got a bit snarky - justifiably so because it seemed like I did the same, though not intended.

I think you are making a false equivalency since you are comparing single instant mistakes by 1-2 players 42 minutes in with overall skill level and gameplay mistakes over an extended 20+ minute period. The latter is what people are asking to be more important, right?

I don't buy this line of reasoning because snowballing in prior seasons could easily result from a few mistakes. So it's not mistakes over a 20 minute period, it's one or two which could result in large advantages for the remainder of the game. I can't speak of others, but I'd rather a team game be decided in the teamfighting portion of the match, which means I'd rather late game plays/mistakes have a bigger influence that early game plays/mistakes.

And let's not lose sight of reality here either. Winning in the early game (first tower, first dragon) is still translating to something like a 70+% win rate in soloQ.

As I wrote in my edit, I think a huge part of the problem is a perception thing. Games aren't lasting significantly longer, but key moment of the match has been moved to the late game (i.e. 1-2 player derping in late game per your example) from the early game (snowballing lanes) and it makes losing harder, you don't have much time to resign yourself to the loss the way you do when a game is decided at the 15-20 minute mark. Even in real life sports, is it not pretty much a universal truth that it's harder to accept a loss that was decided by the last play than one that was decided by the half?

Would players be happier just sitting back and relaxing by the 15 minute mark because it's obvious who's going to win? Maybe.

zkylon said:
i'd try maybe lulu or karma if you like morg

And Zyra.

And with all I've written I've now spent the morning either A.) chatting it up with coworkers or B.) writing in this thread. Not a particularly productive day so far. Gurp.


Lol that caster from the NLB playoffs posted an apology on reddit

Hi guys, I am the guy who "casted" the NLB play offs. I am writing here to offer an apology for those who had to watch through that horrible cast.
I come from a casting background and I have casted a lot of games in Korean, but this was my first time doing it in English and on Twitch, and I was way too arrogant for a first timer. I thought I could count on my previous experience and just swing it, but I should have been more prepared. While "casting" I was shocked by my lack of knowledge of casting diction, and how unprofessional I was being. I even lashed out once on Twitch chat, which was a foolish mistake. I should have been more aware that most of the people watching the stream are not the ones telling me to just kill myself, but I let them get to my head and made all the other non-troll viewers pay for it. This was so unprofessional and unjust, I am deeply sorry for all those who had to watch that tragic stream.
I was so thrown off I didn't even pay attention to the game and made Game 3 pretty much an Locodoco interview. I have read some of the feedback here on reddit pointing out how I didn't seem to have any knowledge on League, and partially that is true, but I do have more insight to offer than what I have shown today. I promise you, things will get better.
I promise that things will get much better, and please, PLEASE give me some feedback (negative feedbacks are extremely welcomed. I need to learn.)
Much thanks to all of you.


from what I've seen this season a lot of ppl have gone up ranks without really "deserving to" that probably contributes to toxicity a good amount; ranks need redefinition


Interesting about the separate MMRs for Normal and Ranked. Makes sense why I get much better matches in Normals with mostly Gold/Platinum players. It's soooo nice.


the idea that you would get more out of winning a lane in higher level games compared to lower level games makes total sense and is something that should stick around
too many ppl already achieve high elo just by cheesing and winning lane by itself

reducing snowballing is a good thing, it puts the ability to win the game outside of overly aggressive all or nothing I'll kill u first plays in lane


from what I've seen this season a lot of ppl have gone up ranks without really "deserving to" that probably contributes to toxicity a good amount; ranks need redefinition

THIS. There were a lot of exploitable moments in the season and ranks still need to normalize a bit.

I am enjoying ranked again while working on my typing speed. Gotta pass out those notes to team if i want to win.


dont take the bandage off tho
also obviously everyone who is at their elo is there for a reason, i dun wanna say something against that
like da us, league is not a meritocracy, but you are at ur place due to an amalgamation of events so
apparently the super good technique is to change your mentality from "play to win" to "play to learn". take every game as a learning experience and try and not care too much about the result (you know, tryhard but don't go crazy if you lose) and that apparently helps with the grind

That's something a friend of mine told me REALLY early on when I was still super cautious about going into PvP. Each game isn't an ending, it's another step in the learning process. Learn something from every match about your character or your matchups.

Last night I was way ahead of the rest of my team as Jinx and racking up kills like crazy. As a result, I accidentally ended up KSing a few kills my teammates could have used to get money (and boy did I hear about it) to help balance the scales.

We ended up losing the game, and while the statistics show that personally did pretty great, I learned a lot about how I could've helped the team dynamic and possibly helped win the game.


dont take the bandage off tho
also obviously everyone who is at their elo deserves to be there, i dun wanna say something against that

I got that liquid bandage stuff and took it off. Using a stiff pointer click instead of a bended one and its working out for now. I dont want to say people deserve or dont deserve a rank but I will say things are still smoothing out.
I refound my love for syndra and rumble so top/mid are my focus. My elise is no longer garbage but my lee sin needs work. Teach me closer senpai.
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