Had day off Monday, decided to join the bandwagon and try Miss Fortune while she was free. I'm sure this is going to go we...
Derp. I have no idea. It took me 3 games to realise Q could hit a champion if you aimed at a minion in the backline. Just didn't get on with her for whatever reason. I have same problem with Varus - love the kit but just don't get on with them (although at least with him it is down to not liking the AA, can never last hit with it.
So I decided to go back to support like I normally do for a bit. Thresh free week though, so wanted to try something a little different. Something a little more...fabulous.
I...well...ok then. I don't think anyone at my level knows what he actually does. I forgot his autos reduce the cooldown on his abilities myself. I don't know if I would take him into ranked (or play ranked full stop, too stressful) but everything seems to be coming up outrageous.
I would also like to point out my lane partner in the one game I lost. Yep, just like clockwork.