fucking adcs man
enemy team i guess had a troll or something so they decide to make enemy thresh adc lane by himself while our top gets 2v1'd. we shit on thresh ofc, we get a good countergank and lucian's got like 3 kills already. leona finally decides to support and plays overaggressive and even more kills for lucian. we get drag.
we finally take down the turret.
our fizz's been struggling all game long and renek was 2v1 so he wasn't having a good time either. great time to go help our team and push our advantage mid with our fed adcarry and win the game, right?
nope, all fucking game long he had to splitpush bot. he once 3v1'd and killed them all but that only worked once. after that he died and died and died. two free dragons later, half our turrets down and he's now whining about no peel
400 minions and 24 kills, heal, a support with 4 defensive items plus exhaust (and i'm fucking nami) and you still can't fucking position properly. not like lucian is fucking broken and enemy team has thresh for adc so only thing you need to do for us to win teamfights is not get killed!
fuck you xf3jaklfjakfj whatever
sincerely zkylon
ps: dat fizz build
Biggest nerf might be the loss of damage reduction on R. That'll really force Kha'Zix players to pick their spots in teamfights much more so than now. The Q changes seem like they'll hit him harder vs. tanky targets or squishies during the mid-game. Numbers on new Q seem more than ample enough to still pop a squishy late game if you can get to them.
yup, ult change and % health being moved to scaling off your bonus ad so no more bruiser-y kha i imagine
good riddance
Nida is going to become Rengar now.
i predict nida turning into a broken jungler after the rework
at least they're fixing the spear hitbox