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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Really bad league themed game on windows phone




Thanks guys. I've taken everything you've said into consideration and decided on my new main.

But seriously, thanks. I do think the problem might be that I play too many different champs and dont really main a specific lane. I'll probably start focusing on a certain role with a couple champs. It's less fun tbh, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

The general ELO climb formula I've found is that you play something with extremely high damage potential that still has options for self peeling. Examples are Ziggs, Orianna, and Vayne. The point also however, is to pick a champion that feels fun to play for you. If you don't do this, it's gonna be hard to really dedicate yourself to it.

So the point of picking the super high damage carry is that you can do all the damage to the enemy, so no matter if your bot lane does no damage or whatever, you can still do the damage if you're playing well. For example, if you have a few damage items on Orianna, get their squishies in a good ult and then QW, they will most likely die the next round of QWs. If they jump you, you can shield yourself and run away with W. If your team is doing nothing but being meat shields, you can still shred their team with QWs. Using this way, someone like Zed would be less proficient at carrying because even if you delete one person, unless you can delete every other person on their team shortly afterwards, you're relying on your team to do the rest. And relying on your team is not something you would want to do in solo queue. Especially in the lower elos where whether your team knows what the heck they're doing is like rolling a die.

The other part is forcing your own strategy on your team. So many games I see the teams just doing nothing because they have no idea what to do after laning phase ends. Start calling objectives, telling your team to group, pinging like crazy and such. Keep forcing this to them, because most players won't respond to only mild encouragement, but make sure you aren't annoying. Try to command your team because no matter how strong you are, you'll still have to rely on your team in one way or another, unless you are fed Jax and can 1 v 5 their team.

The last thing is not to surrender too early. I'm not sure if you do this, but basically everyone in lower elo has tons of trouble closing out a game unless it's a complete stomp. Most of the times they even get super confident and can be picked off with good teamwork. In the lategame now, even if you're behind, one or two kills that can pop up randomly with good vision can win you the game. Still, some games just cannot be won, if your team is raging/afking and the enemy Master Yi is 15/0 with good engagers, it might be time to throw in the towel. But never underestimate the power of comebacks in this game. Sometimes the key to winning more is simply to refuse to lose more.

These are just the strategies I've found to climb ELO. There must be countless more but this personally works for me and I hope it helps.


Yo, those sprites are from a game I played a long ass time ago but I can't remember what it's called. You could play multiplayer and it was a sidescroller. We played it because you could take the sprite sheet and change what a character looks like. Anyone know what it's called?

For something league related I got my first legit penta kill this weekend. It was with Teemo, hahahahahaha.
I think the thing about Trundle is I'd just rather have him in the top lane.
Yeah, I agree. You can easily out trade a lot of other AD melee with your Q and attack speed steroid. You also have a lot of sustain with your passive with all the minions.
I'd rather have it the other way around, personally. Not that top Trundle isn't good; he manhandles a large chunk of regular melee champions, but he has several blatant weaknesses that can be exploited there to the point you only really want to pick him when you can already see who on the enemy team will be occupying the top lane. He's going to have a worse time than most against the likes of Ryze, Karma, Quinn, Elise or Lissandra because he will not be able to touch them, and his lane sustain (in the early levels) is nowhere near good enough to negate all their harrass either. Although you can say that top Trundle is no slouch at whittling down towers even when behind, I'd prefer to have him pressure the map as a jungler to make the most out of said strength. Never mind that when jungling, he can justify maxing his Pillar second after Q - you only need to put more points in W in a farm-off race vs enemies like Shyvanna - for the (counter-)ganks, improved objective control and for more effective sieging at a faster rate (thanks to the significantly lowered cooldown). He's a force when invading the enemy jungle too, whenever that opportunity presents itself.

Unless he's an ideal 'counter-pick' vs someone like Jax or Shyvanna, shoving him in top lane just limits his potential given his shortcomings.

Also, support is the worst role to climb elo. Don't do it. Don't be like me. Learn to play true carry roles if you want to advance fast. I'd recommend anything but bot lane.
Supporting is fine starting from Gold II - I. Prior to that it's a nightmare with how inconsistent players are.


The general ELO climb formula I've found is that you play something with extremely high damage potential that still has options for self peeling. Examples are Ziggs, Orianna, and Vayne.
I'm guessing you don't play ranked all that often? Play Vayne as a situational pick rarely.


League of Legends |OT7| Premade Bot

The favorite in return. In all seriousness, just about every premade bot I've ever seen in ranked has failed hilariously much. Except me and my pal of course, we nearly always win lane.
We win especially hard against enemy premade bots, hue hue hue.

Carrying from support often mean making calls and feeding other people kills on a silver platter, getting good engages and predicting what the opponents plan to do. Since you don't have to farm all day, you can often spend more time on the minimap and try to figure out what the opponents do.


I'm guessing you don't play ranked all that often?

One of the other things I've found in low ELO is that it doesn't matter what the counterpicks and such are, what matters more at this level is if you are better than the enemy. What you just need is enough damage to kill the enemy team afterwards, and some form of protecting yourself so you don't get jumped by the entire enemy team. Vayne fits those even if she might be more difficult to do so than with other champions.

And while I myself do not play Vayne in ranked, my friend plays her a ton and I've spectated many of his games. What I saw was that he outfarmed the enemy ADC basically every single time, and the enemy ADC didn't try to go aggressive unless something like a blitz hook happened, which it hardly ever did because he used tumble well. The enemy ADC didn't try to auto him as he last hit and he had a free farm lane almost every game. I mean sure, he had to deal with harass as well, but it was nothing unmanageable. This is not to say that this happened every game, but it happened more often than it didn't. After laning phase, he simply shot people and killed them while tumbling away/condemning people who jumped him. This is high Silver btw.

