Stone Ocean
Congrats Newt
Now challenger time
Now challenger time
He's 12/5/11 lolWatching nightblue try so hard to make the squished bug work but it ain't happening
Watching nightblue try so hard to make the squished bug work but it ain't happening
He's 12/5/11 lol
I would hardly call an assassin playing like one getting Olaf'dSo sadOlaf'd? Or just irrelevant now?
I just started watching. He seems to be doing good but no more engaging.. just clean up duty.
farm the other jungler's stuff and prevent him from getting farm
i guess it's not like every jungler is particularly good at that tho
He is getting these by cleaning up and doing nothing in team fights
He melts to anyone
Score doesn't mean much when a fed as hell kha with 6 items can't kill a tristana with only 2 complete items
here's a couple of em
number 4 is my favorite
Lol really?He is getting these by cleaning up and doing nothing in team fights
He melts to anyone
Score doesn't mean much when a fed as hell kha with 6 items can't kill a tristana with only 2 complete items
Newt always finish his league promo on the first try. I hope you get vileroze next time.
I dream of the day Newt gets challenger by out-dravening fabbbyyy
I don't know who that is.out draven MrRalleZ
I don't know who that is.
He's the adc for the SUPA HOT CREW
Ugh maybe a black cleaver. You should try out glass cannon Renekton. Go (holy shit I forgot this items name, it's the one before Ghostblade, the double long sword item) -> BT -> Ghostblade -> phantom dancer or last whisper -> get the other one of the two -> frozen mallet. Last time I went this , I absolutely destroyed a Ryze top. I went an early magic resist hood and turned it into an SV because they had double AP. This build pretty much almost one shot any squishy with 50 fury W.Ended up buying Renekton last night. I only got one game in, but I think i'll like him. I spent the game trying to get an idea of how aggressive I could be in fights. I went like 7/7/15 because I'd go too far in without my team backing me up. Small stuff like that which I can correct the more I play.
I went hydra -> randuins -> spirit visage. I liked the burst I could put out with e-w-q-hydra-e.
Sometimes I see people go with brutalizer instead of tiamat.
It's probably better if I go tanky after the damage item, but how many more damage items could I really get away with in soloq?
Ugh maybe a black cleaver. You should try out glass cannon Renekton. Go (holy shit I forgot this items name, it's the one before Ghostblade, the double long sword item) -> BT -> Ghostblade -> phantom dancer or last whisper -> get the other one of the two -> frozen mallet. Last time I went this , I absolutely destroyed a Ryze top. I went an early magic resist hood and turned it into an SV because they had double AP. This build pretty much almost one shot any squishy with 50 fury W.
He's the adc for the SUPA HOT CREW
i don't know what that is.
Reading up on Fizz builds, I'm seeing some building Lich Bane and Sheen.
First off, congrats to you, Newt. Do GAF proud.
I did have a little question for LeagueGAF, though: I'm an ADC who primarily runs Ashe (as I'm learning the ins and outs of Sivir right now and planning to pick up either Vayne or Cait in the future) and while I'm content to say I'm doing well with her, I always feel like there could be some improvement in my Ashe build to make her even stronger.
I usually end up going for Greaves+Avarice Blade+Vampiric Scepter first, then Shiv (via Avarice Blade for the little extra gold on top of Hawkshot), then Infinity Edge, Bloodthirstier, Banshee's Veil and if the game's not over, Last Whisper or another item I might need depending on the enemy's builds. I usually try to prioritize getting her attack and speed up as quickly as possible, as with a good support and not letting myself jump too far in like I used to, I can survive pretty well.
I've had some success with that build, and I usually end up with more assists than I know what to do with (I think the most I've pulled off in a single match was 24), but I'm wondering if I can improve upon it. I've tried out Phantom Dancer in this build with Ashe and it hasn't noticeably helped me out, though I've had that suggested to me before. So I'm wondering if there's anything that I'm overlooking build-wise and should be considering, or whether I ought to be building health before going after the Infinity Edge.
Believe in the MF.
...either Vayne...
Cait is a safe pick with nice, predictable damage but there are simply better ADCs at the minute in the form of Draven, Jinx, Lucian and Twitch. If you're really set on Cait, Jinx is probably a better option....or Cait...
Yeah, Ashe's passive guarantee the first Shiv proc in a fight will always crit.I think SS>PD on Ashe, since it synergizes real well with her passive
Was it the BD Nasus game?I don't know if any of you guys watch him, but I was in Trick2g's subwars last night. Legendary bronze game
I don't know if any of you guys watch him, but I was in Trick2g's subwars last night. Legendary bronze game
Was it the BD Nasus game?
Yeah, Ashe's passive guarantee the first Shiv proc in a fight will always crit.
You really cant go wrong as long as you stay away from vayne. We can mostly agree on that
Oh yeah, just one extra thing regarding builds, Last Whisper needs to be your third damage item at the latest always.Haha, I'll make sure to stay away from her. You guys have sure made that clear!
Botrk -> PD -> LW.Unless you're Vayne that is, but you already go the "stay away from her" suggestion.
Vayne gets to build whatever she feels like third.Botrk -> PD -> LW.
they're not's nice to see a lot of new faces in LoLGAF
Oh yeah, just one extra thing regarding builds, Last Whisper needs to be your third damage item at the latest always.
It's not just for stacking armor, champions' natural armor from levels will already gimp your damage big time. LW needs to always be your third item at most - some builds have it second - so you can keep your damage maxed at all stages of the game.
Unless you're Vayne that is, but you already go the "stay away from her" suggestion.