I'm not saying that this works at every ELO, if my previous post made it seem that way then that was not the intention. This is solely for low ELO, because it relies on the enemy players being less skilled than the player.


One of the other things I've found in low ELO is that it doesn't matter what the counterpicks and such are, what matters more at this level is if you are better than the enemy. What you just need is enough damage to kill the enemy team afterwards, and some form of protecting yourself so you don't get jumped by the entire enemy team. Vayne fits those even if she might be more difficult to do so than with other champions.

And while I myself do not play Vayne in ranked, my friend plays her a ton and I've spectated many of his games. What I saw was that he outfarmed the enemy ADC basically every single time, and the enemy ADC didn't try to go aggressive unless something like a blitz hook happened, which it hardly ever did because he used tumble well. The enemy ADC didn't try to auto him as he last hit and he had a free farm lane almost every game. I mean sure, he had to deal with harass as well, but it was nothing unmanageable. This is not to say that this happened every game, but it happened more often than it didn't. After laning phase, he simply shot people and killed them while tumbling away/condemning people who jumped him. This is high Silver btw.

I'm not saying that this works at every ELO, if my previous post made it seem that way then that was not the intention. This is solely for low ELO, because it relies on the enemy players being less skilled than the player.



One of the other things I've found in low ELO is that it doesn't matter what the counterpicks and such are, what matters more at this level is if you are better than the enemy. What you just need is enough damage to kill the enemy team afterwards, and some form of protecting yourself so you don't get jumped by the entire enemy team. Vayne fits those even if she might be more difficult to do so than with other champions.

And while I myself do not play Vayne in ranked, my friend plays her a ton and I've spectated many of his games. What I saw was that he outfarmed the enemy ADC basically every single time, and the enemy ADC didn't try to go aggressive unless something like a blitz hook happened, which it hardly ever did because he used tumble well. The enemy ADC didn't try to auto him as he last hit and he had a free farm lane almost every game. I mean sure, he had to deal with harass as well, but it was nothing unmanageable. This is not to say that this happened every game, but it happened more often than it didn't. After laning phase, he simply shot people and killed them while tumbling away/condemning people who jumped him. This is high Silver btw.

I'm not saying that this works at every ELO, if my previous post made it seem that way then that was not the intention. This is solely for low ELO, because it relies on the enemy players being less skilled than the player.
Just so you know, he's getting away with it only because he is facing terrible opponents. Vayne has the worst laning phase of any adc and is essentially a liability to the team until/if she gets fed since she can barely contribute anything before that. If your friend get fed with Vayne he could probably get even more fed with someone else, as it would be possible to win lane even harder than just farming and being happy with that.



Well to be fair, it's not like most low ELO players can use a relatively high skill floor champion well. If you assume that the majority of Silver players actually belong in Silver, it's not hard to see why that would happen. As I said, all this assumes that you are better than your league, it's just a tool to try to help you abuse it by extending your impact when you win your lane.

Just so you know, he's getting away with it only because he is facing terrible opponents. Vayne has the worst laning phase of any adc and is essentially a liability to the team until/if she gets fed since she can barely contribute anything before that. If your friend get fed with Vayne he could probably get even more fed with someone else, as it would be possible to win lane even harder than just farming and being happy with that.

Point taken. The initial point was just to find someone high damage with decent self-peel and Vayne fit that. I'm probably not versed enough in Vayne to get into an in-depth argument of her lane matchups and such.
it depends on where you play her.

if you're playing her bot then BT, PD, LW, IE (aka standard ADC) is what you want

if you're playing her mid I like the assassin burst build the most; BotRK, Shiv, Ghostblade, LW, IE

If you go top you can get a BotRK, LW and a Randuin's, and follow that with maybe an IE or BC depending on what you want.

she's probably one of the most flexible marksmen in terms of position and different build paths.


it depends on where you play her.

if you're playing her bot then BT, PD, LW, IE (aka standard ADC) is what you want

if you're playing her mid I like the assassin burst build the most; BotRK, Shiv, Ghostblade, LW, IE

If you go top you can get a BotRK, LW and a Randuin's, and follow that with maybe an IE or BC depending on what you want.

she's probably one of the most flexible marksmen in terms of position and different build paths.

Is everyone building BotRK now? I figure it's because of the bruiser meta right now, making an armor shred item core for any competent ADC.

Also, my early vote for next OT:

League of Legends |OT7| We're not (that) Toxic


For Katarina, my items are a little bit situational, but usually I go Haunting Guise, Sorcerer's boots, Deathfire Grasp, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, and Zhonya's Hourglass. If you have leftover gold, go ahead and upgrade Haunting Guide to Liandry's Torment.

For runes, I go 9 magic pen marks, 9 armor seals, 9 AP glyphs, and 3 AP quints. You can do 9 hybrid pen marks if you want, but I just do straight up magic pen.

Lots of people max her Q as quickly as possible, but I generally put a point in between the Q and W back and forth and max the E last. I like bringing W up with the Q so that her burst combo hits a bit harder when you Q, E, W, someone in laning. It forces them to stay back a bit, which is helpful against the casters.
Thanks. I think that people drilled ALWAYS maxing W as quickly as possible into me, with the result that I tend to be really bad at CS early, and play extremely passively if there are champions I can't get in range of except to bounce Q.

I do rather miss the old random bouncing Q though. Now, smart enemies can just avoid the Q by staying away from minions while farming at a range.


Premade bot is the worst thing you can do. You are better off solo. Duo one bot + someone other lane is good, as long as you're in similar skill levels.
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